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Guest TroughOfMantaur

The Observer's Eddie Guerrero Story

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Guest TroughOfMantaur

Posted this on another board, figured I should do the same here, since it's Hunter's Torn Quad and his Observer recaps who got me to subscribe to the Observer in the first place, and with articles like this, I'm forever grateful.


I finally got my Observer today (thanks for your tardiness, USPS!), and after work tonight sat down and read through the 13 page story on Eddie and the Guerreros. Towards the end I was near tears...this is probably the best piece of legitimate journalism I've ever read on a wrestling related subject. Reading about Eddie's final couple of years, especially his last few months, are about the most heartbreaking things you're going to come across. I hope Dave isn't angered by this, but I know not everybody can afford the luxury of the Observer, and honestly it was Observer recaps on both this board (from HTQ and others) and TheSmartMarks board that convinced me to subscribe to begin with. It's just something that anybody who considers themself a fan need to read...you can't truly grasp how tragic Eddie's passing was until you read the stuff about his final few years and months. Anyway, I'm not going to reupload it, so I'd like whoever gets it to share it however they wish...this is something that needs passed on.



Edited by TroughOfMantaur

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It really is an excellent piece of work. Dave has said that it's only about 95% of what he wanted to do, but he was so backed up with news that he had to go with what he had. Not that it's a complaint, because even though the piece is 95% of what he wanted it to be, it's still great.

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Absolutely amazing article. Kudos for letting us read. A lot of very moving parts, expecially, as Mark said, the last paragraph.

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One fascinating part of the article was about Eddie's training. Eddie and Mando were trained to shoot on each other for 20 minutes before they were allowed to do worked matches so that they would have a better feel of what a real fight/match is like. This should be mandatory for any pro wrestling training IMO.


Also the learning to throw a worked punch by having Eddie hit a brick wall deal was very interesting. (shout out to the Danger Zone)

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The emotional last paragraph you're talking about is the Austin part, right? Just wanna be sure I'm not missing another page...

Edited by Hitman Jebus

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Guest The Showcase

I read the article and openly wept. I miss Eddie Guerrero so much. I can't believe that you're gone.

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