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Guest Zarock

The No Mercy '05 Thread

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Guest MikeSC

I asked him. He said something about goats in Tibetan monasteries and how they shouldn't pontificate on the inner meanings of Shintoism.

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Hell yea! Juvi wins the cruiserweight championship.


Great way to forget his drunken Austrailian outing 5 years ago.

He was actually on speed and ecstasy. Police found it in his bag.

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Well, upon first viewing, I'd say the PPV was underwhelming as a whole, but I was loving Eddie-Batista while it was lasting. The finish was shocking, but it's refreshing to see a big match end with anything other than a finisher. It'll probably only be for this match, but if they did it more often, it gives the element of "anything can end a match" back.

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First, what was with Kennedy's wheel kick in his match? Did Holly actually block it or did he forget to fall down? It was really awkward.


Sharmell sounded like an idiot post-match. I was waiting for Booker to ask, "Why would Benoit let me win?" Also, how many moves did Christian actually connect with in that match? One? Two, tops? He was a complete jobber in there.


I think six pages is an all-time PPV thread low.

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First, what was with Kennedy's wheel kick in his match? Did Holly actually block it or did he forget to fall down? It was really awkward.


Bob Holly doesn't sell wheel kicks

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Post-match wwe.com "Chat"...




Be logged on to WWE.com tonight while watching No Mercy on pay-per-view to get post-match comments from SmackDown Superstars.


Our first guests will be L.O.D. and Christy.


Question for Road Warrior Animal: What has returning to WWE in 2005 meant to the legacy of the L.O.D.?


The legacy of L.O.D. continues. What I did with Hawk can never be replicated. We don't just take anyone under our wing into L.O.D. The main reason why Heidenreich is here is because he has heart. Heidenreich has proved his toughness. And as far as Ms. Hemme goes, it's not just pure sex appeal that's part of her package.


Question for Heidenreich: What have you learned since you started to team with Animal?


To never give up. To always give 110 percent.


Question for Christy: What makes you different from other Divas like Melina?


Well, first off, I have energy that she doesn't possess. I'm eager for this business. I'm not afraid to break a couple nails, and now I'm a member of L.O.D,. and that's fantastic.


Our next guest will be Bobby Lashley.


Question: What type of emotions were you feeling heading into your first pay-per-view match?


I was feeling all kinds of emotion. I was really excited and really hyped up. I think I was really ready.


Question: What is your normal training regimen?


Pretty much every day I work. I don't take a day off, whether it's in-ring work or cardio, etc. Every day I set a goal; every day I achieve a goal.


Question: How many double cheeseburgers have you ever eaten at one time?


At one time, maybe three or four.


Question: What does the future hold for Bobby Lashley? What are your goals on SmackDown?


Goals for me are to keep training and working toward the ultimate goal that everyone's working toward: the world championship.


Oh, and I want to make sure that Simon eats all 20 of those cheeseburgers!


Our next guest is SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long.


Question: Looking back at your first year as SmackDown General Manager, what moments stand out?


Well, one of the biggest moments was when Eddie Guerrero destroyed my car.


Question: Do you believe what you did what was right by retaliating against Eric Bischoff at WWE Homecoming? Do you fear retaliation?


Well, I did the right thing. SmackDown is owned by WWE, so is RAW. We deserved to be represented, too. If Eric wants to bring over some RAW Superstars, we're ready. If he starts it, we'll finish it.


Question: Friday Night SmackDown is TV that’s changing Friday Nights. What Superstars on your roster best define your vision of SmackDown?


Well, let's talk about Ken Kennedy. Brand new, doing a great job. A lot of people (including me) don't agree with a lot of his tactics, but I think he's going a heck of a job.


Our next guest will be United States Champion Chris Benoit.


Question: Tonight you faced Christian, Booker T and Orlando Jordan. How did you prepare to face three top challengers?


Like I always prepare: being dedicated, loyal and true to myself.


Question: What made you choose the Crippler Crossface as your primary submission hold?


I began using it back in Japan and was very successful with it, so I kept using it. I had more success with it than any other maneuver. It just became the strongest of all of my holds.


Question: In a business built upon respect, what does it take for you to respect your opponent?


For them to be somewhat humble. You have to be confident to compete at this level, but I mean in terms of being humble with the industry itself. I don't respect people who disrespect what we do; Ultimate Warrior is a perfect example of that.


Our next guest will be Mr. Kennedy.


Question: How do you prepare for your famous ring introductions?


I warm up my voice. I do various different exercises. I cough a bit. (coughs) I do a couple exercises, (sings) "Me, me, me, me!" Any other questions, nincompoop?


Question: Who in the locker room do you feel is on the same level as you in the ring?


No one. I'll tell you what, there's a lot of awesome competitors here. But I'll go on the record and say that I feel that I can beat each and every one of them. How's that answer for you, smarty?


Question: What do you attribute your meteoric rise on SmackDown to?


Oh, tremendous charisma, tremendous verbal skills, in-ring ability, physical skills. I could go on and on for days.


WWE.com: Thanks for taking a few moments, Mr. Kennedy.


The pleasure was all yours.


Our next guest will be JBL.


Question: Do you believe your statements over the last few weeks represent how America feels about people such as Rey Mysterio?


Wait a damn minute. I just won a match, and you ask me that? I just won a major match at a major pay-per-view. Congratulate me first, jackass.


Question: JBL, congratulations. Do you believe your statements over the last few weeks represent how America feels about people such as Rey Mysterio?


That's better. I tell you what, I don't know what hole you've been in, but the ignorance in you is running rampant. It's wall-to-wall dumbass. I am not just a great American, I am America. I am what America stands for.


Question: Do you feel vindicated having beaten Rey Mysterio after he defeated you last month?


