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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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by Mike Johnson














Some quick notes from tonight's No Surrender PPV in Orlando, Florida:


TNA will announce their new two hour Impact series tonight during the show. I do not believe the announcement will close the PPV as the last planned match is the Kurt Angle vs. Abyss TNA title bout.


I am told there has indeed been a "TNA talent acquisition" (source's words, not mine) that should be announced tonight in the form of some sort of video package or promo. Whoever that talent is, that person is not expected to appear live in the Impact Zone and was not named during production meetings earlier today. As of this writing, I don't know who it could be. TNA has been hinting in recent days that they were negotiating with a former World champion.


*Mike's Talent Conjecture: The most obvious major names seem to be (in order of my own personal guesses) Paul "Big Show" Wight (who is extremely close with Kurt Angle and lives in Florida), Chris Jericho (Florida-based, TNA has wanted him for months and months and he does have a book coming out plus who knows how he feels about WWE in the aftermath of the Chris Benoit tragedy), Goldberg (extreme long shot in my opinion, as they never seemed to get on the same page during discussions and I don't know that the audience watching would care), Brock Lesnar (someone they've wanted who is also close to Angle, but that would kill his UFC plans since Dana White doesn't want active pro wrestlers fighting MMA and his name was dropped a ton last night) or Rob Van Dam (My gut tells me RVD would want more time off, but you never know; I don't see it at this point). I don't see Booker T or Ric Flair because whether they are at odds with WWE or not right now or not, I've heard nothing that leads me to believe they are free to leave and work elsewhere. Secondary possibilities I could see are Sid Vicious (I just don't see it but he's still in awesome shape and is still a monster), Ken Shamrock (long shot), or Sabu (I'd be shocked if he wasn't back in TNA by the end of the year) or even a name like Amy Dumas who would technically be a "former" World champion, but I don't believe any of those names would not be considered a letdown by those watching. If it's not a major name, TNA would be better served not to announce anything.


For those who have asked, the plan is for TNA Everything champion Kurt Angle to actually wrestle three times tonight, so it's not a bait and switch deal. Unless there is an injury during the course of the PPV, Angle will be working all the bouts.


Judas Mesias (former WSX champion Ricky Banderas) is backstage and given the way the storylines have built, I would expect him to appear tonight in some fashion to set off his feud with Abyss. He's been backstage at recent tapings for promos and vignettes that were filmed but hasn't appeared before the live audience yet.


As it stands now, Adam "Pacman" Jones will indeed be wrestling on the show, but I suspect Ron Killings will do 99% of the in-ring work for the team, based on the NFL stance on Jones' TNA run.


I'd expect title changes tonight in at least one match.


The word making the rounds is that with the advent of the two hour Impact, there will be more of a focus on women's professional wrestling within the company, which if true, can only be seen as a positive.


Former ROH star Jimmy Rave will debut as part of the Tag Gauntlet tonight, teaming with Lance Hoyt.


TNA will be taping three episodes of Impact tomorrow in Orlando.


Kurt Angle's Bound for Glory challenger will be pretty obvious by the end of tonight's PPV. As of right now, Jeff Jarrett is not expected to wrestle at Bound for Glory in a main event position

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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


- Kevin Nash continues to push TNA Wrestling to sign Scott Hall and Sean Waltman. Nash has told TNA officials that Hall has cleaned himself up and is back in wrestling shape. TNA has sent feelers out to Scott Hall on getting a potential deal done and have continued interest in Waltman.


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Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


- Kevin Nash continues to push TNA Wrestling to sign Scott Hall and Sean Waltman. Nash has told TNA officials that Hall has cleaned himself up and is back in wrestling shape. TNA has sent feelers out to Scott Hall on getting a potential deal done and have continued interest in Waltman.


I want Waltman back, but as part of a stable with Sabu, Killings and Konnan as either manager. Yeah, I'm way too into AAA for my own good.

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I think Scott Hall is much safer away from American wrestling. Every time he leaves American wrestling, he gets cleaned up and back into shape. Then the moment he returns, the guy gets thrown from the wagon and out of a job again.

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What's going on with Waltman? I hear he's been tearing it up in Mexico.

Is it not the stigma he now has in American Wrestling? People give him 'X-Pac' heat cos they think its cool, well, probably not everyone, but seriously the guy needs a break - though he did have sex with Chyna so yeah

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What's going on with Waltman? I hear he's been tearing it up in Mexico.

Is it not the stigma he now has in American Wrestling? People give him 'X-Pac' heat cos they think its cool, well, probably not everyone, but seriously the guy needs a break - though he did have sex with Chyna so yeah


Sucks, but he's a real target of smark fans. His last TNA run he worked his ass off and put on great matches with Raven, Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles. Now in AAA (Mexico) he's having great matches in an awesome stable I just mentioned above.

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Mike Johnson is reporting that not only will Bound for Glory have a Women's Gauntlet match, but a Monster's Ball match and an Ultimate X match.


