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Joe seems to have pissed someone off....





Samoa Joe Can Go Fuck Himself


Anyone who read my comments on the message board in regards to the Back to School Bash last night know that I was very unhappy over-all.


I wanted to take some time and calm down before I posted a blog. Some time has past but I am probably more angry now then I was last night, especially as more details emerge regarding the situation.


What Joe did last night was unprofessional, idiotic, self-centered and ego-driven. Over the course of six years, I have had the pleasure of working with many, many "names" and never have I seen a guy with such a "diva" complex and such a chip on their shoulder. Nor can I imagine a decision that was worse for business (and THE business) then the choices Joe made last night.


First, allow me to express two things. 1) Chris Sabin continued to demonstrate why he should absolutely be getting a bigger, better push in TNA and why his schedule should be booked solid. He's a class act and a fantastic performer who "gets" the business and had the match of the night. I could not have asked for anything more from Sabin and I certainly hope he will be apart of PCW in the future.


2). On previous occasions, Joe has been a joy to work with and gave exactly what was asked of him. I am sure it is no coincidence that "what was asked of him" was to look strong against our talent. When it came time for Joe to do something that didn't involve him looking like Hulk Hogan circa 1985, suddenly, he's not so accommodating.


I owe our fans a huge apology. Rest assured, Samoa Joe will NEVER be back in PCW unless he intends to come and give us the other half of the match he was paid for.


Allow me to explain in detail exactly what transpired. To be fair, I did not specifically speak with TNA in regards to Joe putting Kenny over. I did not care either way and said to a few guys in the past few days that I hoped Joe would put him over but if he didn't want to, it wasn't a big deal. In the past, whenever I have specifically checked with TNA on whether their talent would be willing to do business for our guys, I have been told "no problem. The business is a work."




And to quote a certain someone last night..."I don't care who wins or loses, I just want to have a good match." I wonder who said that.


After being told by Joe that he'd be "right down" to the locker room for forty minutes (and thus, I was unable to begin the show when I wanted to), I finally went up to his room. I told him he was free to take his time coming down since it would be some time before his match, but I just wanted to get on the same page with him. I told him he was booked against Kenny Omega and asked him if he knew of him. Joe shrugged. Since Joe had spoke to me earlier in the day about his previous two trips to Winnipeg and seemed to have a fairly solid recollection of them, I reminded him that Kenny had worked with AJ Styles on this show last year.


Joe shrugged and said "yeah, so?" I shrugged too and said "would you mind putting our guy over?"


"No way," he scoffed. "I don't do that. I'm a top guy on television. It's company policy that we don't put over anyone but TNA guys." Now, I was totally fine with that up until the line about "company policy" which I knew to be untrue. Tell me you don't want to lay down. Tell me you feel it will impact your position and reputation (even if it wouldn't), but don't lie to me.


I said "really? Styles put him over last year and they put together a match and a finish that made sense for both guys." Joe said "No way" again. He turned to walk away from me saying "there is no way that's happening."


Let me be VERY clear. I had absolutely NO problem with that. Of course I was going to inquire as to whether he minded putting our top guy over, but I thought he likely would have declined. No problem. I thanked him for his time and told him to come down whenever he wanted.


There is a huge difference between beating a guy and eating a guy. There is a huge difference between having a great match and trying to destroy a territory. Joe doesn't "get it". It makes a lot of sense to him when guys sell their ass off to make him look like a million dollars and an unstoppable killing machine. But it apparently makes "no sense" to ask him to "not kill our top guy."


I won't speak for Kenny at all. He's a class act and encouraged me to forget about it and move on. But I will mention that I am fully aware of the poor attitude Joe demonstrated in the back and his insults. There is more to the story that I won't reveal here that clearly indicate that Joe made a deliberate and malicious decision to go to the ring and make our top guy look bad.


For that, Joe can go fuck himself.


And from what I understand, I am hardly the only promoter that feels this way and our fans are hardly the only ones to walk away from a Samoa Joe match disappointed.


