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Austin Walks Out Again

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This is great. I stopped wrestling over a year ago but every week there's always some new and incredibly stupid and moronic backstage news coming from Vince and his gang of idiots. Its seriously constant entertainment.

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The guy at Wrestlemania 22 getting screwed over here is Hunter, not Hogan. With Hogan vs Austin as the top match, they were going to do HHH vs John Cena. Now, with Austin out of the picture, I suspect that with Cena getting booed and Hogan wanting to work with him that it will be Cena vs Hogan as the main event/drawing card and HHH vs somebody else underneath.

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Guest *KNK*
HHH will never get screwed over as long as vince and steph are boss.  Period


Kinda like when Triple H's LONG awaited face turn and title reign after his triumphant return to the ring was effectively shut down because of how ungodly over Hogan was? Hogan, if he wants Cena, he'll get Cena.


Hogan trumps HHH in the political game. Triple H isn't dumb either, he knows Hogan brings more to the table. What will change is that Cena won't be the champion @ Mania. Trips will make sure he is involved in the title situation @ Mania.


The only question is, what good does Cena/Hogan do for anyone? It doesn't matter anyways because Austin will be back for the money program with Hogan.

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That is why HHH didn't win the title from Austin and instead won it from Foley on RAW after Summerslam '99 after they convinced Foley to be a caretaker champ.


A big(ger) problem was that Ventura, as governor, wouldn't raise the hand of a heel.



I think Austin should have jobbed to HHH that night personally in a singles match with how things turned out. It also seems that Cena is getting HBK '96 Survivor Series treatment at the moment because he's lost his edge. Boy, 10 years later and the wwe still does the same mistake. We were lucky Austin and Rock kept their edge as face champions. I don't think Cena is getting booed because fans think he all of a sudden sucks. I think it has all to do with the Diesel/HBK baby kissing syndrome of '95-96. Cena as a heel was the most edgy character of the new batch of guys. I could see them replacing Hogan vs Cena where Cena turns heel and defends the title in Hogan's "last title shot". That may work, but taking the title off Cena won't do them any favours simply because some fans are booing him. The bigger problem is that they ruined the most over character they had with this corporate thug crap. I bet once Cena turns up his edge if allowed along with cutting out the superman phase the crowd won't be booing him anymore. That is the problem with Cena right now moreso than being champion.

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There were two main problems with the Summerslam match.


1) Already mentioned. Ventura didn't want to raise the hand of a heel.

2) Austin had a knee injury and there were major concerns whether he could work a singles match.


Austin did his job to Trip at No Mercy.

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I know. He still should have jobbed. Ventura could have scoffed at HHH and didn't need to raise his hand. He could have done something similar to Slam '88 where he was forced to do a count. Triple H earlier in the summer "crippled" Mankind and he could have done so against Austin and win the strap to tremondous heel heat. This is why it took HHH so long to get heel heat as champion because he got his first title reign in lame fashion. This could have been WM 16 six months earlier. He would have Austin and Foley chasing him for the title with actual heat. We saw how trash was thrown into the ring at that event for Triple H retaining.Of course, the wwe did not think of HHH in that big heel that upsets tradition around SummerSlam '99.

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I really believe Austin's "I'm not losing the belt to HHH" declaration really planted the jackass seed in HHH.

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This could have been WM 16 six months earlier. He would have Austin and Foley chasing him for the title with actual heat. We saw how trash was thrown into the ring at that event for Triple H retaining.

I do believe that was just situational heat. The idea of a heel, HHH or anyone else, walking out of WrestleMania with the title is something I'd throw trash at too.

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The Ventura thing about not wanting to endorse the heel is legit. I dont' have a problem with that. However, at No Mercy while Austin did job to HHH, he didn't put him over because the finish was due to Rock's interference and HHH needed elevating at that point. That may have been more a product of booking and such since run ins were a staple by then, but still, the way the No Mercy match was worked did HHH no favors and didn't make HHH look on Austin's level at all.


I am not one to defend HHH. Just saying.

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That may have been more a product of booking and such since run ins were a staple by then, but still, the way the No Mercy match was worked did HHH no favors and didn't make HHH look on Austin's level at all.

But at the same time he laid out Rock and Vince in one night, and left Austin laying. Other than not having Hunter win clean, they put Hunter over pretty strong that night.

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As far as I'm concerned, Austin has the right to call bullshit on anything he thinks is stupid because if it weren't for him, Vince McMahon would have gone out of business (they were near bankruptcy in 1997) and Eric Bischoff/WCW would have won the war.