I'm the longest reigning champion is SmackDown history. Do I feel vindicated? I slipped on a banana peel against Rey Mysterio. Michael Jordan once got beat, but he's still the greatest of all time. My career vindicates itself.


Question: What makes you believe you are a great American?


What made Michael Jordan believe he's a great basketball player? I have the record to back it up. Ask any wrestling fan. They would agree with me that I am a great American.


WWE.com: Thanks for taking some time for this chat tonight.


Wait a minute, you haven't asked me one question about the 99-percent gorgeous Jillian Hall!


Question: What would you like to tell us about Jillian?


When she got MNM, they were very talented but not world class yet. She got them title matches. She brought me back into the prime time where the light is bright. She reminded me that I am the one that people come to see. Whatever you do in the future, never ignore Jillian Hall again because you're going to see quite a bit of both of us.


Our next guests will be WWE Hall of Famer Cowboy Bob Orton and Randy Orton.


Breaking news from backstage: The Ortons have apparently opened the casket and Undertaker was not inside. The Ortons have now left the building.


Our next guest is the NEW Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud of the Mexicools.


WWE.com: Congratulations.


Thank you. It's a dream come true. This is amazing. I am very happy. Any Cruiserweights who want to come down and get some JUICE, I'm ready.


Question: You’ve competed all over the world, now that you’re the Cruiserweight Champion of the World, who is out there who you would like to defend your title against?


It's a dream come true. One more time I'm the best of the best. I'm ready to put the Cruiserweight division on top again. I'm very excited.


Question: Juventud, you call yourself the JUICE. What’s the JUICE all about?


The JUICE is all about energy, power, greatness, innovating, the power, the soul. That's what the JUICE is all about.


Question: How do you compare the cruiserweight division of 2005 against the cruiserweight division of 1995?


Well, I think that Cruiserweight wrestling never stops growing up. We're still innovating and there's some new guys coming up. But I'm still the best one, which is why I'm the Cruiserweight Champion again. I will show you night after night. This has just begun.


Breaking news: Batista is calling Eddie Guerrero back to the ring.


Update: Eddie is walking back to the ring.


Update: Batista has just revealed that today is Eddie Guerrero's birthday.


Update: Batista is singing "Happy Birthday" to Eddie Guerrero. The crowd is singing along. A birthday cake is being brought out.


Update: Eddie just pushed the cake into one of the referee's faces. Batista and Eddie together are putting cake on the referee.


Our next guest will be World Heavyweight Champion Batista.


Question: During the past few weeks, Eddie Guerrero has tried to be your friend. At the conclusion of your match tonight, do you believe Eddie is truly sincere?


Well, you know, it's one of those things where in this business I've learned to not trust anyone. I got that from Stone Cold. I don't trust anyone completely, but right now we're on good terms. He kept his word. He fought a clean match. He's a good competitor, and I respect him for that. He may not have won my trust, but he definitely earned my respect.


Question: In the past year, The Animal has been unleashed. What matches were your most memorable? Which opponents do you respect more after having faced them?


Well, always, I'll say this over and over: I respect Triple H as a competitor far beyond any other. My most brutal and memorable matches were definitely with him.


Question: How did it feel to return to RAW last Monday Night at WWE Homecoming?


You know, unfortunately I had to return primarily as a fan, as a viewer. The show wasn't really about SmackDown, but I got to step in the ring with the likes of Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold. I would have liked to wrestle as World Heavyweight Champion, so it was bittersweet, but I do understand that the night was about RAW, and I'm with SmackDown.


Thank you for joining us for this special presentation of WWE Instant Access live from the No Mercy pay-per-view. This concludes our chat tonight.

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Highlight of the PPV was my yelling out "THE NIGHT VINCE AND STEPHANIE CROSS THE LINE!" at the sports bar when they mentioned Taboo Tuesday. Otherwise, it was yet another show I would have been pissed to pay full price to see, but ended up as a blast because of the bar atmosphere.

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Please tell me Orton took an awkward bump on the casket during the match, and that despite winning and burning the casket, he will now go away for four years and come back having found God. Tell me that he will join a re-started Evolution but that Batista will tear his quad in a tag match and Evolution will be killed. Tell me that Orton finally gets that money match and never ending feud with HHH. Please.

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Guest JMA

Why in the name of God was the 1998 Royal Rumble spot used? Don't the Ortons know that Taker gains the ability to teleport when you can't see him?

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Guest JMA
Why in the name of God was the 1998 Royal Rumble spot used? Don't the Ortons know that Taker gains the ability to teleport when you can't see him?


Wasn't it 94?

Nope, 1994 was the Undertaker "dying" and his soul ascending to Heaven (or something--it was just painful to watch). The 1998 Royal Rumble was when Kane locked the Undertaker in the casket and set it on fire.

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I dunno what's more shocking, the fact the JBL / Mysterio match was better than it had any right to be or JBL winning clean?

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I'm watching Heat and Regal fucked up the double Shoulder Breaker but Burchill made it work. Then Kendrick went for a Crossbody but Burchill catched Kendrick and they flew over the ring really fast, looked screwed up but it probably wasn't. Good little match, both teams should be on SD!.

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You know why the 94 Rumble match was so negative in the grand scheme of things? Every time UT is in a casket match I keep thinking in the back of my mind that 10 jobbers will come out and beat down UT and cost him the match. It makes you wonder: Why wouldn't a UT opponent do this (besides it being really lame)?

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I wonder if Taker got the finish of the SD match against Orton changed because he was losing here. Taker winning that match didn't make any sense with the story they were telling. "I scared you with a vision or your own dead selt, Taker...and then you STILL beat me!" A DQ finish and beatdown as Taker was distracted would have made more sense.


Anyways, that's my hunch.

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