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My Gut Feeling On Vince And His Booking

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As I've watched wrestling for a long time it seems to me that Vince McMahon's mis-steps have a purpose and aren't mis-steps. In other words, he is deliberate in just about everything he does or says.


Example...the Invasion of WCW/ECW. Some say it was poorly mishandled and botched...I say it was deliberately booked to make WCW/ECW look inferior as there was no way Vince was going to put them over. Even though guys like Booker T and Rob Van Dam are clearly over in the eyes of the fans Vince never had any intention of giving them World title runs. Also, judging from the results of Taboo Tuesday that I read...if we are heading towards the end of the brand split, that Smackdown will beat out RAW for the simple fact Bischoff is the head of RAW and the man who nearly put him out of business. No way Eric is booked to win this thing.


Which brings me to a thought that has run around in my head since Spike let WWE go and brought TNA aboard. The first shows of Impact have been good...with the exception of Bound For Glory which got booked on the fly at the last minute as Kevin Nash pulled up "ill". I have to wonder if Vince somehow got to Nash and talked him into getting sick. Knowing Nash has pulled these stunts in the past I wouldn't put it beyond Vince to sign Nash to a "Legends" deal and thus become suddenly unavailable on the ME of TNA's biggest show. As a result, the people that ordered BFG expecting a great show come up disappointed and their opinion of TNA is diminished.


Finally...the rumblings have grown louder from within the IWC, the wrestling pundits that roam the news sites, and from Spike TV itself. They are wanting to see TNA at some point very soon to go head to head with the WWE on Monday nights. You also have Jerry Jarrett...the founder of TNA...sitting down to talk with Vince which tells him things may not be all butterflies and cupcakes right now. TNA is slowly gaining its footing wrestling-wise and financially. It's not quite ready yet to compete with the WWE.


Vince has noticed I'm sure...so what if he's tanking these shows and not putting out the best product to goad Spike to put TNA on Monday nights opposite his flagship show? Knowing Vince's ego...it's possible. Right now there's no real competition between TNA and WWE, so Vince is coasting right now. Spike sees this and puts TNA on Monday nights. For a few weeks TNA wins over fans with the exception of the WWE diehards. Then...BAM! Vince turns his booking up a notch and crushes TNA before they get too strong.


Some say that it might be far-fetched...but Vince McMahon has wanted to be the ONLY game in town. I wouldn't put it past him to do this to keep that spot.

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Although I do feel Vince does things on purpose and most things you say I agree with. But I don't think he will take the risk of having TNA beat them in the ratings. Then "BAM", he turns booking up a notch? I don't think he CAN. If he wants to make money, then turn it up a notch now and make us watch.

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Guest Fishyswa

According to most of you, Vince is stupid, incompetent, evil, and now a genius beyond his years.


I mean with all the opinions and strong feelings on the guy, is it any wonder why he puts himself on TV so much? If anyone is reading the forums looking for a good heel to run with, they'll take Vince.

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Guest Fishyswa

Do you know anyone who owns a billion dollar corporation with a fragile ego?


Keep talking about him though, I'm sure it'll do nothing but keep him off TV...

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Do you know anyone who owns a billion dollar corporation with a fragile ego?


Keep talking about him though, I'm sure it'll do nothing but keep him off TV...


Theres alot...Dan Snyder and Donald Trump obviously dont have the strongest egos around either. Also, almost every person Ive known to inherit a parent's company seem to have weak egos.

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Do you know anyone who owns a billion dollar corporation with a fragile ego?


Keep talking about him though, I'm sure it'll do nothing but keep him off TV...


Theres alot...Dan Snyder and Donald Trump obviously dont have the strongest egos around either. Also, almost every person Ive known to inherit a parent's company seem to have weak egos.


Speaking of Trump. I have an idea for a WWE style verison of The Apprentice. Where people have a chance to become a WWE booker. Some contests will have things like "Booking Things That Vince Will Love". Which would mean putting Vince of TV alot. Dealing with Steph and HHH and getting fired when you dare tell Vince something isn't good.


With the going ons backstage at the E it will be better then anything they're showing on their shows right now.

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Guest Fishyswa

You guys have it all ass backwards....


Trump has a rock solid, monster ego. He got it by putting his name on everything and shitting on nothing but gold toilets for decades.


Vince, has a rock solid, monster ego. He got it from killing his competition and being as popular as some of his biggest stars.


Maybe a while ago these guys had weak ego's, but now, they could have a 1 inch cock riddled with STD's, they'd still proudly display them like a trophy.

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No, you have it backwards. Let me explain.


Who has the weaker ego, the guy who makes a lot of money and uses it however he wants, including getting people to notice him,




the guy who doesn't really care what other people think and has no desire to flaunt his money and fame on TV so everyone knows it. He just makes money to make money.

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I always though Trump would have a huge ego...