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Guest Leelee

I would agree with that if Austin said something right away when he was told he'd be facing Coach. You don't just quit, and leave your job high and dry... even if Vince is a piece of shit.


And even if Coach was booked to win the match, it's not like Austin's been exactly buried in the past... decade. He'd be back to "shockingly" stun everyone, and do the same routine.

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I would agree with that if Austin said something right away when he was told he'd be facing Coach.  You don't just quit, and leave your job high and dry... even if Vince is a piece of shit.


And even if Coach was booked to win the match, it's not like Austin's been exactly buried in the past... decade.  He'd be back to "shockingly" stun everyone, and do the same routine.


The guy has a contract to do movies, not pointless jobs to ANNOUNCERS (Coach) and a wrestler that has NEVER been over (Henry).

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Guest Leelee

But, again, if he had a problem with it, don't back out at the last minute.


I'm sure he was told he'd be facing Coach before we heard it on TV.

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Guest *KNK*
But, again, if he had a problem with it, don't back out at the last minute.


I'm sure he was told he'd be facing Coach before we heard it on TV.


He was willing to do the angle to get JR his job back but he wasn't told to job to Coach via Mark Henry.

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But, again, if he had a problem with it, don't back out at the last minute.


I'm sure he was told he'd be facing Coach before we heard it on TV.


Fuck that. I'd do it too, if I were him. Who knows when they even told him the finish. Maybe THAT was last minute, ever think of that?

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Guest Leelee

The finish is irrelevant.


If he was so sure that he was going to win, and it was going to get JR his job back while being so sensitive about it... he probably should have talked it over with the dopes in charge.


The bottom line is that once again... he fucked over WWE, and fucked over the fans who actually wanted to watch this, for whatever reason.

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Austin had nothing in his contract that binded him to having to put Coach over.


It's funny seeing people try to defend how Vince treated Austin. Coach beating Austin would have been a stupid idea. It would have been terrible for business, and it wasn't even done because Vince thought it would be good business. Vince was doing it because of a personal issue with Jim Ross. And how can anyone justify Vince not coming flat out with what he wanted Austin to do before setting the PPV build in motion? If you want to blame someone for Austin walking out before the PPV, blame Vince. This while mess was down to his personal issue with Ross and a total disregard for simple business practice.

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Horrendous booking doesn't mean you just quit.


If that horrendous booking means that you're value or "stock" will take a hit, for self-preservation purposes, you'd be stupid not to "quit". Especially in Steves position where he knows the WWE will come calling back in a few months anyways lookin for a favour. Austin obviously knows his worth and is not willing to sacrifice himself in the ring for someone who won't benefit from it as much as that loss should be benefitted from. He did the same thing with Brock Lesnar. They booked him to lose in a KOTR Qualifier. Austin losing a Qualifier? No way. I think Austin would have put over Brock, I just think that he would have done so on a bigger stage. The case here, in my view, isn't Austin being willing or unwilling to put someone over, it's about Austin putting over the right guy and the right time and getting the most out of losing. Austin knows the game, and guess what? Ric Flair did it the other way, Ric pissed all overhimself and didn't care who he lost to and Ric Flair can't draw a fraction of what Austin and Hogan can draw today.

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Guest Ransome
The question I have is why doesn't Jim Ross just quit?


I mean, his so called "dream job" just has him be humilated by Vince whenever the fancy takes him. Usually, in his hometown just to rub salt in the wound. Why does he put up with it? Hasn't he not made enough money over the years to retire by now or work somehere else even?


Ross should quit. I imagine they (WWE) assume that Ross would never quit due to his perceived 'love of the business', thus leaving him open to be humiliated onscreen whenever he needs to be 'kept in line'. He *has* to realise that WWE needs him more than he needs them. WWE knows JR's worth, and if they didn't, they'd have fired him by now. He ought to call their bluff and quit, now.

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Guest New Jake
Because the people who paid to see Austin beat up Coach would have LOVED to see Coach beat Austin.


Do you seriously believe the fans would truly give a shit if Austin jobbed to perhaps one of the most overpaid, boring and utterly redundant 5th rate heels fans ever had to stomach? It would have been the biggest travesty of the year.

Fans don't give a fuck about Coach and more then anything they're going to pay tickets expecting Austin to squash which is what they want. Coach beating Austin would come across as a giant unwanted fluke as apposed to a surprise. Vince would have lost ratings and loads of fan support (as if he hasn't already).


A lot of people here are overstating this on business. Think of the fans point of view if all this bullshit actually went through.

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