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Who do you guys miss the most

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definately Charlie Haas

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Guest rawmvp

Probably Rico, because he had tremendous potential to be huge. I still can't believe that WWE gave him such a horrible gimmick. He is still, to this day, the biggest star ever in OVW.

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Guest Korgath

Without a single freakkin' doubt... Molly Holly.


And the rest of the women's division, really.

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Guest Coffey



I thought he was coming along nicely. He was improving on his physique and his in-ring work, not to mention his mic work. I'm fairly confident that because of his Tough Enough stigma, that he'll have a hard time even getting Indy work.


Sucks because I thought he had potential.

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Guest *KNK*

I don't miss any of them. Jimmy Yang and Charlie Haas are finally going to reach their potential in ROH and TNA or wherever they finally settle.


Maven wasn't anything special and was never going to get better in the ring.


The girls are already replaced and forgotten. Amy Weber had personality and I kind of miss that in a DIVA.


Dudleyz are in TNA and aren't much different.


Jindrak was going nowhere and I can't even remember who was fired.

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Well rawmvp said it so it might not be true (but apparently is).


Glad to see someone else was a fan of Joy Giovanni.


I suppose Molly is an acceptable answer but she wasn't really released, she asked to go and was granted the leave. I have hope she will return some day as a face (since she was not cool with the heel thing).


Charlie Haas will be missed... I'm sure he'll do great elsewhere and have good matches, but it's just a shame that he was released around the time that the Haas/Holly tag team was picking up steam, having a good little feud with MNM.

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Yeah, Rico was pretty big in OVW. Was on top of the card for a couple of years, either as the champ, a singles star or tagging with John Cena (Prototype).

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Guest The Iron Yuppie

Charlie Haas and Rico. I liked their teaming up (with time, they could have emulated the Booker T/Goldust dynamic) and I thought they worked pretty well together. Both had a lot of potential that they never seemed to realise in WWE. Rico having such an awful gimmick; and with WWE never taking the opportunity for a ready-made Charlie Haas-Shelton Benjamin feud.

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I thought he was coming along nicely. He was improving on his physique and his in-ring work, not to mention his mic work. I'm fairly confident that because of his Tough Enough stigma, that he'll have a hard time even getting Indy work.


Sucks because I thought he had potential.

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Put me down for Akio. Especially since they've brought back Kendrick & Noble.


I still pine for A-Train and Chuck Palumbo the most.

Yes yes yes (although they weren't in the last batch of releases). Add Stamboli, too.

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Guest *KNK*
Even though he was basically fodder for the new young heels, I'd say Rhino.


How can you miss a guy that's on a nationally televised promotion?


It's not like his release has kept you from enjoying Rhino

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

They should have kept Matt Morgan. And gave him a better gimmick, obviously.

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Guest Amy Ace

Definatly Charlie Haas, he had the most potential. Rico may have been over but didnt have much pontenial due to his age. And Molly Holly and Gail Kim, I'd much rather see real women wrestlers, than a pair of boobs trying (and failing miserably) to wrestle.

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I'm a mark for the females, so I'll throw a mention to Molly and the rest of the women who were cut. And while I don't actually miss him, I do wish Haas was around to work some kinda program with Angle or Shelton.

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Guest MikeSC


I thought he was coming along nicely. He was improving on his physique and his in-ring work, not to mention his mic work. I'm fairly confident that because of his Tough Enough stigma, that he'll have a hard time even getting Indy work.


Sucks because I thought he had potential.

Maven was dead when they had Shelton just bury him. I figured let Maven look competitive and he could become a good heel as he has the charisma.


As for who I miss? Haas' release was ridiculous. My praise for Rico knows no bounds. Hell, Jindrak wasn't bad --- just bland. And if a guy can reportedly work the mic --- why the fuck give Morgan a stuttering gimmick that has NEVER gotten over?

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Most of these guys weren't really ever all that over in any role though. It's odd someone would say Shannon isn't missed because he could be of some real use to Matt Hardy once Matt ends up on Smackdown.


"Hey, Matt..you may have lost Lita but you still have me!"


I dunno if Rico is really the biggest star ever on OVW. He was up there with guys like Leviathan (Batista), but I'd say the two biggest guys in OVW were the guys who were there from day 1: Nick Dinsmore and Rob Conway. When I think OVW, I think them.

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