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I guess the idea is that the kid keeps getting picked on cuz he's gay so he's trying to learn to defend himself.


Because of all the fighting skills you want to learn to defend yourself with.. worked pro wrestling is right at the top. ;)


Especially from Alex Shelley of all people. What's Alex Shelley going to teach the kid? Angle did this show a few years ago and it made sense.


He can teach him to point to his palm.

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So TNA is drumming up some big groundbreaking announcement by Karen Angle for this week's Impact. One can only assume, in true Russo style, the next chapter in this Kurt/Karen/Styles angle is Karen announcing she's pregnant and we get the "who's the father" shit goin....


Either that or she's "divorcing" Kurt, which will probably be a swerve as it was before when Karen was brought in.

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Some brief news I found over at www.tnawrestlingnews.com from the 3/20 taping of Impact....Sting is apparently coming back for Lockdown.


"While full taping results are not currently available, the end of the iMPACT! tapings (to air in two weeks) saw Team 3D, Johnny Devine, AJ Styles and Tomko lay out most of the baby face roster. As they stood in celebration, the lights went out and Sting's music played. He did not appear, but it looks as if they are setting up his return for the Lockdown PPV to be a part of Christian Cage's Lethal Lockdown Team."


So the Lethal Lockdown match at the next ppv will be 3D, Tomko, and Styles v. Sting, Nash, Christian and ????, very possible the forth babyface guy is that Joel guy from Survivor, who is the guy with Johnny Fairplay.

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Guest LuckyLopez

I would think Rhino would be a favorite for the Face team considering the segment he had with Christian. A very easy story to tell would seem to be that the attacks on Nash's knees take him out of the match and leave Cage without any allies. Sell that next week and Rhino gives Cage the chance because he's basically being destroyed 4-on-1.


They could easily go into the live Impact with Cage having noone announced and there being no clear candidates in story. Which allows TNA to pull surprises like Rhino siding with him and Sting returning. Nash showing up saying he's healthy or someone else in his spot? I don't know. I think Cage/Nash/Rhino/Sting is likely. Cage/Rhino/Sting/Survivor Guy seems unfortunately possible (although one might argue he's not much of a downgrade from Nash in match). I do have one friend dreaming of Cage/Rhino/MCMG based on the Detroit connections and MCMG's history with Nash and the Dudleyz, but that seems pretty hugely unlikely. Cage/Rhino/Sting/Jarrett strikes me as something TNA could do to try and make a big splash with 3 "surprises" on Impact, as people seem to always expect Sting or Jarrett as surprises and returns but both of them could catch people off guard.


Just feels like TNA is trying to make Lockdown something special. With Joe/Angle on top looking like Joe HAS to win the title having JJ and Sting in Lethal Lockdown goes to making it a bigger event. Plus I presume TNA wants a much more successful turnout in Mass then they had in Virginia, especially since its their first real foray into the NE and the NY shows apparently did well. I'm sure they'd like to think of the North East as part of their territory with a big crowd for a big show.


Otherwise I'm quite happy to have Team 3D in the match since it keeps Booker/Roode free to blow off their feud as they should. And if the Dudleyz are going to feud with a Survivor guy I much rather see him tossed into a match like this then some tag match in the middle of the card with Shark Boy or someone trying to carry the match.

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I would think Rhino would be a favorite for the Face team considering the segment he had with Christian. A very easy story to tell would seem to be that the attacks on Nash's knees take him out of the match and leave Cage without any allies. Sell that next week and Rhino gives Cage the chance because he's basically being destroyed 4-on-1.


They could easily go into the live Impact with Cage having noone announced and there being no clear candidates in story. Which allows TNA to pull surprises like Rhino siding with him and Sting returning. Nash showing up saying he's healthy or someone else in his spot? I don't know. I think Cage/Nash/Rhino/Sting is likely. Cage/Rhino/Sting/Survivor Guy seems unfortunately possible (although one might argue he's not much of a downgrade from Nash in match). I do have one friend dreaming of Cage/Rhino/MCMG based on the Detroit connections and MCMG's history with Nash and the Dudleyz, but that seems pretty hugely unlikely. Cage/Rhino/Sting/Jarrett strikes me as something TNA could do to try and make a big splash with 3 "surprises" on Impact, as people seem to always expect Sting or Jarrett as surprises and returns but both of them could catch people off guard.