The match was too short and did absolutely nothing to enhance our talent or promotion. In retrospect, if Sabin/Sanchez had been the top match, I would have been thrilled. Sabin "gets it". Joe doesn't. How nice it must be for Joe to be so independently wealthy that he can execute a piss-poor match and then say "save your money and don't book me again."


When we book "names", there are certain obligations on both sides. We're expected to pay the PO, trans and accommodations and act in a professional and respectful manner. In return, we expect the talent to show up, work hard, enhance our talent and promotion and act in a professional and respectful manner. Part of that means interacting with the fans and giving them their monies worth.


On previous occasions, Joe did that. Last night, he left many fans who wished to shake his hand or get a picture, disappointed.


That fact coupled with his terrible in-ring performance angered me greatly. I'm not one to shy away from confrontations and fortunately, I had to pay my crew so I did not get the chance to go speak with Joe immediately. I was encouraged by some to go talk to him and by others to let it go. "What can you do?" was an oft-repeated question. I made the decision to let it go.


But as I thought about it further, I didn't want to be accused of being a guy that didn't have the balls to express my unhappiness face to face. I promptly marched up to Joe's room where he was enjoying his third or fourth quarter pounder of the day. I reminded him of his flight information and informed him that someone would be at the hotel in the morning to drive him and Sabin.


I then asked to speak to him. Sabin walked into the next room, clearly sensing that I wanted to speak with Joe about a serious matter. I asked him if he was unhappy or upset with anything. He said "not at all" and asked why I was asking. I said "well, Joe, I guess I was wondering why you ate my top guy."


He said "what did you want me to do, get dropped on my head?" I said "no. I wanted a good match that was a positive for our talent and promotion. That match killed our top guy and hurt my ability to draw moving forward."


Joe invited me in and asked me to sit down. He asked me to explain what I would have wanted different out of the match. I politely explained that I expected the match to go longer and I expected our guy to come out of it looking good and I expected the fans to be willing to pay to see Joe again in the future. I explained that none of that happened.


Joe didn't agree to disagree. He didn't express that perhaps their was a misunderstanding. He proceeded to bury Kenny in the most ridiculous way possible. One guy in that match moved around. One guy was not blown up and huffing and puffing. One guy gave a crap. Guess which guy that was?


While Joe took the time to pay me lip service and try to placate me, he contradicted himself several times. He made ridiculous and lame excuses. The one honest thing he repeatedly said was "I'm not going to give you the answer you want."


I explained that I was not looking for a certain answer. I, as the guy paying the bills, was simply looking to express my unhappiness. It made no sense to kill our top guy. It was bad for business. If Joe had any sense, he would have realised that. We could continue to book him and make money or we could do what happened last night.


Joe rejected my opinion that the match was too short. I explained that I'd rather have a good 10 minute match then a bad 20 minute one, but that was a bad 8 minute match. After a few more excuses which Joe usually contradicted on his own without my help, I said "look, good work is good work. That wasn't good work." Sabin, Petey and Styles can come in, have a great attitude and have a fantastic match with Kenny. But Joe couldn't. That says a lot about Joe.


I expressed my feeling that the fans didn't get what they paid for. Joe scoffed and pointed out that it was a long show. I said "yeah, WE gave them what they paid for but YOU didn't. They paid for Samoa Joe." His reply "and they saw Samoa Joe." I said, "They didn't pay to SEE Samoa Joe, they paid to experience a quality Samoa Joe match." They didn't get that.


Joe actually said to me "if you wanted your guy to look good, then you shouldn't have booked him against me." I didn't make Joe the highest paid guy on the show because I wanted him to make our talent look bad!


From a business perspective, I asked him how that match was a positive. How was that going to help PCW draw? How was that going to set up Joe or any other TNA talent to return to Winnipeg and draw a crowd? Again, Joe's response was that I shouldn't have booked him then. I shook my head in disbelief.


When Ric Flair was NWA World Champion, he travelled the US making every home town guy look like a million dollars because it was GOOD for business, built up the territory and ensured repeat bookings and money for everyone.