Trump has a huge ego...but the question is how fragile the big-wigs' egos are? Can they take constructive criticism or do they lash out at people who dare to disagree with them and surround themselves with yes-people who will just agree to anything that is said?


Vince has a giant ego but is clearly fragile. Look at the way Pat Patterson left...Patterson (all Aunty Pat jokes aside) was at Vince's side going back to the Hulkamania days. Vince would owe a bit of his success to the booking he did. But Patterson dared to tell Vince that too much Triple H on TV is a bad thing. And if he takes offense to someone telling him this that has been with him for 20 years...no one is safe.

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I'm still waiting for my unemployment check from the night Vince hired and fired me. I wonder what kind of salary I had? Did I have benefits? Was I involved in wrongful termination?


I need a lawyer.

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Guest Fishyswa

PLEASE, PLEASE leave the bullshit "news" out of this thread. They don't hold as examples, and I'm sure as hell not basing any thought off them. Unless you were in the meetings or personally interviewed the person, just leave it out of the thread.


"Who has the weaker ego, the guy who makes a lot of money and uses it however he wants, including getting people to notice him,"


People with fragile ego's don't like putting themselves out there, they fear being brought down.


"the guy who doesn't really care what other people think and has no desire to flaunt his money and fame on TV so everyone knows it. He just makes money to make money."


Your assuming thought. You can only go by actions. Maybe the guy who keeps to himself, keeps to himself because he's not sure of himself. His ego is fragile.


I think the guy who puts himself out there everyweek, in a position for people to like or dislike him, has to have the stronger ego. It's in more danger.

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No, you have it backwards.  Let me explain.


Who has the weaker ego, the guy who makes a lot of money and uses it however he wants, including getting people to notice him,




the guy who doesn't really care what other people think and has no desire to flaunt his money and fame on TV so everyone knows it.  He just makes money to make money.


Warren Buffet and maybe a couple other high profile rich guys (Bill Gates possibly?) are the only ones I see falling into that category...other rich guys like to be seen and heard...

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No, you have it backwards.  Let me explain.


Who has the weaker ego, the guy who makes a lot of money and uses it however he wants, including getting people to notice him,




the guy who doesn't really care what other people think and has no desire to flaunt his money and fame on TV so everyone knows it.  He just makes money to make money.


Warren Buffet and maybe a couple other high profile rich guys (Bill Gates possibly?) are the only ones I see falling into that category...other rich guys like to be seen and heard...


Bill Gates comes out of his little hole once a month to tell us how great he is and show off his new glinch filled Microsoft program. Plus he's not exactly a television looking kind of guy.


Who is Warren Buffet again?

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Warren Buffet owns Berkshire-Hathaway, based here, a company dealing in shares, stocks and bonds...I think he was the third richest guy in America at several points over the last decade or so...

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You can definitely have a very big and fragile ego. Many rich and powerful men have lost their touch and surrounded themselves with yes men in an order to stroke their ego.


Great, Vince'll put himself on TV more. I don't give a shit, I haven't watched the shows steadily for about 4 years. And WWE hasn't got a dime from me since WM19.


This is one of the stupider conspiracy theories I've heard in some time though. It's not like the shows have gotten bad all of a sudden, they've been bad for something like 3 years now. No humor. Very few good matches. ridiculous, short running storylines.


And Vince is still richer than I'll ever be, but he's lost a shitload of money in the last few years. He ain't a billionaire anymore.

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Regardless of how big or fragile we think Vince's ego is, one thing remains true. He has said on numerous occasions that when Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff decided to run a show to compete with his, he took it as a personal insult. I don't think he wants another ratings war.


What I do think is going on is nothing more than Vince being Vince. He hated Eric Bischoff and now he works for Vince. If you were Vince, what would you do? Now he has a chance to ride off into the sunset b/c he beat WCW. He's probably still getting off on that.


We hate the price of gas, right? And all the CeOs of big oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank b/c they know that they're the only game in town. And we all need gas. I wouldn't put it past Vince if he were trying to stick it to the IWC, but I'm sure he doesn't respect any fan of the WWE and laughs at what we like/dislike about the biz.


Of course, we don't need wrestling like we need gas, but still . . .

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Guest Fishyswa

"And Vince is still richer than I'll ever be, but he's lost a shitload of money in the last few years. He ain't a billionaire anymore."


Untrue, WWE's been profitable for a while. Cutting corners and such of course, but he's still making money no matter how you slice it.

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WWE may have had a slump money wise for a little bit, but like was said above they did some major cost cutting such as letting a BUTT-load of wrestlers go. That's the whole problem though, Vince has become comfortable with mediocrity. Without the competition he feels he can sit back a little bit and just do whatever as long as the numbers don't dip dangerously low and we the fans suffer for it.

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"And Vince is still richer than I'll ever be, but he's lost a shitload of money in the last few years. He ain't a billionaire anymore."


