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Guest Kamehameha

BoogeyMan Picture from this weeks SmackDown!

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I agree, it's not like I actually give a shit about the guy. Other than having some more "great" wrestlecrap to laugh at I mean.


I just don't see why it's so hard to not post spoilers in the topics, that's all.

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Guest Ransome
It's not like it'd kill you to avoid the forums until after Smackdown if you don't want to be spoiled. Watch Raw, check out the forums. After the spoilers come out, don't read the forums until after you watch the show. If being spoiled bothers you THAT much, it seems like a logical solution. Then you can come back after Smackdown and "catch up."


Actually, it'd be easier for everyone concerned if those who start topics with Smackdown spoilers merely put "*Spoilers*" in the topic, which people at TSM generally do anyway. That way, people who want to read spoilers get to do so, while those that don't can avoid particular threads rather than the entire forum. No need to deprive yourself of TSM for three days just because there's a chance of an ignorant newbie posting spoilers unnecessarily, especially when it's in everyone's best interests to show the courtesy of warning about spoilers before starting topics.


Either way, there's no reason for this thread to exist. There's already a 'Smackdown Spoilers' thread where this have gone, and even if this wasn't a spoiler, this is better served in 'Comments that don't warrant a thread'. In any case, a picture of the Boogeyman simply isn't threadworthy.

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You know, I would have a wonderful laugh if WWE brought back the Godfater and made him back into Papa Shango, so the two could feud. That'd be fun.

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You know, I would have a wonderful laugh if WWE brought back the Godfater and made him back into Papa Shango, so the two could feud. That'd be fun.


What is it with WWE making some black wrestlers have "scary" characters anyway?


Last year we had Booker Shango (briefly, but it never went any further than "the magic bag" to "help" him against The Undertaker in a PPV match), this year we have Marty Wright as The Boogeyman.

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Guest Kamehameha

Have you even seen the guy yet?


i mean his promo was loughable(if thats a word)

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I still think he looks like a gay club kid.

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Guest Jim Ross

So what do we suggest as a non spoiler topic for this?


Should it have stayed in the SD thread? or did the poster want to make a seperate thread and discuss boogeymans look?


Or how about.. 'BOOGEYMAN SD SPOILERS' (Which gives the game away anyway)


or 'BOOGEY MAN (Spoilers)' Which also gives the game away as he wasnt on RAW so he must be on SD as it hasnt aired yet


or just 'Spoilers' where people will say it should have just been put in the original SD thread.. which takes us back to square one.


How would you have posted it?

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You know, I would have a wonderful laugh if WWE brought back the Godfater and made him back into Papa Shango, so the two could feud. That'd be fun.


What is it with WWE making some black wrestlers have "scary" characters anyway?


Last year we had Booker Shango (briefly, but it never went any further than "the magic bag" to "help" him against The Undertaker in a PPV match), this year we have Marty Wright as The Boogeyman.


I thought Wright looked like more of an American Indian, possibly from the same tribe as Tatanka. Perhaps Papa Shango and Tatanka moved into a tent together and after a few months, without a woman, they started to get a little desperate. One painful night later...HERE IS...THE BOOGEYMAN!

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Guest rawmvp

I thought Wright showed some great potential, like Teddy Long said. He was sinister, yet hilariously entertaining. And he could laugh on demand, too, which is always a plus.


The only thing holding him back is the name of his gimmick, and his shitty wrestling skills.


But other than that, he was very entertaining in an otherworldy sort of way.


I also didn't like how he was referred to as a talent playing a character before he was introduced on camera. That took away from the illusion a little bit.

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So whats up with this guys teeth? He did have normal teeth on tough enough if I remember correctly. Is it fake? Has he been in some sort of accident? Or worst case scenario, has he had them pulled out to give the gimmick more credibility?

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I think they introduced him the best way they could. I mean if you debut him as a guy with "special powers", we all know it's fake and people will laugh at it. Everybody would think he is made only for the Undertaker to face at WrestleMania (maybe he will face him at WM but that's beside the point). Now he's just a guy who makes you scared. He played the role very well considering he's new and this gimmick is really hard to pull off.


Only thing about this guy is he is stuck to one gimmick and once his "special" gimmick has run it's course and it isn't special anymore what will he do? Get fired. A Face turn would be hard to pull off. Goldust had face paint and shit but he wasn't something weird like the Boogeyman. Goldust was just a guy acting weird and everybody knew it. I can't see The Boogeyman wrestle in the WWE next year.

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Goldust was just a guy acting weird and everybody knew it. I can't see The Boogeyman wrestle in the WWE next year.


Goldust had the whole film background thing going on for awhile... then they was sorta dropped once Marlina and him got divorced and went with Luna.

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Guest Kaedon

The guy is a freak of nature. I dont mean in the ring, I mean in intensity and in physicality. I bet he works stiffer than Hardcore Holly.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, Mordecai Part Deux...


Do you even understand that Marty Wright is not playing a character called Boogeyman?


Marty Wright plays Marty Wright.


Who thinks he is the Boogeyman.


Mordecai comparison doesn't make any sense. Just as stupid and shallow as Kennedy/Holly comparison.

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The Mordecai comparison makes A LOT of sense...


OVW worker with a "supernatural" gimmick of the Undertaker nature who is bound to bomb and be shipped away ASAP.

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Guest P-Any


I'm sure this character will be really popular, just like Mordecai... oh wait...


I didn't think Mordecai was THAT bad all things considered. They just really didn't give the gimmick time. Could of had a nice UT vs Mordecai program similar to the old Kane vs UT programs, fire vs lightning and all that. Also, will Boogey Man be wearing those RIDICULOUS antlers he wore in OVW?

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Guest P-Any
The point is that the spoiler is in the title.




Benoit appears. Orton appears. Guerrero appears. Batista appears. Teddy Long appears. Palmer Cannon appears.

LOL! you guys are too much!

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The Mordecai comparison makes A LOT of sense...


OVW worker with a "supernatural" gimmick of the Undertaker nature who is bound to bomb and be shipped away ASAP.


But Boogeyman doesn't have a "supernatural" gimmick. :huh:

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