One thing Joe said was that he was doing what he felt was best for his promotion. Wrong. Wherever you go, you're a representative of TNA. Everything you do, you're selling PPV's. All Joe did last night was show that he's not a very good worker and, unless a faster and better worker makes him look good, he's got nothing.


Quite honestly, Joe forgot where he came from. Who would Joe be if guys hadn't been willing to make him look good or help him out? Joe made a name for himself squashing smaller guys. Well that gimmick is getting old.


I haven't been around 20 years. I've been around six. Worked with a lot of good talent, names and produced some pretty big shows. Don't give me the "I think I know better" bullcrap. I agree - you SHOULD know better.


If other promoters ask for my opinion I will tell them honestly - Joe is over-rated, out of shape and not worth his asking price. Book Chris Sabin. Book AJ Styles. Book Chris Daniels. Book Petey Williams. Don't book Samoa Joe unless it's a "going out of business" show. He'll successfully give you what you need in that regard.


I'm not writing this to bury Joe. I respect TNA and their talent. I don't respect Joe. Not anymore. I owe an explanation and apology to our fans and this is it. Our show was good - very good. Better then anything else you'll see in this city. Some promotions would kill to have our worst match on top of their card. But it wasn't good enough for PCW and it wasn't good enough for us.


For that, I sincerely apologize.



A few notes on last night.


AJ Sanchez had a fantastic match with Chris Sabin. That speaks volumes about Sanchez as a talent and about Sabin as a person. My sincere thanks to both guys.


Due to Chevy's injury, Don Douglas was put in a position where the match changed on him. I thought he worked very hard and put forth a great effort.


Mike Angels and Adam Knight had another great match as did Antonio Scorpio Jr and Nate Hardy. Scorpio and Nate had a ton of crowd heat. This was their third straight match working face/face and to keep getting that reaction says alot about them. I remember being against the idea of them working three shows ago and I was VERY wrong.


I'm an honest guy and I felt we should have drawn better. We drew great, but could have been better. Though, with Chris Sabin as a surprise, we sold tickets based on Joe alone. Thank GOD we brought Sabin in!!


Kenny never, ever has to defend himself to anyone. If a guy like Joe or anyone else doesn't want to come to work when given the chance to work with a talent like Kenny, then so be it. It's their loss. Kenny's future lays waaaay beyond Winnipeg. I feel really bad for him and am sure he is disappointed. But fortunately, he's got a match with Ultimo Dragon this weekend and I encourage everyone to go see that show. That match alone is worth the ticket price.


Our DVD of the Fifth Anniversary show is now available. Our production guy upgraded his equipment, including a boom cam (which, by the way did have a video monitor so he knew exactly what he was filming).


I take complete responsibility for the negatives on last night's show. I don't want to read anyone being critical of the talent. For the most part, they worked very hard and had great performances. Everything that was not as tight as it should have been from booking to pacing to technical issues all fall at my feet. I'll make it up to you all next show. I promise.


I also don't want to get too 'down' on the show. For those "competitors" who couldn't bring themselves to check out our event, trust me, you couldn't put that show on in your wildest dreams. It was very good. But not good enough.


This is a personal blog and my personal opinion. I'm frustrated. I appreciate the support of the fans and I hope you'll come back on Oct. 25th and let us erase the memories of Samoa Joe with a show that will do just that. I fucking guarantee THAT



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The promoter has every right to be upset if Joe phoned it in and buried one of his top guys, but posting a blog with going into that much detail about the situation and also dogging on Joe to the max is extremely unprofessional behavior to say the least. Its one thing to defend your company and apologize to the fans if they were dissapointed by Joe, but there was no need for him to take it this far. I wouldnt be shocked one bit if TNA stops using talent here.

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Damn that surprises me, and doesn't sound like all the other reports I've heard about Joe. I mean I could tell he had a little bit of an attitude, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I'm wondering if the fact that his style is slowly catching up on him injury wise, and his spot on the card hasn't moved much since he debuted is eating at him.

