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The HD Final Fantasy Thread

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So, Final Fantasy III/VI. Which do you guys prefer, the World of Balance or the World of Ruin?

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World of Balance. I'm gonna play it through one more time once I'm done with FF 5 and then I'll really be able to tell you.

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I hate FFVI.


If the lead character was Kefka, it would be my favorite game ever. But, he's forgotten. And the rest of the 50 characters suck. The end.

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I hate FFVI.


If the lead character was Kefka, it would be my favorite game ever. But, he's forgotten. And the rest of the 50 characters suck. The end.


What a rotten, stank bitch you are.

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I'm currently playing FF6. I'm in the world of ruin and I just climbed the tower of Kefka and that creature kills me with his Ultima attack when I've killed him every time. I've pretty much gotten the girl with the paint brush and the little caveman bastard before that.


Oh and world of ruin is slightly better than the other world

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I'm currently playing FF6. I'm in the world of ruin and I just climbed the tower of Kefka and that creature kills me with his Ultima attack when I've killed him every time.


Life 3 you fool!


Anyway, on a side note, was anybody ever able to buy that mini-airship at the auction house and, if so, what does it do?

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Oh, I dont even have Life two yet. I know i've pretty much jumped the gun and gone further than I should have. Like all my characters have hp around 2700, possibly 3000. All those fights at the battle house kick my ass too.

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Guest Gogo.

I hate FFVI.


If the lead character was Kefka, it would be my favorite game ever. But, he's forgotten. And the rest of the 50 characters suck. The end.

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I like that one song, in a commercial, that final fantasy had for some game like 2 years ago. Real Emotion. Thats all I know about it.


How bout I take this here stick, and stick it up your ass, make you a Boy-sicle! How'd u like that mess?

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hardest bosses: That painting that switches back and forth between an angel looking woman and a dark devil looking woman, The Magi Master (strictly for how tedious he was) and that machine/tank looking thing that you face just before Kefka at the end...Kefka was a breeze, pretty disappointing...in fact, the only final boss that has impressed me in any FF game is Tidus's dad (forgot his name!), fugger was hard!

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hardest bosses: That painting that switches back and forth between an angel looking woman and a dark devil looking woman, The Magi Master (strictly for how tedious he was) and that machine/tank looking thing that you face just before Kefka at the end...Kefka was a breeze, pretty disappointing...in fact, the only final boss that has impressed me in any FF game is Tidus's dad (forgot his name!), fugger was hard!

*gives Lushus a 40 oz. to restore +15 blackness*

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If the game is more than two years old, and you haven't completed it yet, spoilers are up for grabs.


It's the same concept applied to movies. You're not going to put in spoiler tags that Darth Vader was Luke's father or Bruce Willis was already dead. If you've had enough time to watch a movie or beat a game -- yet have not done it yet -- it doesn't fall on everybody else to avoid talking about it.


2 years. That should be the cutoff point.

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Crusader was cool. And useless.


One of the nastiest things you can do in FFVI is get four Fire shields, and then cast Merton. Good damge to opponents, massive healing to yourself.


If you don't have life 3, you might try to get someone's HP up and cast either safe or shell on them (whichever halves magic damage) I think that works.


I think the hardest boss by far is WrexSoul.

Unless you know that X-zone wastes him


atmaweapon.jpg Man, Amano did some badass art for this game.


the only final boss that has impressed me in any FF game is Tidus's dad (forgot his name!), fugger was hard!


You've obviously never been introduced to hardtype Zeromus. Or Chaos for that matter.


God I'm such a nerd for these games.

Edited by Special K

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I only got my levels and skills up so high before getting tired of it and just going into battle with him...


Alexander was a worthless power...wtf was he anyway? a giant knight?

Edited by Black Lushus

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He looked cool, though. And didn't he teach you Holy? Probably your best offensive spell (along with GrandTrain) until you learn Ultima.


He's a living castle.


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Since I didn't get into RPGs til a few years ago (I.E. after I became an adult and lost all my free time for gaming) and just now got a PS2, I have barely played any Final Fantasy, although I do own FF 1 and 2: Dawn of Souls for the GBA.

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I only got my levels and skills up so high before getting tired of it and just going into battle with him...


Alexander was a worthless power...wtf was he anyway? a giant knight?


Alexander The Great. And yeah he taught you Pearl and casted a super-powerful Pearl as a summon.


A good resource.

Alexander: Might have been named either for the Russian czar of the 1800s or the Macedonian conqueror of the 4th century BC. Arcanus Dominus reminds us that Czar Alexander was a member of a group called the "Holy Alliance", which fits nicely. Alternatively, Alexander might be named after King Alexander Tycoon from FF5. DarkAlexander1 notes that the word itself is Greek for "defender of man". Angry Turnip further comments that the Alexander the Great theory is the most likely, as this Alexander is a mythological figure. Like King Arthur and Charlemagne, some imaginitive (and often downright bizarre) legends grew up around him.

Yet another theory from Masamune_Seraph: In the myth of the Trojan war, Aphrodite and Athena approached the kidnapper of Helen. His name was Paris (in Roman his name was Alexander). He had to choose whichever was more beautiful. Both promised him a gift and said it was a divine (holy) judgement. Athena promised him victory in the war and the power to rule the world, Aphrodite promised to be his bride. Naturally he chose Aphrodite. The trojans lost the war, and Paris went down in history as a fool because of his "Holy Judgement". The large castle refers to the fortifcation of the city of Troy. Alex Scott disagrees with this, though: "Alexander, as the list mentions, is a Greek name, so I don't understand why it would be changed from a Greek name when translated into Latin."

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from http://www.fantasysquare.com/faq/ff10/Walkthrough.txt


Boss - Braska's Ultimate Summon

First form : HP 60000

Second Form : HP 120000

Spell Pagoda : HP 7000 x 2 (2nd & 3rd form HP dependent on damage)


You should be very good at fighting major battles by now, just use your

head, react accordingly, release all your powers, and you'll do just fine.


After the ultimate summon is defeated, you will enter the very last battle

of the game.



WTF kind of a halfass walkthrough is THAT??? you need a certain amount of strategy to be this guy if you're not maxed out with skills...good lord.

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Matt, FFIV comes out for the GBA...today, I believe.


Yeah, I know. But I still need to buy Animal Crossing, and as I've mentioned several times in the video game forum, I still haven't opened several of my games. I could be playing now, actually, but I'm addicted to TSM. Sometimes I enjoy reading about games more than playing them.


Also, I kind of want to play the series in order. FF III (not 6, but the real 3) is being remade in 3D for the DS, to be released for the first time in North America next year.

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Just release all your power, Lushus!


And Matt, FFII (not IV, II) sucks cock. It's just a terrible, terrible game. I wouldn't bother.

Edited by Special K

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I mean, come on, you have to counter so many things from him: when he tries to turn you into stone which is immediately followed by him taking you out completely or watching out for when he grabs you and crushes you or those stupid pagodas...if you're gonna do a walkthrough, don't dick around...

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Just release all your power, Lushus!


And Matt, FFII (not IV, II) sucks cock. It's just a terrible, terrible game. I wouldn't bother.


Well, I already bought it... But it was only $10 for Dawn of Souls sealed. I've got to at least tryitout, at any rate.

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Fuck, I love that game. I started replaying it a few years back and only got as far as the dinner party where Kefka's jailed and you answer all the questions, so I really don't want to start replaying it again. But I probably will.


Who took the Ragnarok esper, and who took the sword, then spent a ridiculous amount of time uncursing the stuff you needed to learn Ultima?

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