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OAO Impact Special Thread

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Its a shame that Sabin's top rope German didn't seem as cool as it would have in a normal match, thats the downside of these spotty matches. That german was clearly beautiful but I just didn't get that much of a "oh my god" feeling as I know I would have if it wasn't such a high bumping match.

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Guest ian.

Is spike saying 'the ultraviolent Robocop'?


I picture Robocop taking bumps on glass and shit

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Guest *KNK*
Interesting note, here.


Rhyno and Jarrett's time above their respective companies as champion both sucked as they went out of business.


Except that Booker T, DDP and Scott Steiner were main eventing WCW at the end.

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Jarrett was main eventing WCW at the end.


He main evented the January PPV.


He also was involved in the angle that saw Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes come back to the ring.


Personally, the Flair/Dusty/Dustin/Jarrett thing was hyped much more than Steiner's defenses, IMO.

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Guest Leelee
I don't know about anybody else, but the boxing style intros is really making this match feel like it's important...


And as much as they try, it just seems like a matchup of WWE rejects on a secondary show...


I enjoyed the show thus far, but seeing Jarrett just makes think of failure. And WCW. And now I need to go back to wasting my life online.

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So do you think Raven will blow Monty's #1 Contendership match at Genesis so that they can still slow burn Monty-Jarrett, or do you think Monty will win at Genesis and then have his title shot ruined by Raven who is fed up of always being ignored as a contender to continue to slow burn Monty-Jarrett. Something tells me they don't want to burn that main event up so soon.

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Why did they give that match away?


Dusty Rhodes is why.


Why did they turn him?


Dusty Rhodes is why.


They should have run that exact Impact title match (with Brown no selling the guitar shot) as the Main Event of a later ppv...with Brown winning of course.

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