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One thing Joe said was that he was doing what he felt was best for his promotion. Wrong. Wherever you go, you're a representative of TNA. Everything you do, you're selling PPV's. All Joe did last night was show that he's not a very good worker and, unless a faster and better worker makes him look good, he's got nothing.


I've been a Joe mark since his debut in TNA and would defend him untill the day he dies, but this statement holds a lot of ground. Joe hasn't had a 5* match since he left the X Division. Apart from some dodgy booking, I think thats what killed Joe's steam in TNA.

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I think it's damn possible to have matches above three stars with the likes of Jarrett, Sting, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, and hell even Rhino. I'm not saying any of them are the Rembrandt of wrestling, but to be honest neither is Joe.

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More stuff from Lance "If I can be serious for a moment" Storm:


This Thursday (October 4th) at 9 pm on Spike TV, TNA’s Impact goes to 2-hours. The 2-hour show on Spike is TNA’s latest “Holy Grail”. Since TNA’s inception 5 years ago they have constantly being chasing that elusive “Holy Grail”, the answer to all of their promotional woes, that one missing factor to their inevitable success.


When they first started, TNA was but a weekly PPV product, which failed to garner enough PPV buys to be successful. At that point the answer to their troubles was a weekly TV show to promote monthly PPVs. If only they could achieve that they would be a success. Well they did achieve that and TNA continued to struggle. It was then decided the problem was they needed national TV exposure, if they could just get on a national network all their problems would be solved. Well guess what? They went national on Spike TV and little if anything changed. They continued to struggle on PPV despite achieving their latest “Holy Grail”.


Never one to admit defeat TNA blamed their continued troubles on Impact needing to be in prime time. WWE after all was in prime time; that would make the difference; it certainly couldn’t be the fault of the product, that few people ordered TNA PPVs. So Impact went prime time, moving to 9 pm Thursday nights, the very night WWE’s SmackDown used to air. SmackDown was successful there certainly Impact would as well. TNA’s ratings and PPV buy rates remained relatively constant and the company continued to struggle in search of that missing element, that elusive “Holy Grail”.


Perhaps big name talent would be the answer. There was no way TNA could pull in big buy rates with a bunch of unknown, unproven stars. This was an interesting direction considering the only positive feedback the previous versions of TNA got were for the work rate of these very same unknown, unproven stars. But rather than admit the people in charge were to blame the talent pool got the snub and TNA went in search of big names stars to once and for all turn that corner of success and put TNA on the map.


TNA has since signed Sting, Kurt Angle, Christian, The Dudleys, Rhino, to name just a few of their new big name stars, and guess what? The only thing that went up drastically was their monthly pay roll. Now after more continued criticism the people at TNA have determined that the problem all along was that you just couldn’t build towards PPV properly with only 1-hour of TV per week. A 2-hour time slot was surely the final piece of the puzzle, that final be all and end all, “Holy Grail”.


This Thursday is it; the one we’ve all been waiting for; TNA will finally have everything they need. Impact becomes a 2-hour, national, primetime show, with tons of big name stars. This will be the one, the show will be fantastic, ratings and PPV buys rates will be on the rise and TNA will finally have their elusive success.


I know I’m sounding extremely sarcastic here and believe it or not I hope this is exactly what happens, but some how I doubt it. I’ve said many times that those who fail to observe and learn from history are doomed to repeat it and I believe that. I’ve learned from TNA’s history that each new step in the right direction generally amounts to very little. The problem has never been when the show airs, or on what network the show airs, or what time the show airs, or the star power on the show, the problem has always been the quality of the shows that airs.


Unless TNA can drastically improve the quality of Impact with the extra hour each week, nothing is going to change, and they are going to be in search of the next “Holy Grail”, which I can only guess will be a Live show since that is about the only possible thing left to blame failure on other than the obvious and real problem, management and creative.


So this piece doesn’t just turn into another rant I’m going to offer you some of the things I think are key to making Impact a success.