Yeah, got a message from TNA Mobile today stating Monsters Ball and Ultimate X at BFG. The monsters ball match, thats alright since it started at their first monthly ppv way back in 04 or 05, and its kind of been a tradition yearly around this time. The Ultimate X deal though, I dont quite get. Didnt they just have that 3 ppvs ago?


For Monster's Ball, I would imagine we get Rhino v. Mesias v. Abyss v. Rikishi perhaps. Who knows.


Ultimate X - your guess is as good as mine on who they will throw in there, unless the anticipated Daniels/Lethal match is thrown into the mix there with a few others, such as Dutt, Lo-Ki, etc.


I'm all for the women's gauntlet match too - I would bet they create a women's title out of that match.

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What's going on with Waltman? I hear he's been tearing it up in Mexico.

Is it not the stigma he now has in American Wrestling? People give him 'X-Pac' heat cos they think its cool, well, probably not everyone, but seriously the guy needs a break - though he did have sex with Chyna so yeah


Sucks, but he's a real target of smark fans. His last TNA run he worked his ass off and put on great matches with Raven, Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles. Now in AAA (Mexico) he's having great matches in an awesome stable I just mentioned above.


He really is tearing it up in AAA, been watching that weekly and he's been doing well. I also was one of those who had no issue with his last TNA run. But in the way past, I definately was one of those who couldnt stand him, back in the post-DX days of his WWE run and also on and off in his earlier TNA stuff.

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Mike Johnson is reporting that not only will Bound for Glory have a Women's Gauntlet match, but a Monster's Ball match and an Ultimate X match.


Man, I misread that at first. I thought Russo had managed to incorporate all three matches into one more giant clusterfuck.

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What was the deal with Konnan throwing his shoe at people in 2005?


I think it came off during a match one time, and he threw it. It was just something that he kept doing after that, pretty annoying.

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Chris Jericho (Florida-based, TNA has wanted him for months and months and he does have a book coming out plus who knows how he feels about WWE in the aftermath of the Chris Benoit tragedy)


Did they not see Jericho defend the WWE in the interviews he did after the double murderer commited those crimes?

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So, was their actually no negotiations with a former world champion or are they just saving the announcement for Bound For Glory/The two hour Impact debut?

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Guest MadManOnTheWater
What was the deal with Konnan throwing his shoe at people in 2005?


Konnan is a big Austin Powers fan.

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So, was their actually no negotiations with a former world champion or are they just saving the announcement for Bound For Glory/The two hour Impact debut?


Wasn't it Jimmy Rave?


Oh, wait it was the JUNIOR Heavyweight Title he won, does that count?

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World champion could be anyone from ECW, WWF, WCW, AWA, NWA, ROH, etc.


If it was a junior champion, that'd be a ridiculous payoff.

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So, was their actually no negotiations with a former world champion or are they just saving the announcement for Bound For Glory/The two hour Impact debut?


Isn't Rikishi (Junior Fatu) a former WWE World Tag Team Champion?

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So, was their actually no negotiations with a former world champion or are they just saving the announcement for Bound For Glory/The two hour Impact debut?


Isn't Rikishi (Junior Fatu) a former WWE World Tag Team Champion?


Ah... I remember when Scheme Gene pulled this dastardly maneuver back in 1996 when he teased that WCW had just signed not one, but two former World Champions, and to call his hotline to find just who these two men were... it turned out to be the Quebecers... :huh:

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Double Post, but from wrestlinexposed:


TNA will be crowning their first ever Women's Champion in a 10-women gauntlet match at their annual Bound For Glory pay-per-view next month in Atlanta.


Jim Cornette noted that the match would feature "five girls you know" and "five girls you don't know." Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Ms. Brooks, Jackie Moore and Roxxi Laveaux are pretty much locks to appear in the match.


According to TNAWrestlingNews.com, the five other names contacted and likely booked for the match include Northeast women's wrestler Talia Madison, former ECW Diva Shelly "Ariel" Martinez, ODB (who regularly appears on OVW shows, but is without a WWE developmental contract), Angel Williams, and international women's wrestler Amazing Kong. According to TNAWrestlingNews.com, Talia Madison and Shelly "Ariel" Martinez have been 100% confirmed to appear in the match.


The girl who seems to have the best chance at securing a permanent spot in the company is Martinez because TNA is already thinking about using her as a valet for LAX or James Mitchell's group. Also, TNA is very interested in using Angel Williams and also feel that Amazing Kong would be make for a great addition to the company.


Other names being tossed around for the women's division/gauntlet match include April Hunter, Sarah Stock and So Cal Val. Val would probably only be used as a backup in case someone can't make it. Sarah Stock is a pretty girl that works under the name "Dark Angel" for CMLL in Mexico. TNAWrestlingNews.com is reporting that TNA would like to bring her in for the women's division, but there could be a hold-up due to the transportation costs if she chooses stay in Mexico City.


It should be noted that no one has been signed to a contract as of yet, just contacted and possibly booked. The gauntlet match will be a "tryout match" of sorts for the five uncontracted ladies. Depending on how things go during the match, the girls who put on the best performances will likely be offered contracts.


And there's rumours that Jazz may be one of the entrants.

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