Untrue, WWE's been profitable for a while. Cutting corners and such of course, but he's still making money no matter how you slice it.


If you want to get technical, he WAS a billionaire upon the company going public. Since then, there has been the XFL debacle and enough losses throughout the last 4 years that they have now gone from skimming the billion dollar mark to almost half of that. They have made profit the last several quarters cutting corners and doing a lot of overseas tours, but there were a lot of money losses to where yes, Vince is still very rich, just not nearly as rich as he was before 2001.

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Guest Fishyswa

But the WWE is profitable and has been for years now. Going from making a shitload of money to making a whole lot of money isn't exactly gonna put someone in panic mode.

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If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow and was only making as much money as Oprah, he'd jump out a window.

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Why did the stock drop to shit, now half its original worth, and Vince go from a billionaire to dropping off the face of the Forbes richest men list?


Because of the collossal flop of the XFL and things like WWENY, with WWE making a lot less money, Vince has lost tons of money. I think Vince has always sort of hated wrestling, but he lost his shirt trying to expand.


Hence, as I've said, Vince has lost a shitload of money in the last few years.



As to what really pissed Vince off, I think you hve to look back to the XFL. He was fucking HUMILIATED by that. It set records for lowest rated network show, consistently. Someone who I think Vince probably had a good working relationship with, Lorne Michaels, went to hating Vince's guts. It made Vince into a laughing stock, and sent him back to his bread and butter, that carny shit that everyone thinks is a joke. THe XFL was Vince's chance at legitimacy. And it was one one of the most collossal failures I've ever seen.

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WWE may have had a slump money wise for a little bit, but like was said above they did some major cost cutting such as letting a BUTT-load of wrestlers go.  That's the whole problem though, Vince has become comfortable with mediocrity.  Without the competition he feels he can sit back a little bit and just do whatever as long as the numbers don't dip dangerously low and we the fans suffer for it.


Vince has done this ever since WCW and ECW went under and he bought them up. I have been saying this every since I came onto this board two years ago plus.

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WWE is doomed for a decline due to Vince slacking off due to no competition, and the lack of an alternative for upper card talent to go to.


In other words, there's a whole ton of politics with HHH (well, he's a lock in the main event), Michaels, Angle, Taker, Big Show, Taker etc. trying to keep their spots, and thusly WWE has been very ineffective with Cena and Batista due to them getting sabotaged and looking like 2nd tier stars on the shows. You add guys like Foley coming back, people like Hogan, Piper, and Austin showing up and beating up guys and not returning jobs and you have a big problem. There's only so long of a shelf life for guys in the same company.


Things won't get any better until guys retire for good en masse (which could be years), or TNA becomes big enough competition to pay some of the main event guys what they think they're worth.


If WWE was smart, they'd be praying for TNA or another promotion to become mildly successful. Vince just sees it at competition that'll drive up the prices of his talent though instead of taking the long-term picture.

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WWE is doomed for a decline due to Vince slacking off due to no competition, and the lack of an alternative for upper card talent to go to.


In other words, there's a whole ton of politics with HHH (well, he's a lock in the main event), Michaels, Angle, Taker, Big Show, Taker etc. trying to keep their spots, and thusly WWE has been very ineffective with Cena and Batista due to them getting sabotaged and looking like 2nd tier stars on the shows.  You add guys like Foley coming back, people like Hogan, Piper, and Austin showing up and beating up guys and not returning jobs and you have a big problem.  There's only so long of a shelf life for guys in the same company.


Things won't get any better until guys retire for good en masse (which could be years), or TNA becomes big enough competition to pay some of the main event guys what they think they're worth.


If WWE was smart, they'd be praying for TNA or another promotion to become mildly successful.  Vince just sees it at competition that'll drive up the prices of his talent though instead of taking the long-term picture.

I don't know if this is all correct, but I do have to say everything that WCW did to kill itself is happening now in the WWE. The difference is, there's no real competition to step in and pick up the pieces (TNA isn't quite there yet)

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Vince doesn't know how to run his company in and for todays world. He is still running it like it was 1998 and is clinging to his old ideals. He is way behind the times, and this is not something new for him. The guy couldn't be less open-minded. The guy isn't a genius, he just operated better than the other dumbfucks owners in wrestling, had guys who could spot the right talent and knew more about wrestling than he did, and got lucky. Plus, he has the advantage of having and attracting some of the dumbest fans in the world.


Now, here's the problem. There are no other dumbfuck owners around so he's the benchmark for the shit and he can't steal any talent from anyone, he doesn't listen to the guys who can spot the right talent or give him the right advice, and he's seeing his luck as something to fight against cause he's so stubborn. And those dumb fans are slowly starting to wise up and stop watching.


The International well is going to start to dry, there is only going to be so many corners to cut, and if they don't find any new revenue generating ventures to rely on, they're going to be fucked.

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