Mike Tenay and Don West are atrocious. West is worse than Tenay but both are currently very terrible and the worst part of the show in my opinion. First thing I would do was ban these guys from the production and booking meetings. They are constancy trying to explain everything to us like they are reading the production sheet and it sounds completely fake. When Judas Masias started on Impact they talked about this guy like they were reading a Hollywood character bio, instead of just being freaked out and scared. It wasn’t “Oh My God, look at those eyes” it was, “And note the eyes Don West, those blank eyes it’s like he has no sole, the eyes are the key to the sole and Masias seemly has none. Masias is evil personified Don, a sole less demonic being.” With the extra hour take the time so that angles explain themselves so these two can stop reading the production sheets at us. If you have to explain angles this much your bookers are incompetent. (More on this later)


I would also not allow Tenay or West to talk about anything other than the segment they are currently in. If what is going on in the ring is not important enough to be talked about it should not be on the show. I know in 1 hour they were trying to sell 8 segments in 4 but now they have the 8. No more talking about other angles while guys are working in the ring, it ruins the match and sabotages their credibility. No more talking over and explaining guys promos WHILE they are cutting them!!!! If I can’t understand what the guy is saying in his promo he shouldn’t have a microphone in his hand.




Focus on and push the only unique element of your show. Give 2 or 4 (never 6-10) of these guys 8-10 minutes of match time EVERY show. These guys have been the saving grace of the company and never get the credit. They offer something WWE does not and need to be featured. Fresh and new is always better than old and stale!!!!!!! Isolate the X-division from everyone else and let them shine.




This has been the problem all along and in my opinion has done nothing but get worse as time passes. The show makes less and less sense each week, and my first choice would be fire everyone who has a hand in creating the current product. Barring that I would impose a few limitations on them at the very least. No more blending of angles. Pick your 3 top programs and focus on them and keep them sharp. The constant run ins and over lapping of angles to sell 2 or 3 angles in one segment has got to stop. They have 2-hours now take the time you need to sell each program properly.


We need clean finishes! No more than one (2 at the absolute most) run ins or DQs or screwy finishes per show. Pick who your top 1 or 2 guys are and protect them, everyone else can get beat now and again. Even Randy Couture has lost clean, and it seems people still believe in him.


Pick one person who is a respected sane person in the business (Scott D’Amore, Terry Taylor, hell I’d do it for free just for the good of the business) and bar them from production and booking meetings. Once the show is booked and written, let that person read through the show on his own, if he has to ask “why” more than once, rewrite the show, and hand it back to him. Repeat this process without ever trying to explain anything to him. The show needs to be self-explanatory. The only exception to this is if handing him next week’s show answers those “whys”.


Failing all of that I would hire Paul Heyman, make Heyman, Cornette, and Russo equal third partners on the creative team, put them in a closed room to book the shows and record and air those meetings. That would be more entertaining than any wrestling show I’ve EVER seen!


That’s my 2 cents,

Lance Storm


Way to boycot TNA there Lance...


But he does raise some good points, granted it's all stuff we already know, but it's nice for Lance to give us his two cents.


But having Heyman, Cornette AND Russo in the same room? With a closed door? That sounds like a recipe for disaster


The problem is the shitty booking Joe is "tripping over".


Not always, yes the endings can be a bit over the top or botched but that shouldn't effect the start and middle of the match.

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But having Heyman, Cornette AND Russo in the same room? With a closed door? That sounds like a recipe for disaster


Put that on PPV and the buyrate would go up like 300%. Course anything that makes halfway sense and shows off the athletic talent of their speedsters would raise the buyrate, but that's just not an option for some reason.

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He makes complete sense, and I would love to see not just Heyman, Cornette, and Russo trying to write these shows together, but an on air feud between the three as commissioner or something.

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But having Heyman, Cornette AND Russo in the same room? With a closed door? That sounds like a recipe for disaster


Put that on PPV and the buyrate would go up like 300%. Course anything that makes halfway sense and shows off the athletic talent of their speedsters would raise the buyrate, but that's just not an option for some reason.


