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UZI Suicide

This is the worst album cover EVER

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I'm actually loving that album cover because of how stupid it is.


And yes, Pantera's pre-Vulgar album covers were pretty fucking awful (Cowboys is the least bad, and it's only good because of how cheesy it is).

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Ya'll is stupid. The first and last two covers posted are good stuff. That Pantera cover, though.... ew.

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That Bon Jovi cover is awful. At least the others try to be creative.

What exactly is creative about the Orleans cover? It's just a shot of the band shirtless

If that...


As for the Bon Jovi cover, it's about as creative as the title song from the same CD... at least "It's My Life" had a chorus distinguishable from the verses

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Regarding the Pantera cover, I actually like that style of metal cover, but the artwork is so bad. It's a pretty simple picture. You'd think there'd be an equally poorly rendered, but more complex and therefore worse cover around.

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