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TNA 3 Pack at Wal-Mart

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I tried looking for it yesterday at my Wal-Mart, but couldn't find it. Not even a tag. I tried looking on bestbuy.com and walmart.com for it, but couldn't find it. I even looked on the TNA website, but couldn't find it. Where are you guys finding it online? Thanks for the help.

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I tried looking for it yesterday at my Wal-Mart, but couldn't find it. Not even a tag. I tried looking on bestbuy.com and walmart.com for it, but couldn't find it. I even looked on the TNA website, but couldn't find it. Where are you guys finding it online? Thanks for the help.



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I finally found this at a WalMart tonight, and of course bought it. I totally forgot about this specific store, it's pretty new, so that's that. I checked pretty much every WalMart within 50 miles of where I live and I only found one that had this set.


Anyway, I'm glad I finally found it. I can't wait to sit down and watch all of these shows.

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According to USPS mine should be arriving today. Hopefully everything is in good shape.

I'll be crossing my fingers for ya! I ordered them again so hopefully the second time they wont be all scratched......

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TNA has done an abysmal job of marketing these DVDs. Most of the franchises that are supposed to be carrying the DVDs have never even heard of NWA-TNA.


Tried a Super WalMart in upstate NY for this 3 Pack. They had no idea what I was talking about. Obviously from seeing what many of you have had to say, you've had the same bad luck.


Tried a Best Buy in Brooklyn for the Best of AJ Styles and the Best of the X-Division. The web page said they had it in stock, but they told me they didn't hear about getting any shipments in. Well, that ain't good.


Tried a FYE in Brooklyn for, again, the AJ Styles and the X-Division DVDs. Again, while the web page said they received a shipment of it, the employees there had no idea what TNA was. These DVDs are clearly not accessible to the average customer.


These aren't exactly tiny rural markets either. TNA really needs to get their shit together, more so at this time than any other. I've never really followed the federation before now, but I have specifically gone out of my way to buy these DVDs several times and have come away empty-handed. They're shooting themselves in the foot with this right now.

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TNA has done an abysmal job of marketing these DVDs. Most of the franchises that are supposed to be carrying the DVDs have never even heard of NWA-TNA.


Tried a Super WalMart in upstate NY for this 3 Pack. They had no idea what I was talking about. Obviously from seeing what many of you have had to say, you've had the same bad luck.


Tried a Best Buy in Brooklyn for the Best of AJ Styles and the Best of the X-Division. The web page said they had it in stock, but they told me they didn't hear about getting any shipments in. Well, that ain't good.


Tried a FYE in Brooklyn for, again, the AJ Styles and the X-Division DVDs. Again, while the web page said they received a shipment of it, the employees there had no idea what TNA was. These DVDs are clearly not accessible to the average customer.


These aren't exactly tiny rural markets either. TNA really needs to get their shit together, more so at this time than any other. I've never really followed the federation before now, but I have specifically gone out of my way to buy these DVDs several times and have come away empty-handed. They're shooting themselves in the foot with this right now.



There is one problem with what you're saying. It's not TNA who is putting them out to the stores. It's the distribution company (I forgot their name) who has the problem. TNA supplies the product to the distribution company, then the distribution company gets it out to the stores so if there are any delays or low inventory, it's the distributor's fault, unless the supplier (TNA) doesn't get the product to the distributor in the first place

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RedJed..did you have to sign for yours? It didnt come yesterday and I checked the site and it said I wasent here to sign for it at 5:15 pm last night. I didnt choose for UPS, did they put delivery confirmation on?


Now I'm fucked because the post office is closed until Tuesday.



Edit: And I cant even find the slip they said they left.

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Guest MikeSC

FINALLY found their DVD's (local ghetto Best Buy had them).


Some thoughts:


1) Bare bones, but that's how I like it. The biggest beef I had with their originals was the guys doing pointless interviews during the matches. That is gone. The Best of the X Division has pretty well changed all of the matches from the original Best of X Division DVD to consist of matches from the start of the monthly PPV era --- but none of the choices are bad at all.


2) Some insert of some sort would be nice. The inside of the case is just the discs and nothing else.


3) Perhaps stretch the timeframe of matches a little more. True, 2004 was not a banner year for the X Division (they had some tedious stretches), but there was some good stuff.

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Got mine..same thing as RedJed..


They are scratched to shit but they seem to be working...


Good to hear they are all working, I should be getting my second round soon - we'll see what happens.


Almost picked up Best of X Division Vol 1 from Best Buy, can anyone suggest a yay or nay on it?

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I was at the mall and stumbled upon all four of the recently released DVDs at Sam Goody (AJ, X Div, Hardy, Raven) and though they were 24.99 each (fugging SG, jacking up the damn prices a million percent) I picked up the Raven DVD, and since I never got to order any of the weekly PPVs, all this is new to me and I am loving it. It's just too bad they don't have Raven's title win on there, it only goes through his match with Sabu.

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Got the 3 pack in the mail today, no problems this time with loose discs in the boxes. Watched Victory Road so far, definately worth it to throw $20 down on this set.

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Guest JesusJuiced

For some reason, they updated the AJ and Raven covers but left Hardy's the same bar a different font.

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Finally found the 3pck at Walmart, I'll try to get through some of it but I'm picking up the Batman Anthology tomorrow (I got to hear Shumacher try and befend Batman & Robin) so I'm be going through a lot of it tomorrow.

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