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UZI Suicide

This is the worst album cover EVER

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That's referencing this Herb Alpert cover:




That one's better.


And actually, in that context I credit the Frivolous Five for their self-depreciating humor. And, judging by the name of their group, humor is not out of character. Bravo, ladies.

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I knew it was a matter of time before the white album was given as a poor album cover, and Banky would be "YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT, OH MY GOD, YOU'RE AN IDIOT."


I mean, really, it's just white and says "The Beatles." The album is great, but the cover isn't good art.

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No, but it doesn't claim to be. That doesn't mean it sucks. There's a few albums which just have solid colors as their cover. At least that one says "The Beatles".

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Regarding the Pantera cover, I actually like that style of metal cover, but the artwork is so bad. It's a pretty simple picture. You'd think there'd be an equally poorly rendered, but more complex and therefore worse cover around.


I couldn't find a picture of Putrid Pile's Collection of Butchery, but the guy made it on his computer. Looks like a screen capture of Wolfenstein, with bloody tits.


Putrid Pile is awesome.


"Severed Head Memento"

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Regarding the Pantera cover, I actually like that style of metal cover, but the artwork is so bad. It's a pretty simple picture. You'd think there'd be an equally poorly rendered, but more complex and therefore worse cover around.


I couldn't find a picture of Putrid Pile's Collection of Butchery, but the guy made it on his computer. Looks like a screen capture of Wolfenstein, with bloody tits.


Putrid Pile is awesome.


"Severed Head Memento"



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how can something so simple be classified as the worst cover EVER? think about it.  its a white cover.  how is that the worst?


I think the Orleans cover is the worst EVER. The White Album isn't even close to worst ever. But someone said worst by a mainstream artist/group.

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This is true. But are any of them that we've shown claiming to be good?


Generally I would think that people want their albums to have good covers, so I'd call it an implication. Blank covers are a conscious disregard.


And yeah, Putrid Pile is awesome.

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