Just feels like TNA is trying to make Lockdown something special. With Joe/Angle on top looking like Joe HAS to win the title having JJ and Sting in Lethal Lockdown goes to making it a bigger event. Plus I presume TNA wants a much more successful turnout in Mass then they had in Virginia, especially since its their first real foray into the NE and the NY shows apparently did well. I'm sure they'd like to think of the North East as part of their territory with a big crowd for a big show.


Otherwise I'm quite happy to have Team 3D in the match since it keeps Booker/Roode free to blow off their feud as they should. And if the Dudleyz are going to feud with a Survivor guy I much rather see him tossed into a match like this then some tag match in the middle of the card with Shark Boy or someone trying to carry the match.


Yeah, I'm thinking, after watching Impact, that 1) Nash isn't going to work the match and will be replaced by Rhino and 2) that forth man will probably be a surprise saved for the live Impact, and could very well be Jarrett.

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Man, no love for the Angle MMA session last week on Impact? I thought it was very well done, and I'm loving the build to the match to the point of really considering ordering the PPV. As long as they keep Karen directly out of this feud and shes only a catalyst to the impending AJ/Kurt deal, color me excited.

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I read somewhere that the whole reason they did the Karen pulling away from Kurt on TV was to show that they had every intention of delivering the Joe/Angle blowoff in the cage and presenting it as such.


I'm skeptical as always...but so far they've done just that.


With Joe not coming back to Impact until he wins, and Angle's strong promos and segment this week...they're off to a good start.

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I was watching the sit-down interview segment with Rhino and Christian and the one thing that stuck out to me is friggin Tenay. Before the interview starts, Tenay sternly warns Christian that if this is some kind of setup to emberass Rhino then it will be the last time Christian is allowed on his interview set. Jeez since when do interviews threaten wrestlers?

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Tenay and West kill angles by their insistence on talking over the most dramatic angles.


(Though that may be the fault of the rigid script format.)


That and the fact that they insist on trying to explain angles fifty different ways instead of letting the action speak for itself.

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*Sonjay Dutt/Jay Lethal does a high spot*


Tenay:"Oh my God, we gotta take a look at that again! Can we get a replay?!"


West:"You GOT to be kiddinnnnggg meee!"

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*Sonjay Dutt/Jay Lethal does a high spot*


Tenay:"Oh my God, we gotta take a look at that again! Can we get a replay?!"


West:"You GOT to be kiddinnnnggg meee!"


Tenay: "To the back with JB!"

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Man, no love for the Angle MMA session last week on Impact? I thought it was very well done, and I'm loving the build to the match to the point of really considering ordering the PPV. As long as they keep Karen directly out of this feud and shes only a catalyst to the impending AJ/Kurt deal, color me excited.


Yeah, I am really feeling the pretty decent MMA type build to Joe/Angle right now. They did well with that on Impact, and looks like we will see consistent vignettes of Joe moreless going into training to learn how to compete at Angle's level of competiveness in that area. One would imagine they will do some pseudo-shoot exchanges at Lockdown based from this, and in the least the match itself should be rather stiff. Much stronger build for Joe/Angle than I've seen TNA do ever with these two. That first match they did (at Genesis 06 I think?) was marred by weak booking one week after the strong Angle/Joe headbutt angle, so it's good to see TNA seems to acknowledge their flaws in this feud by pulling out this card to build to their likely final match against each other. Keep Karen far away from this mess, and AJ too, and then when Angle loses the belt to Joe, they can then build on AJ/Angle (which sounds like one of the more interesting feuds TNA may do in a long time if done right here) and likely Joe/Nash or something.

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Agreed completely.


IF they can make it through Lockdown doing what seems so easy...and seems to be what they're doing...


They've set themselves up really nicely. Angle and AJ can feud, and Joe can be the kick ass champion on top. Sting's back and Christian and Tomko are hot right now. They've even got Rhino looking like he's ready to be a serious player again. And Booker will be done with the Roode feud.


That's a lot of talent that can run at the top...and then the X division and Knockouts stuff thats always been doing a good job underneath.


Oh...and if they ever chose too...LAX and the Machineguns can rule all the world.


They just need to make it through Lockdown on the path they're on.




Please God.

