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Honky Tonk Man rejects WWE "legends" deal

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Not sure if this was already posted, if so than disregard it.


Fans, last year WW"e" contacted The Honky Tonk Man and about using his name and likeness for video games and action figures. HTM directed his representative to negotiate terms with the WW"e" contact agent.


Thereafter the WW"e" provided a proposed "contract" that had absolutely nothing to do with video games or action figures. Instead it was a bait and switch for what the WW"e" termed the "nostalgia" program. A short time later that program evolved into what the WW"e" now calls the "Legends" program. The "contract" was nothing more than a copy of the present day WW"e" pro forma talent contract. It read like slavery and no one in his right mind would sign it.


Sadly, there are those who have.


HTM's representative then contacted the WW"e" agent and asked what happened to video games and action figures, and what all the other BS was doing in there. The reply consisted of ridiculous non-answers. A few days later HTM had the "contract" rewritten to reflect its original purposes and sent to the WW"e." Thereafter, WW"e" vice president Ed Cohen, who never talked to HTM or his representative regarding any of the matters at hand, sent a reply rejecting HTM's terms. Cohen stated on behalf of the WW"e" that it was "unfortunate HTM would not be participating" in the "nostalgia" program.


Unfortunate? Not for HTM. In what was par for the WW"e" pattern of doing business, Cohen's letter said not one word about video games or action figures. "Nostalgia" program? At no time was that ever discussed.


The WWE "contract" was so poorly drafted that a first year law student would have been expelled had he or she produced such garbage.


Fans, the standard WW"e" talent contract is juvenile at best. Vince the non-licensed legal genius constantly amended it as hard knocks came along over the years. One would think a guy with all that cash in his pockets could have afforded some rudimentary legal advice, but that was obviously not the case.


Had HTM signed he would never be able to use his name "Honky Tonk Man" again. The WWE would have owned damn near his very existence for the rest of his life, and all at the price of a few bags of peanuts.


To sum up the sorry tale, when HTM had his representative properly redraft the proposed contract in response to the blatant treachery of the WW"e," as a practical matter he told the WW"e" to get fucked. HTM knew the WW"e" would never go for it, but he decided that since they wanted to waste his time he would waste some of theirs in turn. In hindsight HTM knew a better use of his time would have been to ignore the WW"e." However, HTM was curious to see how the WW"e" would respond to the exposure of their bullshit.


After HTM learned more about the "Legends" nonsense, it took only a few brain cells to understand the motives of the former wrestlers who signed. It is hard to believe so many have nothing going for themselves. And Vince, true to form, included the usual non-competition clauses.


From time to time WW"e" contacts HTM regarding one-time appearances. When HTM indicates that the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of All Time isn't going to job to anyone, especially a pipsqueak like Randy Orton, the conversations end.



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From time to time WW"e" contacts HTM regarding one-time appearances. When HTM indicates that the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of All Time isn't going to job to Randy Orton, the conversations end

I'm starting to like fat elvis more.

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hilariously htm is even emulating the bloated & psychotic phase of elvis in the twilight of his life. awesome. thats dedication. that said, i respect him for standing up to vince's exploitation of the poor & in-debt ex-wwf stars whose drug addictions from years on the road force them to whore themselves off for a few extra bucks.

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I could give two shits about ever seeing HTM again on TV because he is irrelevant (just like most of the guys you'll see tonight coming back for "homecoming" except the ones with drawing power) but I do respect him for not bending over and taking one in the ass from Vince, especially since he's able to smell the bad deal Vince and Co. are giving the so-called "legends".

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i don't care what anyone says, the honky tonk man gimmick is great. one of the best. they don't come like that anymore. to see him come out one last time to smash a guitar over someone's head would be splendid. i'm not talking about those pussy jeff jarrett guitars, i'm talking the one's that crack vertebraes.

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Well how long before we get a burial DVD for HTM like we did with Warrior?


2007, since they have Jake Roberts up next as their big nostalgia related DVD.


That's not counting the Bret Hart DVD, is it?


Oh, and Honky Tonk...eh, except for the theme he's never done anything for me.


EDIT: And getting killed by Kane in the 01 Rumble. That was classic.

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HTM is a psycho for not wanting to shill himself out? I don't get it.


Nah, he was psycho before that. This might just be an indication he still has some brain cells left we didn't know about.

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Guest jkt

HTM may not have a lot of sense but it appears he has some. Why any of these "legends" would ever sign over the rights to their gimmick is beyond me?

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Guest MikeSC
HTM is a psycho for not wanting to shill himself out? I don't get it.

Because when you want to make a stand for integrity --- you THINK pro wrestling.

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Guest *KNK*
HTM may not have a lot of sense but it appears he has some. Why any of these "legends" would ever sign over the rights to their gimmick is beyond me?


For some of them, they won't be using those gimmicks again anyways, so it's an easy check to pick up and I'm sure they like getting comped hotel rooms and such for whenever they drag them out for events and some just want their "legacy" to be "honored correctly".



If the legends were smart, they would have already owned the rights. However a legends list that includes Koko B. Ware and Jim Duggan implies that they aren't exactly mensa members to begin with.

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oh shaddup already! Jessum crow, the guy actually claimed to have invented the punk rock look in his shoot interview.


Which shoot is this? I have the RF one and he says he was doing the Punk Rock look in the early 80's as a gimmick.

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Guest clockworkraven
Why do all of the crazy legends refer to themselves in third person?


Says on the site that the article was posted by "Krazy Loop". Must be one of his staff, because the bottom of the article (not quoted here) says "About a month ago HTM asked his staff write a Commentary in response to the many questions he gets from his fans as to why he isn't in the Legends program."

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