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Gary Floyd

Worst Song of 2005

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Of the ones released this year that I'm either sick of entirely, or are downright terrible...



System of a Down - "Question?"

Shadows Fall - "The Power of I and I"



Green Day - "Jesus of Suburbia" (Some fucking epic...IT'S FOUR SONGS PRESSED INTO ONE FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING A LONG SONG!!!! An EPIC song is one that is lengthy, has a few time changes, and has one or more connecting parts, not just moving from riff to riff to generic pop/punk riff. Fuck Green Day.)

Green Day - "When September Ends" (Fuck Green Day.)

System of a Down - "Hypnotize" (Bland as hell.)

The new Staind song...whatever it's called.


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I just remembered that "E-Pro" from Beck was a very bad song from this year, as was that System of a Down (possibly my least favourite band) song where they hit like three hundred different notes during the chorus(?).


Both songs were performed (very poorly, mind you) on Saturday Night Live, so I vaguely remember them.

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Of the ones released this year that I'm either sick of entirely, or are downright terrible...



System of a Down - "Question?"

Shadows Fall - "The Power of I and I"



Green Day - "Jesus of Suburbia" (Some fucking epic...IT'S FOUR SONGS PRESSED INTO ONE FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING A LONG SONG!!!! An EPIC song is one that is lengthy, has a few time changes, and has one or more connecting parts, not just moving from riff to riff to generic pop/punk riff. Fuck Green Day.)

Green Day - "When September Ends" (Fuck Green Day.)

System of a Down - "Hypnotize" (Bland as hell.)

The new Staind song...whatever it's called.



Actually I think Jesus of Suburia was a condensed version of the song on the album, because it sounds shorter than what I remember. I can't find my old copy and I'm not gonna buy another American Idiot.


also, My Humps was terrible, "My Humps, My Humps, My Humps My Humps My Lovely LADY LUMPS" My reaction came to be "this chick must have cancer or something, she really needs to see a doctor"

Edited by mister foozel

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I have offcially decided that the video for "Jesus of Suburbua" is the absolute worst video of the year. I'll agree with Corey: Fuck Green Day.

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Guest Smues

Thanks to the miracle of XM radio the only song I've heard this year is Hollaback Girl and it's quite awful. Last year I caught myself up on the awful songs of 2004 with VH1's most awesomely bad songs of 2004 show but it doesn't look like they did one for 2005. Of course I'm sure their best of 2005 song list will catch me up on this year's shitty music quite nicely.

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I can't wait for Fromage 2005. Oh and I'm sure any song by "My Chemical Romance" is terrible. I can't say I am familiar with them at all but I hate their name and their buzz seems to revolve around teenagers on Much saying the singer is hot. Ugh.

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Also, Gwen Stefani singing about wanting to be a rich girl when she probably is already quite rich was quite annoying, especially since she goes on to say her idea of being rich is to have all the world's money (my interpretation of the song, anyway).

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Holla Back Girl sounds like it was recorded using a Fisher Price keyboard by a kid writing a song for the elementary school talent show. Then, mix in non-sensical lyrics where a woman in her mid-30s is RAPPING ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL and spelling the name of a piece of fruit.


Any of you fuckers that like this song will look back a year from now and want to kick your own ass for liking it.


You don't know me. I assure you, I shall nestle this song to my bosom and nurture it forever.

On a related note, next year marks the 10 year anniversary of the Macarena.


Why does "Hollaback Girl" get so much hate? That song has a wicked backing track. Great hook.


Please let this be sarcasm...

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That's the problem with The Neptunes. They've got a quality catalog, but at the same time, it doesn't vary much, which means that a lot of the artists they work with end up sounding out of place.

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Worst Songs of 05


1. My Humps, hey BEP Sir Mix-A-Lot called he wants his song back

2. Photograph, more stupid pussy shit from those canucks

3. Green Day's multitude of crap, overplayed and over hyped. Fuck Green Day

4. Coldplay.... Fuck Coldplay too

5. Crazy Frog, what I wouldn't give for Eddie to bring Axel to out of retirement, apologize for BHC 3 and kill this fucker.

6. SOAD sounds the same every song, every time

7. I gotta agree with Corey the White Stripes sucked

8. Mariah Carey....lyrics that mention a Calgon commercial that's the ancient Chinese secret for suckage


As for the Hollaback Girl hate, listen to Crash and tell me which is worse.

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Corey says "Everything White Stripes", I personally say, everything Green Day. Green Day is, currently, at this moment, the most overrated band on the planet, because they're just godawful, even by faux-punk rock standards (which is a genre that is most definitely not afraid to suck), and yet somehow they've won dozens of awards within the last year or so. AWFUL. Jesus, give me My Chemical Romance over them any day of the week.

