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This story wasn't that disturbing the first two or three times it was posted here ... why would it suddenly be disturbing now?


I like Chuck's books and all ... but this story is wicked overrated.

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There's much more disturbing stuff out there. Believe me, I've read it.


Also, I'd agree with Incandenza, Palahniuk does suck. I am so sick of hearing people drop his name like he's the greatest author of our times. That out of the way, he's still better than Koontz.

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That story a while back about the kid having sex in this girl's bellybutton that was being used as an anus was much better...

Man... I still remember that story. That one really freaked me out. It's much, much better.

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That story a while back about the kid having sex in this girl's bellybutton that was being used as an anus was much better...

Man... I still remember that story. That one really freaked me out. It's much, much better.


Find it. Post it. :lol:

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Fight club is good. Chuck is good.


Just becaus esomething starts to become popular doesn't make it any less good.


Just because people enjoy something that you don't doesn't make them stupid, and you right.


Roger Ebert's review of fight club was the stupidest thing I've ever read. He totally misses the point, and says it's about guys pointlessly fighting so the male audiences could get an adrenaline rush, and that the group are white supremacists, because there's no black guy in the club.

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Guest Heel Turn

Chuck Palahniuk's a good writer if you're looking for something to read on the short bus.



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Chuck Palahniuk is the worst.

There are infinite writers worse than Chuck ... the countless acolytes that copy his style come to mind. Is he the greatest of all time? Far from it. Is he the greatest of the modern era? Far from it. Is he a reasonably decent author. I'd say so.


Fight Club is good, man. It's been Korned, that's all.
Agreed ... even though I'm not 100% certain what "Korned" means ... by my presumption of it's definition, though, I agree.


You can't deny that many of it's most rabid fans also totally miss the point.
It's because the most rabid fans are pretty much frat guys that get tribal tats on their biceps.

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Guest Heel Turn

Chuck Palahniuk's a good writer if you're looking for something to read on the short bus.



This doesn't have the potential that you thought it did.

I'm sorry, Czech. Your absolutely right. I'm gonna reform my ways.





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Guest Quik
Korned is for something to be scorned on the basis of its fanbase.


Korn always sucked, and always will suck. I used to like Korn; I was young and naive and didn't know better. Plus, I was quiet and somewhat angsty in middle school/early high school (thank God I didn't start dressing in black). I think that's why most kids fall for it. Other than that, it's just shitty music. The guitarist that went crazy for God and quit was a hack; I had a video of him rocking out a solo (the video is sadly down), where he sounded like I did after I had been playing for a year... and he QUIT the band. They were happy with him playing. It's all the same garbage. Jonathan Davis has oneof the most irritating singing styles I've ever heard, not to mention the fact that he hits the same notes (if you want to call them that) in every fucking song. It's the same 7-string, drop-B, heavily distorted garbage riffs every time, with 3 note fills that they call lead lines. It all sucks. I will give Silveria credit, he's a decent drummer. And I've heard people say Fieldy is pretty good, but he never struck me as anything spectacular. To sum it up: Korn sucks for it's songwriting and members, not because of it's fan base.


Oh, and Chuck Palahniuk has a funny name.

Edited by Quik

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Haven't we all done the Chuck discussion before? Maybe it was at another board. Anyway, Chuck is a good writer / author. The majority of his books are good, some of them even great. Chuck's problem, if you consider it a problem, is that each book is similar in style and tone, although each book has a totally different theme and message. This is why people think he "sucks", because there isn't much difference, superficially, between his books. Here's the thing, though: you either accept that all of his books are going to be the same in style and then move on to appreciate them for what they are, or you just stop and say that they're garbage. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground with him. It's a pet peeve of mine, though, whenever I see someone read a new Palahniuk novel and then bitch about how it was just like the other novels. Well, yeah - that's his thing. You either flow with it or not, but at this point he's put out a half-dozen novels so by now I'd think people take the hint.


Anyway, Fight Club is really strong, although I might like Invisible Monsters even more, though it's probably less socially acceptable. All of those insecure macho boys who loved the visceral nature of Fight Club probably wouldn't want to read a book that has such a good deal of homosexuality and transsexualism.

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I will forever say Ellis > Palahniuk.


That said...what IS the real message of Fight Club? Is it one of the many novels that bring up fairly solid anti-establishment battle cries while simultaneously satiring the anti-establishment scene, or is there a deeper meaning that I myself am missing?

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There are a lot of meanings and interpretations for Fight Club. I don't know if Palahniuk has stated the exact meaning. He could have, maybe he has, I haven't followed that closely. The most generally accepted interpretations are that it's a social commentary on our materialistic culture, as well as a commentary on how men (and I suppose to a lesser extent wome as well, you could read that into it) have been affected by that culture. It can mean a lot of different things to different people, though.


I tend to agree with Milky, that the book (and maybe also Chuck) has been "Korned" by the fanbase. It really is kind of disappointing if you're a Palahniuk fan. I read the book years ago, and thought it was incredible, then watched the movie in theaters, and thought it was brilliant too. Then it was like every idiot fratboy in the world decided that Fight Club was the best thing ever and hey, awesome, let's start our own fight club and do stupid pranks and shit because that's what they did in the movie and DUDE IT'S FUCKIN' AWESOME. Goddamn marks. They always ruin things.


EDIT: I would agree that Ellis is a better writer than Chuck, though.

Edited by Vyce

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