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Get Mercedes Martinez in on that shit to show dem bitches how to WORK, and maybe I'll be interested.


...yes, I'm extremely biased towards Mercedes, since she is awesome.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Oh yeah...she's the one that had a couple brutal matches with Ian Rotten, right?




No, that's Mickie Knuckles, who I really wish would get around to more places besides IWA & Chikara.


Agreed, even though I think she's kind of overpushed in IWA, Mickie is awesome.


Actually, just looking at their roster, they have a few girls that are pretty damn good, Cheerleader Melissa, Tracy Brooks, Sarah Stock and Nattie Neidhart are all good workers and i've heard that LuFisto is quite good too. Even Lexie Fyfe has decent matches every now and then.

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Results from the FIRST Supergirls show. We are a little short rostered here, so alot of girls did double duty.


Show starts off with #1 ECCW heel Scotty Mac coming out and braggin that this was all his doing because he was the one who discovered the best Supergirl of them all, YOUR Supergirls champion, Rebecca Knox! Good promo to get everyone excited.


Belle Lovitz defeated Tiffany by devious means. Quick, fun match. Generic, but Belle is a pretty charismatic girl. She plays an annoying small girls who runs away from everything.


Lufisto defeated Pyro in pretty well a squash, as it should be. Lufisto was entertaining. Pyro...not so much.


Samantha Slides defeated Madison with a powerbomb after her second, Ladies Choice, threw salt in Madison's eyes. Crowd was REALLY into Madison, after her 18 month break from wrestling because of health problems. Match was alright. Slides isn't that great, and Madison was pretty good despite the break. Ladies Choice and Slides continue to beat down Madison after the bell until Fast Freddy Funk comes for the same. You can see where this is going for the next show...


Nattie Neidhart defeated Cheerleader Melissa with the Sharpshooter after interference from Belle Lovitz. God, Nattie sounds like her dad when she yells. It's scary. Anywho, didn't really like this one too much, mainly because I don't like Nattie too much. Anyways, Melissa and Tiffany, who came down to try to stop Belle from interfering, challenge the two Stampede girls to a match, which is intially denied but later accepted.




Promos with Nattie, Belle, Melissa, and Tiffany. The people who are running the show are trying to sell this to local TV channels for a 4 week trial, so this was the "opening" interview for the 2nd week's show. Pretty boring, although I do get a kick out of Belle.


Madison and Fast Freddy Funk defeated Ladies Choice and Samantha Slides via a sunset powerbomb from Madison to Slides. Weird, weird match. Okay, here's a scenerio: you have an average sized male wrestler with an average sized female wrestler as your heels and an about average sized female wrestler with a big, fat male wrestler as your faces. Who's your face in peril? Well, if you said the big fat male wrestler, who sold for the average sized female heel like she was an average sized male wrestler, you are right! It wasn't a bad match or anything, just extremely weird.


Rebecca Knox defeated Lufisto, and retained the Supergirls Title, after a powerbomb through a table thanks to Scotty Mac in the MOTN. A very, very good match. I just loved it. Knox and Lufisto are both such quirky wrestlers that this worked. Lots of near falls at the end, and fun mat wrestling in the beginning. Both girls were just hitting and chopping the CRAP out of each other. Knox's chest and back were beet red by the end on this.


Cheerleader Melissa and Tiffany defeated Nattie Neidhart and Belle Lovitz in the main event. This was an awful choice as the main event, especially after the good and heat-filled Knox/Lufisto match. Boring match with a relative hot finish. Underwelming way to end the evening.


I'll post tomorrow's results, well, tomorrow.

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If I were running a Womens Wrestling Show, I would do it in a 60's-70's exploitation/Russ Meyers way. Call it "Cold Hard Lady-Bitches" or "Pro Wrestling Pussycats" or "Foxy Fighting Femme Fatals" or something. Feature really bad acting, lots of cleavage and boobie bouncin, and chicks who want to get drunk, cuss, kick-ass and fuck... and not always in that order... along with pristine ladies who end up having to face this corrupt, lurid, amazon-filled world and may or may not be consumed by it.


CC, next show you go to, find the owner and bring this up.

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Anyways, some quick Day 2 results:


Card opens with Rebecca Knox and Scotty claiming how Knox is the best, blah blah blah. Got the crowd all riled up with Knox claiming that the other girls just "can't touch this" (her theme music is MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This", by the way). Funny moment when Scotty said that if the crowd cheers just loud enough, he just might take his shirt off and Knox just might debut her new dance move (part of her gimmick is that she is an awful, awful dancer).


Opening match saw an intergender match with Madison and Tisoy defeating Ice and Pyro. Gender wasn't much of an issue here, because Pyro's a bulky girl and could realistically handle Tisoy and Ice is a fucking pick, so him getting throw around by Madison wasn't all to unrealistic. Fun match which saw the finish being Madison pinning Ice after a missle dropkick.


Lufisto defeated Belle Lovitz after some botched interference from Nattie Neidhart. Another fun match. Sidenote: I love how a good number of girls were such chatterboxes in the ring (Belle, Knoxx, Madison, Slides and Nattie). It's a great way to get the crowd involved. Anywho, Lufisto put away Belle with a tilt-a-whirl sideslam.


Samantha Slides defeated Tiffany in a mediocre match. The finish was a facecrusher after interference from Ladies Choice. The upside is that LC and Slides are pretty funny. Didn't make the match any better though.


Rebecca Knox retained her title versus Cheerleader Melissa after some Scotty Mac interference. Good match, especially the latter half. Knox had a couple of swank mat wrestling counters. After the match, Tiffany came down to save Melissa from further beatdown and got on the mic, after Knox and Mac powdered, saying how she is sick and tired of men interfering in matches and she and Melissa challenge Scotty Mac and Ladies Choice to a tag match.




Scotty and Ladies Choice come out and make a bunch 'o sexist comments, which promts Melissa and Tiffany out. Battle of the Sexes tag match is set for tonight.


Nattie Neidhart defeated Lufisto with a German Suplex with distractions from Belle in a hard hitting match.


Rebecca Knox defeated Madison with a little help from the ropes in a good match that could have been better. The second half wasn't what it should be, but the first half was excellent. There was no Scotty interference here as he was sent to the back before the match started.


In the main event, Tiffany and Melissa (who are named "Girls Gone Wrestling". Clever...) defeated Scotty and Ladies Choice when Lufisto came out and put Scotty Mac through a table for revenge of last night. Sloppy on the girl's end of the match. I don't think this should have been the main event, but I digress.

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