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Xbox 360

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Apparently the XBL servers responsible for Call of Duty are overloaded, and people are getting their ranks reset to data from as far back as a week and a half ago. This wouldn't matter in most games, except for the fact that you only get certain guns, attachments, and abilities for customizing the game as you go on. I think my roommate and I are close to done with the game if they can't restore ours, because I really don't want to go through another 500 kills just so I can use scopes on the 3 guns I like.

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I've been having CoD problems for a few weeks.


Then again, I'd been playing TF2 on the 360 before I got CoD4, so it isn't like I wasn't used to bad connections and horrible lag, complete inability to find acceptable servers and the inability to remain on them if I did find one.

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I had the connection interrupted thing happen in fits and starts, but for the most part it's been pretty solid this week. I guess that's what they traded for actually maintaining people's data properly.

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As a side-effect of the class action lawsuit, we will no longer get intermittent updates about the status of Xbox Live. This comes from Major Nelson himself.


I just feel the slightest bit sick.

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Apparently the XBL servers responsible for Call of Duty are overloaded, and people are getting their ranks reset to data from as far back as a week and a half ago. This wouldn't matter in most games, except for the fact that you only get certain guns, attachments, and abilities for customizing the game as you go on. I think my roommate and I are close to done with the game if they can't restore ours, because I really don't want to go through another 500 kills just so I can use scopes on the 3 guns I like.


That should be fixed now though.

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Anyone have any good, cheap game reccomendations? I just got some money, and I'm looking for cheap games to expand my 360 library. I don't have enough to buy 60 dollar brand new games (I wouldn't even if I did out of sheer fiscal morality), so almost all my games come from Ebay.


Right now, here's the games I have:


Elder Scrolls Oblivion


Call of Duty 2

Halo 3

Fight Night Round 3


and I just bought the double pack of Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Forza 2 off Ebay...Mainly for MUA since 360 has downloadable characters.


I'm not a huge fan of first person shooters on the console, so that hinders the library a bit. I come from a FPS PC background, so using the controller just...feels unnatural, no matter how much I play Halo or Call of Duty on it.

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As a side-effect of the class action lawsuit, we will no longer get intermittent updates about the status of Xbox Live. This comes from Major Nelson himself.


I just feel the slightest bit sick.


wait so the courts are actually gonna listen to the dipshits in Texas, I can understand calling Microsoft and giving them hell about the servers being wonky, but to go to the point to file a lawsuit and want reperations for it is just freaking retarded

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Actually, it's a valid issue. You are paying for Xbox Live support, and many (myself included) simply bought the system FOR the online play.


With the constant Live issues, it brings up a valid issue that you are paying for a service that is not functioning correctly. Therefore, lawsuit.

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I can connect but I still can't see any of the tabs. So no demos or downloadable content for right now. Anyone else having this problem?

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I paid for the year of service, played for approximately two months, then my dad's dog ate my wireless adapter. So now I've been paying for nothing. This seems like an unfortunate situation, though.

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Live in generally just seems slow to me. Even when it's working okay, things take awhile to load, which is a drastic departure from when I got my high speed internet at first.


Last night, I was playing Skate with friends, and the entire system seemed to shut down. Kicked us all out of the game, and nearly locked up my 360.


Just weird shit.

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It sucks we're paying $50 to basically play online and that's it when PC and PS3 gamers don't have to pay for it...and yet we're looking at ads and having assloads of connection problems.

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At least they aren't intrusive or anything. They're just there.


It's just a joke that they say/said "Gold users help give the Silver users the access they get for free", and then everybody has to look at ads that most likely rake in similar numbers to the cut of Gold subscriptions going to fund the Silvers with no price drop.

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I already own Undertow


Supposedly Microsoft will compensate those who own Undertow if you call their customer service line. Good luck with that.


But shit dude, the first thing I noticed when I added you as a friend was that you have every arcade game ever.

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I got a deal from Toys R US on the 1 Year of Live with Vision Camera bundle. $40 instead of $80.


I was playing Uno with my girlfriend on my lap, and got way too many people asking me to show off her tits. Eventually, one of the men dropped his pants.


Then they started arguing about whether serving in Iraq meaned anything anymore. So with the camera, nothing really changes. People just look like you would expect them to.

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I played the NFL tour demo yesterday and I found it just to easy. I was just scoring left and right without really a problem, plus it's just to easy to break a tackle. Whenever I was tackled, I was always given a chance to break a tackle or get my footing back after someone missed a tackle. It was just to easy.


I also rented Burnout Paradise last night. It hasn't been offically released yet but the Hollywood Video near me was renting it out, so I rented it. It isn't bad, but I really don't care much for the driving around the city and find differant races and challanges gimmick. I like the way it used to be where you got to pick races and you had to complete them to unock new things. Other than that, the game is still fun.


I can't play online yet though. I guess since it hasn't been offically released yet, there are no games online, so I have to wait until Tues or Weds until people start playing onine. Which really really sucks.

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I picked up a 360 today and am on XBL under gamertag CanadianFrosty. I have Rockband, Scene It, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance if anyone is interested in playing online.

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