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So I got myself a job

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Back to cooking for me. I have a trial day tommorow and if that goes well then I'll probably be put in fulltime. I'll be cooking at a diner located across from the end of my street. I can literally see it outside my window. If all goes well he wants to send me to take further classes on Safe-Serve and other cooking which he(the owner) said he'd pay for. It appears to be a great oppurtunity and the place is open 6am-2pm so I have the whole day to myself too afterwards.

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Congratulations. Sucks that you have to get up early, but as you said, you'll have plenty of time to go out afterwards.


I assume you enjoy or atleast don't mind cooking, and if so, good for you. Hope everything works out.

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Back to cooking for me. I have a trial day tommorow and if that goes well then I'll probably be put in fulltime. I'll be cooking at a diner located across from the end of my street. I can literally see it outside my window. If all goes well he wants to send me to take further classes on Safe-Serve and other cooking which he(the owner) said he'd pay for. It appears to be a great oppurtunity and the place is open 6am-2pm so I have the whole day to myself too afterwards.


Don't fall in love with anyone because if they don't talk to you, you might just torch the place.


Good though as working is good.

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you want beef? hope you....got yourself a job

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Back to cooking for me. I have a trial day tommorow and if that goes well then I'll probably be put in fulltime. I'll be cooking at a diner located across from the end of my street. I can literally see it outside my window. If all goes well he wants to send me to take further classes on Safe-Serve and other cooking which he(the owner) said he'd pay for. It appears to be a great oppurtunity and the place is open 6am-2pm so I have the whole day to myself too afterwards.


Don't fall in love with anyone because if they don't talk to you, you might just torch the place.



But seriously, congrats, man.

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Guest Vitamin X
You should try it sometime, it's great fun. I've done it thrice and it never gets old


I only did it once, and it was interesting because it was at the mental hospital where I was staying. No joke.

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They only kept me till 11 today as they want me to focus on just the breakfast menu. I felt like scooting everybody out of my way as they weren't fast enough but I just stood there and went with the flow.

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Back to cooking for me. I have a trial day tommorow and if that goes well then I'll probably be put in fulltime. I'll be cooking at a diner located across from the end of my street. I can literally see it outside my window. If all goes well he wants to send me to take further classes on Safe-Serve and other cooking which he(the owner) said he'd pay for. It appears to be a great oppurtunity and the place is open 6am-2pm so I have the whole day to myself too afterwards.


Don't fall in love with anyone because if they don't talk to you, you might just torch the place.




Heh...pretty good advice there.

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