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Necrophilia, rape, murder, suicide...


Was there something else that Vince said they'd never do for an angle?

You forgot miscarriage and terrorism.

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Guest JMA
Undertaker going over Orton is pretty damn funny.

Again, it's pretty damn funny. And not just because it's Orton either.

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When did he say no miscarriage? '89? i can remember like four.

He didn't say it, but in "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks" it was reported that someone gave Russo shit about wanting to do a miscarriage angle.


(I remember it reported that he said they wouldn't try and exploit 9/11, so that's why I included terrorism.)

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Guest JMA

Necrophilia, rape, murder, suicide...


Was there something else that Vince said they'd never do for an angle?

You forgot miscarriage and terrorism.

Don't forget the crucifixions.

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Guest JMA

Necrophilia, rape, murder, suicide...


Was there something else that Vince said they'd never do for an angle?

You forgot miscarriage and terrorism.

Don't forget the crucifixions.

Oh, and the whole Eddie thing.

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Terri had a miscarriage, remember?


Fortunately, I don't.


I remember Lita's mainly because it came a few months after my wife had one.

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I was at the PPV tonight and the ONLY thing I liked about the Tim White segment was the mentioning of the Friendly Tap being from CUMBERLAND, RHODE ISLAND (my home town!)


Otherwise, it was reallllyyy badddddd and stupid

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Don't worry, Undertaker will bring Tim back from the dead to "The Final Countdown" on Smackdown next Thursday. Or Boogeyman will and Tim White will be a zombie ref for all of his matches.

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I was at the PPV tonight and the ONLY thing I liked about the Tim White segment was the mentioning of the Friendly Tap being from CUMBERLAND, RHODE ISLAND (my home town!)


Otherwise, it was reallllyyy badddddd and stupid

So do you ever drink there? Do the boys stop by after shows?

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So do you ever drink there? Do the boys stop by after shows?



I'm only 20 so no I haven't yet but a friend of mine who is good friends with Timmy White usually goes and has been involved when they have some of tapings back in the day when APA was involved. I have those Raw Shows still saved on tape and I remember re-watching one and seeing him in the background, it was funny.


The Tap is literally less then 5 minutes away from my house.

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When did he say no miscarriage? '89? i can remember like four.

He didn't say it, but in "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks" it was reported that someone gave Russo shit about wanting to do a miscarriage angle.


(I remember it reported that he said they wouldn't try and exploit 9/11, so that's why I included terrorism.)


Jim Cornette was mad about the miscarriage angle. I don't think Vince cared.

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That Tim White thing is the most out of nowhere shit I've heard about in a long time. Maybe Orton was imagining that too? I can't tell anymore.


I have thought for a long time that the WM main needed to be Batista/UT for the title. There's so much intrigue there I think. Can UT keep his streak going and get that one last title? Can Batista retain and end the streak? Easily more compelling than "Will Randall get the job back from his former Evolution buddy and have a heatless title run?"


Deep down though I bet they still try to push Orton after this. UT will get the shot at the Rumble and lose via someone running in (Big Show?). And our boy Randall will win the Rumble despite having zero heat or credibility at this point. Thus we get two heatless matches for WM in Show/UT and Batista/Orton. Works for me!

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Monday morning booking meeting


"How do we get ourselves out of Tim White killing himself?"

"We'll just say, 'that wasn't Tim White, that was his twin brother.' worked with him before."

"no it didn't"

"It didn't?"


"I thought he's the ref with the evil twin, Tim White"

"No that was Hebner"

"Who was this then?"

"This was Tim White"


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I'm gonna have to track down a clip of the "suicide" that's not too big for me to download (56k modem). That's the first thing I've wanted to see from this company in a long time.

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Guest Brian

Didn't Vince used to claim that WWE wasn't as bad as regular television because there were no guns involved and such?

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Someone ought to make a YTMND consisting solely of Orton's picture and the Price is Right "FAIL" noise. It would almost never be outdated.

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Okay, so Batista, the World Heavyweight Champion, loses on a Smackdown PPV and Orton LOSES to the Undertaker in the blow-off match? Who books this crap?

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On the latest Figure Four Daily radio show, Bryan Alvarez said the reason Matt Hardy was buried last night (and recently on TV) was because at Survivor Series at the end of the show where Taker was killing a bunch of guys to get to Orton, Matt was supposed to take a chokeslam. Well instead of taking it, he bailed out. The next day, Taker chewed Matt out in front of the entire lockerroom and guys in the back have now distanced themselves from Hardy. Part of his punishment was the 8-10 minute glorified squash match last night vs. JBL.

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