Oh come on, could you imagine anything getting done in the creative room? They all hate each other and have different opinions on how to book shows. It would be more of a mess than it is now.


But I like the idea of having it as an on air fued, maybe with each of them having a wrestler represent them.

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The MsChif vs Kong match makes me wish my most recent order from ROH was here already. SHIMMER vol. 9? Yes please.

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Apparently Angle and TNA officials sat down recently and discussed making TNA more mma like. What do they consider more mma like? Clean finishes, Kurt feels that we are living in an mma world and the fans want to see clean winners. No more run ins, you want me to win, I win. You want me to lose, I lose. I don't know how true this is as I saw it on prowrestling.com. Just thought I'd throw it out there.

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The Happy Ending is such a horrible last name for Gail's finisher. Ditto for Hemme's firecrotch one.


The Happy Ending doesn't even make sense for Gail Kim. Sounds like a fairy tale gimmick wrestler's finisher.

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The Happy Ending is such a horrible last name for Gail's finisher. Ditto for Hemme's firecrotch one.


The Happy Ending doesn't even make sense for Gail Kim. Sounds like a fairy tale gimmick wrestler's finisher.


The Happy Ending is actually a term used in those Asian massage places where they give you a happy ending (ie: jack you off).

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The Happy Ending is actually a term used in those Asian massage places where they give you a happy ending (ie: jack you off).


Who thought that was a good idea for a finisher name? Russo?


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Apparently Angle and TNA officials sat down recently and discussed making TNA more mma like. What do they consider more mma like? Clean finishes, Kurt feels that we are living in an mma world and the fans want to see clean winners. No more run ins, you want me to win, I win. You want me to lose, I lose. I don't know how true this is as I saw it on prowrestling.com. Just thought I'd throw it out there.


TNA's response: "Wow, he was way drunk."

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Few random notes from the world of TNA Mobile in the last 24 hours....


Ultimate X will open the BFG ppv


TNA will be doing a tour of Canada by years end


TNA Board Game in development (not sure why they even think THAT is news really)


Kid Kash was in the offices recently but isnt expected to be brought back (could be a swerve and he's actually coming back if they are openly talking about him like that)


They are in negotiations with a former WWE IC and European Champion but dont say who it is - not sure who this could be, but D-Lo Brown could be a possibility.

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Thought to point this out...


The Running Back for the Denver Broncos, Travis Henry, may get suspended for marijuana possession...


Can you say... TNA? HAHA!!

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The Happy Ending is such a horrible last name for Gail's finisher. Ditto for Hemme's firecrotch one.


The Happy Ending doesn't even make sense for Gail Kim. Sounds like a fairy tale gimmick wrestler's finisher.


The Happy Ending is actually a term used in those Asian massage places where they give you a happy ending (ie: jack you off).


I though the name sound familiar. There was a short-lived ABC sitcom last season called "In Case of Emergency" in which Kelly Hu played a massage therapist who provided "happy endings." Ironically enough, the star of the show was David Arquette.

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I would really like to see them bring D'Lo back, oddly. They blew the boat on him during his first stint.

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Thought to point this out...


The Running Back for the Denver Broncos, Travis Henry, may get suspended for marijuana possession...


Can you say... TNA? HAHA!!


How old are you, like seven?


Yes I am because I watch football

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It has been confirmed that this will be Sting's final year in professional wrestling. Sting said in Ted DiBiase's "Get a Grip" newsletter that his retirement would come near the end of the year. Asked about a reason, the Born again Christian stated that God was calling him in a different direction. Also stating that wrestling these days is too raunchy, and that he doesn't see himself fitting in with the others.


I do believe that pretty much seals the deal on whether or not he will win the world championship at Bound For Glory, although they can still go the route of having him put over a new babyface if he does win like I mentioned earlier in the thread.

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Yeah I don't really want Sting's last match to be him jobbing to Angle after Angle attacked his son and all that nonsense. If nothing else give Sting the feel good moment at BFG, then either have him job it back to Angle and retire or put someone else over on the way out.

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