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Corey says "Everything White Stripes", I personally say, everything Green Day. Green Day is, currently, at this moment, the most overrated band on the planet, because they're just godawful, even by faux-punk rock standards (which is a genre that is most definitely not afraid to suck), and yet somehow they've won dozens of awards within the last year or so. AWFUL. Jesus, give me My Chemical Romance over them any day of the week.

Man, you just read my mind.

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Eh, American Idiot is a solid pop-rock album. They wouldn't be getting so much hate if it wasn't for the overexposure. That, and the awful track/video for Wake Me Up When September Ends. To call them overrated is silly though.

Edited by C-Bacon

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They may have the same sound as ten years ago, but they're getting by now thanks to a newer, younger audience after a good album, rebounding from Warning. So in that sense, they're selling more albums thanks to a wider audience and the pop-punk boom in recent years. But that dosen't mean they're being overly praised, it's just that they're more popular amongst a specific audience. Since the album exceeded expectations, they've been bashed just as much, if not more, than they've praised. The only people overrating them are the fanboys.

Edited by C-Bacon

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It's a pretty good backing track, though it seems much more suited to someone like Cee-Lo or Ludacris than Gwen Stefani.

There must be some alternate version of this song floating around I haven't heard.


The one I know sounds like a slowed down version of the alien signal from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" with a trumpet section added.

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And, to chime in on the Green Day discussion, American Idiot had (at most) maybe 3 good songs on it. The White Stripes are better.

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The chorus of 'Speed of Sound' makes me want to blow my brains out. It sounds as if Martin is being castrated as they progress through this shit.


Runner-up is 'Rich Girl', because I can tolerate 'Hollaback Girl' and 'My Humps'. When has a song featuring Eve not sucked?

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Dookie is the only Green Day album I've ever cared for. Maybe it's because it was one of the first punk albums my sister owned, and thus one of the first punk albums I ever listened to. Maybe it was because the band was still young and didn't care about writing award-winning songs, but cared about getting drunk and getting laid. Maybe it's because "When I Come Around," "Basketcase," and "Longview" still hold up and sound full of energy. But one thing's for sure: American Idiot is on the same level of St. Anger, perhaps even lower (since St. Anger at least has some decent riffs), and gets more praise than songs by punk bands that have more energy, more emotion, and better hooks.


And yes, the White Stripes suck. Get the fuck over it.

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"My Humps"


My God, I heard this song on the radio the other day...I was almost in shock at how friggin' BAD it was.


I also still can't figure out why they used the word "hump". I'm sorry, hump is an ugly word; it conjures up images of hunchbacks and shit. Why would they use it in that context?

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Also, Gwen Stefani singing about wanting to be a rich girl when she probably is already quite rich was quite annoying, especially since she goes on to say her idea of being rich is to have all the world's money (my interpretation of the song, anyway).


Sounds like someone already watched the latest Fromage edition!


Y2Jerk, aren't you a high school teacher? I never met a high school teacher without a shitty taste in music, so I'm gonna assume the same for you.

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I also disagree with Edwin over Hollaback being more fitted towards Luda. Cee-Lo perhaps, definitely Ludacris though. I can't imagine him making anything good out of the song. A female vocalist would be preferrable, which is why I'm glad the song went to Gwen.

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I loathed Warning, but I'm curious as to why decent well-mannered folks have just said it's good. I thought there was a handful of decent songs on American Idiot, but it's not like I'm ever going to buy anything by them ever.

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Dookie is the only Green Day album I've ever cared for. Maybe it's because it was one of the first punk albums my sister owned, and thus one of the first punk albums I ever listened to. Maybe it was because the band was still young and didn't care about writing award-winning songs, but cared about getting drunk and getting laid. Maybe it's because "When I Come Around," "Basketcase," and "Longview" still hold up and sound full of energy. But one thing's for sure: American Idiot is on the same level of St. Anger, perhaps even lower (since St. Anger at least has some decent riffs), and gets more praise than songs by punk bands that have more energy, more emotion, and better hooks.


And yes, the White Stripes suck. Get the fuck over it.


Agreed on Dookie and The White Stripes. Neither band will ever reach my godly level of suck (occupied by Korn), but god dammit I am so tired of the shit about "American Idiot".

How about someone Wake me when Green Day fucking evolves or quits.

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"My Humps"


My God, I heard this song on the radio the other day...I was almost in shock at how friggin' BAD it was.


I also still can't figure out why they used the word "hump". I'm sorry, hump is an ugly word; it conjures up images of hunchbacks and shit. Why would they use it in that context?


When she says "lovely lady lumps" I think of breast cancer.

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