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House of M #7 is out.

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No more Mutants

Personally I haven't really liked the series, and I rarely buy Marvel. But I read the latest issue at a friend's house and it wasn't crap. The ending seems like it'll have some consequences to say the least.



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Wanda the walking plot device was pissed off about beign a mutant or something, and said no more mutants, and they all shattered or blew up or something or other.

I only skimmed it, didn't really read in detail. i guess the idea is to make the mutants a tiny minority again.


too bad, grant morrison did awesome things with an emerging mutant population. Its too bad most of the writers after that did jack shit with the concept.


edit: isn't there one more issue of House of M? the end said 'to be concluded'

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It was revealed that


was behind the House of M and not Magneto, and when Mags found out he flipped, almost killing


in the process. Wanda got pissed, said that there would be "no more mutants" and the world flashed white again.


There is still Issue 8 to go.

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I highly reccomend reading the lengthy interview with Joe Quesada over at Newsarama (Joe Fridays Q & A) where he discusses this.

It's an interesting plot decision, and I tend to agree with his reasoning for it.

























Although, Quesada says that the mutant over-population issue has been something that has been gnawing at him for years, then I don't see why he greenlit projects like "District X", "NYX", and Grant Morrison's run on "New Xmen", where the stories were rooted in the fact that the mutant population was booming, only to pretty much cancel that out two years later with three words from Wanda. I think the current rumor that's going around is that the "168", or whatever big event that is in 2006, is the number of mutants left on the earth.

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Its bothered him for yars, but not enough to make him give up his company's bread and butter.


DC has so surpassed Marvel creatively at this point its not even funny.

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Yeah there's another issue but I think it's pretty cleat that the end of 7 was the climax of the storyline, there's just the 'wrapping up' to go. And I think it's 198 that referrs to the number of mutants left.

Yeah it seems like they're just trying to undo Grant Morrison's work here, but if they have a clear plan with where they're going with this then I think the developments could show some promise.

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Grant Morrison got screwed.

He had carte blanche to do what he wanted on something that he didn't own, so I hardly see that as getting screwed. He got to level New York, kill Magneto and indirectly fuck around with Captain America's continuity. And then he got to leave without cleaning all that up. It's a good deal as far as I'm concerned.


If you mean his legacy on the title is screwed given that Beak will likely be the only Morrison mutant left, well then yes it is.

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I didn't care for Morrison's ideas but I liked the idea of growth for characters in comics he tried out in X-Men at least. It's better than re-visiting and changing the past all the time, which Marvel does too often.

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Yeah there's another issue but I think it's pretty cleat that the end of 7 was the climax of the storyline, there's just the 'wrapping up' to go. And I think it's 198 that referrs to the number of mutants left.


Bendis has said that we can still expect a couple of huge surprises for HoM#8, and that speculation on 168 (or 198) being the actual number of mutants left, while a good theory, is completely wrong.

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198 mutants? There's that many in the fucking X-Men alone.


I got no problem with them thinning the mutant herd (I'm sick of fucking reading Marvel stories, and especially X-Men stories, where everyone's talking about how the mutants are just going to overrun humanity any day now), but cutting it down that drastically is just foolish. But then again, "House of M" has been one massively unwise story to begin with, so who knows.

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Well it's over.


Many mutants lose their powers, including Mags and Iceman. Wolverine regains all of his memories, Spidey is pissed because he remembers house of M, Xavier is still missing, Wanda is chilling in some eastern european country, and Hawkeye is back in some form. Back to the pre-morrison days it is then.

If you're really curious to read it yourself pick up issue 7 and 8 and you'll be pretty much up to speed. Bendis drew this out for way too long without any actual story to fill the first 6 issues.


What a waste of time.

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Well, they just HAD to go and retcon all of Morrison's hard work. That's a shame, since his work on the X-books were the best they've been in YEARS, and likely the best they will be for years to come, given the current creative teams. Whatever respect I once had for Claremont gets pissed away more and more with each wretched issue he puts out.


To answer ZGangsta's question in a more broader sense, my money is on the majority of the major mutants (Mags, Iceman, any other X-person who's powers were taken, basically all the high-profile characters) having their powers back in full by no later than January 1, 2007. I say no later, but it could be much, much sooner. Quite frankly, if this lasts through the summer, I'll be surprised. If "House of M" was supposed to be Marvel's big summer x-over series, I can see Summer 2006's x-over series to be all about the muties getting their powers back.

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Guest Prodigy

Yeah Claremont should stop writing. Make him an editor of the X-titles. That woudn't be so bad...right?

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I think the current rumor that's going around is that the "168", or whatever big event that is in 2006, is the number of mutants left on the earth.


Not really; the current rumor going around was that 2006's big X-Over was going to be a Hulk-centric X-Over called called "Planet of the Hulks", last time I checked.

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Not really; the current rumor going around was that 2006's big X-Over was going to be a Hulk-centric X-Over called called "Planet of the Hulks", last time I checked.


I believe the working title is Planet Hulk. According to Wizard, there's going to be another big event planned around the "Illuminati" type group that consists of Iron Man, Reed Richards, Namor, Dr. Strange, Black Bolt and Professor X.

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So what's the over/under on the time it takes for


to get his powers back?


When X-Men 3 comes out, if not sooner; it's been heavily rumored that Peter Milligan (adjectiveless X-Men writer) is going to restore Iceman's powers in the coming months (sometime around X-Men #180-182). I would not be suprised if the X-Men writers all revolt against this. Especially Whedon, who is rumored to be against Bendis politically at Marvel, as Whedon wasn't given any say over HOM's plot and now will most likely have to rewrite all of his AXM V2 scripts from scratch, since he said Xavier would be a major part of AXM when the book came back.

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