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Guest Fook

The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

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Guest *KNK*
If this was a PPV match then it wouldnt have been the best of finishes, but hell its on free tv... and the best thing we've had or will likely have all night


Another example of fans being so easily willing to swallow this stuff.


"Hey's it's free tv, so it's all they really needed to give us. I'm fine with it".


I'm NOT fine with WWE insulting me with doing a spot they done over a hundred times. Kudos to a good sell from the two and decent acting from Ross to put over the spot but jeers to the writers, bookers and wrestlers for resorting to a boring and un-original finish to something that was supposed to be an all-out war.

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Guest JMA

Cena has a tough act to follow. The crowd isn't really digging him as much as they normally do.

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You people are WAY to easily statisfied.


A bump off the stage about 8 feet onto the  "electricial" booth shouldn't be impressing you.


The brawl was good, great even, although bits of "wrestling" slipped in, something I HATE in street fights, more so in ones in this element.


The horribly contrived finish almost ruined it...but the crowd did seem back into it and Matt's heat might be salavaged now.


ANd you complain WAY too much, seriously if it's bugging you that much turn off your TV and take a walk outside, if the show bores me I find something else to entertain me, and I'm so sorry I actually enjoyed that match, I hope you accept my most HUMBLE apology...


Oh by the way I was being sarcastic :-D


I enjoyed the match, that was good for the most part. The finish is an entirely different situation. It was supposed to be a intense "legit" fight and yet it plays out to end in the traditional WWE finish.


How thrilling.


Well if it were a REAL streetfight it'd last 2 minutes after Matt or Edge hit the other in the ribs with a lead pipe. I mean if you really wanted it to feel real, that's how it should've gone.

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Guest Jim Ross
If this was a PPV match then it wouldnt have been the best of finishes, but hell its on free tv... and the best thing we've had or will likely have all night


Another example of fans being so easily willing to swallow this stuff.


"Hey's it's free tv, so it's all they really needed to give us. I'm fine with it".


I'm NOT fine with WWE insulting me with doing a spot they done over a hundred times. Kudos to a good sell from the two and decent acting from Ross to put over the spot but jeers to the writers, bookers and wrestlers for resorting to a boring and un-original finish to something that was supposed to be an all-out war.



I know where your coming from sir.. but given recent WWE standards i enjoyed that more than most other segments

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The bump was done poorly. They should have done some sort of dramatic pause, with Hardy yelling something about "taking Edge to hell with him". That bump has been played already, so just doing the bump itself doesn't mean a whole lot.


Now _that_ would have been contrived...I liked how they did it. It seemed more real (well, as real as a fall of a stage in wrestling can...)


Actually, it would have made perfect sense given his promo. You know, logic and all that. It's as simple as having Hardy realize where they were and that he was in a position to seriously fuck up Edge. But hey, why follow up on a promo the guy did 5 minutes before the match?

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Is it just me or does the production and the overall image of the show seem...I dunno, a lot more fresh tonight? Sure they are rehashing some story writing and the such, but it's still somewhat different.

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Guest JMA

I really wish the "What?" chants would end. Is there even any meaning behind it any more?

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Guest *KNK*

Here's another example of what's wrong with WWE.


John Cena's character becomes more and more bland by the minute.


He used to be edgy, someone who made you interested but now he's a Hulk Hogan sketch.


It's not a bad move for Business but unlike Hogan, Cena doesn't have the same charisma to mask the declining appeal of his character. The crowd finally turned on Hogan and they will for Cena.

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So what if they've done this finish before? It's still awesome.

Thank you.

No problem.


I swear, some of you people are impossible to please.



Impossible to please? I'm sorry I have standards. You may like lowered standards. That's your right. I'm not impressed by them resorting to a generic and played out spot to add "drama" to this feud.


It has nothing to do with my supposed desire "to see this angle fail". I hated this spot the other 100 times it was done.


Isn't Matt a creative guy? He should have suggested something more original then a Rock bottom onto the staged electrictial booth that was no more then 10 feet below them and clearly padded.

I really don't care anymore. If my standards are low, so are plenty of others here. Don't get pissed off because people liked it.


More likely, the WWE / RAW has been mediocre for so long, a contrived finish such as that one is considered exciting and enjoyable.

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If this was a PPV match then it wouldnt have been the best of finishes, but hell its on free tv... and the best thing we've had or will likely have all night


Another example of fans being so easily willing to swallow this stuff.


"Hey's it's free tv, so it's all they really needed to give us. I'm fine with it".


I'm NOT fine with WWE insulting me with doing a spot they done over a hundred times. Kudos to a good sell from the two and decent acting from Ross to put over the spot but jeers to the writers, bookers and wrestlers for resorting to a boring and un-original finish to something that was supposed to be an all-out war.


In all honesty it sound to me that your sick of their programing and direction, so you should stop watching, there are alternatives. When I get bored or lose complete interest in a show I stop watching (like ER or NYPD Blue)

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Guest JMA

It's hard for me to get into this feud when I know it's just a setup for Triple H vs. Cena.

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Kurt's been on a role of awesomeness as of late.


LOL at Jerry making a Suge Knight getting shot reference.

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Guest *KNK*

It's a shame they didn't even bother to use continunity and remind us that Cena made his debut agaisnt Angle 2 years ago.


They have wrestled 10 times on Smackdown and they act like this is the first time they have ever talked face to face.

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Guest Showstoppa Icon

Cena looks like a 10 year old on steroids with his hair like that

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Great, homophobia. That's just what we need right now.


I hate Cena.

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Guest JMA
Why is it that the faces never go after a running away heel?

Good question. I have a theory that wrestlers become less intelligent and lose all common sense when they turn face.

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