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I have a feeling that Cornette will interfere/alter/doctor the result of the Angle/Joe match to ensure Joe wins, on the basis that he doesn't want to lose his star. The reappearance of Matt Morgan makes me think that he'll be the one to do it. Or possibly Morgan does it to try and get (back) in Cornette's good books, leading to DRAMATIC CONSEQUENCES AND CORNETTE SHOUTING.

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No. No. No. Everyone keeps thinking of all these elaborate schemes for that Joe/Angle match, but here is the only way this can end and not be a piece of crap: Joe gets Angle in a cage. Joe beats the shit out of Angle for 20 minutes, Angle gets sparing offense. Joe wins belt.

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No. No. No. Everyone keeps thinking of all these elaborate schemes for that Joe/Angle match, but here is the only way this can end and not be a piece of crap: Joe gets Angle in a cage. Joe beats the shit out of Angle for 20 minutes, Angle gets sparing offense. Joe wins belt.


I agree that the match should be Joe completely clean, with no run-ins or shit of that nature (which is supposed to be the idea of having it in a cage) but I think the match can be competitive, meaning Angle doesn't just get borderline squashed. Given the MMA turn they have given with this match, there is alot more they can pull out in the match to make it exciting.

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Guest LuckyLopez

Yeah, Joe has to win clean and without convoluted messes. I think most everyone agrees with that, at least outside of TNA's booking. Hopefully they believe it as much as the current booking suggests. But Joe doesn't have to dominate Angle. Angle is the top of TNA's roster. Joe is his peer and can show that. He needs to beat him clean because he needs to show that he is the better man and deserves the belt. And that it was no fluke. But they can have a competitive match that doesn't leave Angle as some kind of inferior and thus the rest of the guys Angle has been beating look weak in comparison to Joe as well. Angle's not going anywhere and he's gonna be feuding with AJ and probably competing in King of the Mountain. Making him weak accomplished nothing.


In fact more than anything I hope Joe has a LONG run as champ beating everyone he faces but not crushing them like he did the X Division. He left the X Division destroyed and useless. Putting dozens of guys as inferiors to one guy is just a mess. And putting the main eventers as such inferiors seems horrible to me. Joe isn't super human. He's the baddest and best wrestler in TNA (or at least that's the idea). Let him win against any style in any match against all opponents. Make the opponents tough because it makes him beating them the tougher. And it sends the clear message that some day someone will catch Joe on the right day or up his game enough that he'll beat him.


I think all of the elaborate schemes people are thinking of are just what they imagine TNA may come up with... and in most cases what we fear will happen instead of just Joe vs Angle mano e mano and Joe winning clean.

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I guess I'll be the one to say this, Joe isn't winning the belt. I just don't see it happening. I think AJ Styles has a better shot of taking the belt off Angle than Joe does at this point, and Styles really doesn't have a chance either.

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We know what should happen and what we'd like to happen, but what do people think will happen?


It's likely that Karen and possibly AJ will get involved in some fashion, so I think the best we'll get as far as a BS-free match is a clean finish, but even that could be a stretch.

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We know what should happen and what we'd like to happen, but what do people think will happen?


It's likely that Karen and possibly AJ will get involved in some fashion, so I think the best we'll get as far as a BS-free match is a clean finish, but even that could be a stretch.


The reality.....Karen comes out to ringside, Kurt throws a fit, climbs out of the cage (lets assume they throw a stip in there saying that it HAS to be won by pinfall or submission only) and gets on Karen's case for distracting him, pushes her down or some nonsense, out comes Styles who throws down on Kurt to the point where Angle climbs back in the cage to get away from Styles, and from there, Joe wins. Thats what is likely the realistic finish.

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Guest LuckyLopez

If I were a betting man I'd say Karen, AJ, and Kurt have a big angle on Impact or before the match, Angle is shown to be affected, and Karen comes out to cause a distraction leading to a "clean" win for Joe.

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No. No. No. Everyone keeps thinking of all these elaborate schemes for that Joe/Angle match, but here is the only way this can end and not be a piece of crap: Joe gets Angle in a cage. Joe beats the shit out of Angle for 20 minutes, Angle gets sparing offense. Joe wins belt.


I agree, although I think Angle should get more offence than you're suggesting. However, the fact that you and I agree on this matter will have NO bearing on how TNA play it out.


What is ACTUALLY going to happen is Joe will lose, leave, then come back as Curry Man's hitherto-unknown tag partner the Poppadum Kid.

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