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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

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The WWE in their infinite wisdom will probably forget about the IC title for a few more weeks and then someone in a creative meeting will go "hey what happened to that other belt?" and then they'll end up putting it on the wrong guy by the stupidest method possible.


I also think we're headed for Cena-McMahon in an effort to replay the Austin feud from 1998 because by God it drew then and it'll draw now! Wouldn't be surprised to see Dude Love come out and challenge Cena to a match where Vince is the ref, Pat Patterson is the special ring announcer, and Gerald Brisco comes back for a role as guest timekeeper.


How's 'bout some spoiler warning there, buddy? :D

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Tomko looks like a reject from The Matrix.


I say he looks kinda like Christopher Daniels in that picture.


*prepares for the attack*

Well, he does.

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Tomko looks like a reject from The Matrix.


I say he looks kinda like Christopher Daniels in that picture.


*prepares for the attack*

Well, he does.

Somebody get him a priest collar!


Carlito need to get darker clothes.....he doesn't fit in.

Well he does not have a finisher

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Could hope for a Shelton heel turn against Shawn


And if there's a garbage truck where's Duke Drose? Or Dusty Rhodes and those polka dots.

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Is there a more fitting image for the current state of WWE than a Garbage Truck...with Vince behind the wheel of it?

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