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Yeah, I figured it out anyway, but thanks. However, I'd saved at a bad time, making so I couldn't possibly get back to the warehouse in time (before I missed one of the important main case events). The other survivors are incompetent and useless. They always lag behind, can't use a weapon worth a damn, and if you have a huge crowd of zombies in front of you, you better kill every damn one before trying to take them through.


So I just saved and quit my current game and started over. Now I'm doing much better. I've killed the convicts, saved Sophie, took down Carlito and I've leveled up a bit more. Plus I know how to deal with Adam now (katana FTW), so he should be easy this next time around.

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Command and Conquer was a great looking game to play, but it just felt awkward to me. RTS on consoles usually do.


Yeah, that's been my big concern since it was announced for the 360, and an IGN hands-on preview does say that the control system works, but that later on in the game it's hard as hell keeping up with the computer's actions because the controller doesn't work as well as the mouse/keyboard setup. I'll still give it a shot though, since I'm a sucker for C&C (although I like the Red Alert games more than the Tiberium games as a whole).


Yeah, I was struggling a bit with the controls with just the two missions that were available in the demo. I didn't have any trouble beating them, but I was getting frustrated trying to accomplish what I actually wanted to get done. I could see it being a problem in the later missions as I'm sure the enemy AI will step it up quiet a bit as time goes on. I would probably pick it up over the Spider Man game in your situation. Given my own situation, though... it'll probably be on the back burner for a while if I don't end up getting it for PC somewhere down the line. There's sooo many other good games that I still need to pick up/ save up for first.


Oh... and the survivors on Dead Rising are almost impossible to deal with sometime, but are necessary if you're one of those people that has to accomplish every single thing in a game. I was just happy running about killing everything in my path whenever I rented the game from Blockbuster. I guess I too shall have to struggle with these idiots if I ever actually buy the game.

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I gave one of the Japanese tourists a gun and he IMMEDIATELY shot at me. There weren't even any zombies close behind me. But it's ok because when all my potential cases were canceled, I left him behind and he shot himself in the head before he got munched.


And you *cannot* just go ahead of Greg, or he will just stop wherever he is and let zombies attack him all they want.


I scratch my head at how the "Frank the Pimp" achievement is even possible, unless you somehow can teach all the ladies kung fu.

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The terrible survivor AI is one of the things that really drag the game down. That and the ridiculous time constraints. I hope they make a sequel and fix all the problems, because the positives of the game were really great.

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The terrible survivor AI is one of the things that really drag the game down. That and the ridiculous time constraints. I hope they make a sequel and fix all the problems, because the positives of the game were really great.


Yeah, sometimes it was like a PS1 game, with people going into a store for no reason and being "stuck" there, running into the wall when they should go back out the way they came. If you can't do the ally AI right, I wish developers would just forget about it, because I hate digital babysitting.


Gears is much, much better at it but still problematic (although co-op helps clear it up a bit). Of course, it's a larger aspect of the game there. And you don't have to practically spoon-feed and burp your teammates like in DR. Leah was the easiest to deal with, because I just carried her on my back.

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Gears is much, much better at it but still problematic (although co-op helps clear it up a bit). Of course, it's a larger aspect of the game there. And you don't have to practically spoon-feed and burp your teammates like in DR. Leah was the easiest to deal with, because I just carried her on my back.


I disagree. Dom is mind numbingly stupid. Cole and Baird are pretty freakin smart though. But Dom just does dumb crap.

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I can't get into that game yet. I need to be able to see what is shooting at me. Thats why I liked GRAW. Your AI players would see them and they would get marked on your com....cool. In Gears, they are coming for your ass or they are able to be seen...still, cool. In Rainbow Six, I keep getting shot down by a dude that happend to be standing next to me because I couldn't see his brown wearing ass against the brown wall. More realistic? Yes. More fun...I don't know. I have to get into it I guess.


I didn't like Gears for the first few times I played it because I sucked at it, so maybe this will be the same. But having too much fun with the new Multiplayer maps in Gears to move on right now.

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If they are close, you usually will see them on your map. Are you being sure to use the appropriate goggles say in dark places?


If you'd add me we could do some Coop Terrorist Hunt. That helps.

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The terrible survivor AI is one of the things that really drag the game down. That and the ridiculous time constraints. I hope they make a sequel and fix all the problems, because the positives of the game were really great.

You forgot about the tiny white text that will put a strain on your eyes if your TV isn't a HD-TV.

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XBL update today. Not sure when I'm going to upgrade to it. Reports are that the firmware modifications work as they did before, and I don't play on XBL at all, but I'm paranoid that MS gave themselves the capability of ruining the firmware mods though this update, and that they'll hold off on doing it until people think the update is safe.

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I've updated. I'm not using any firmware hacks, though. I like that the system now will tell me what game I have in the drive, and the marketplace has its own pane.

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I'll upgrade when I get home. Not using firmware hacks.



If i get another 360, I will hack the fuck out of it though.

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Not really. Just to play "backup" games. Thats why I haven't really done it because it isn't worth the time. All of the homebrew apps(Like Xbox Media Center) on the original made it completely worth it though.

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It's worthwhile to not pay $70 for games that take 8-10 hours to beat I guess. I couldn't care less about homebrew and emulation on the XBox 360 since I have a PC.

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Anyone else download Double Dragon?



Yeah, haven't played much though cuz I have a bum thumb right now, but so far I'm enjoying it.


I have .3% on Castlevania before I get the last achievement, too.

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It's worthwhile to not pay $70 for games that take 8-10 hours to beat I guess. I couldn't care less about homebrew and emulation on the XBox 360 since I have a PC.



Once again, anyone paying more than 40 dollars for a game is just dumb.


I personally haven't broken 35 on any 360 game I have and most in the 25 dollar range. But I am not a "MUST HAVE IT THE DAY IT COMES OUT" type of person and realizes I can get it for more than half the price 3 weeks later.

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Lost Planet worth getting? Fancy getting a new game, but not sure what to get between:


Spiderman3, Lost Planet and Crackdown (for Halo3 demo)



the Demo was fun, but it seems like it could get real repetitive really really quickly.

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Lost Planet worth getting? Fancy getting a new game, but not sure what to get between:


Spiderman3, Lost Planet and Crackdown (for Halo3 demo)


Crackdown is awesome, haven't played the others. Crackdown is getting new DLC soon (I think all of it free), too, probably after the H3B ends.

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Hopefully the game modes are free. I'd assume so for the achievement points.


Oh, when Gundam Musou hits the US, there will be a 360 version released the same time:



Ok, here's the Crackdown DLC lowdown.



I'll pass on the pay stuff. It sucks you gotta buy the new vehics, but not entirely unexpected.

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I watched a video review on Crackdown, but didn't think it was anything too impressive at the time. There's so many good games out right now and I still have my urban mayhem fun with Saint's Row.

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Probably trade in NBA and Dead Rising and pick up Lost Planet or Crackdown pre owned. Spiderman3 should be cheap in a few months time once the movie has faded away. Thanks for the feedback.

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