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Infinite Crisis

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Sounds like we get to spend another 10-20 years sorting out even more continuity glitches.

No, they've learned their lesson this time. All the major continuity gliches have as of now been explained, usally by Geoff Johns. Hawkman, Power Girl, the JSA, Wonder Woman, they've all been cleared up. And anything else lingering since COIE (like the Doom Patrol) can now all be explained by, say it with me, Superboy Prime punching the time stream. And it looks like the minor changes to history due to this crisis are all just bringing things back to the 'classical' status quo.

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Everyone has summed up the same feelings I have had about this issue. Great issue and I can't wait for #7.


Anyone in here reading the Superman OYL later series written by Busiek and Johns? I am enjoying it way more then I expected.

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Sounds like we get to spend another 10-20 years sorting out even more continuity glitches.

No, they've learned their lesson this time. All the major continuity gliches have as of now been explained, usally by Geoff Johns. Hawkman, Power Girl, the JSA, Wonder Woman, they've all been cleared up. And anything else lingering since COIE (like the Doom Patrol) can now all be explained by, say it with me, Superboy Prime punching the time stream. And it looks like the minor changes to history due to this crisis are all just bringing things back to the 'classical' status quo.

But it leaves most of us in the dark as far as which stories are now considered canon and which aren't.

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Sounds like we get to spend another 10-20 years sorting out even more continuity glitches.

No, they've learned their lesson this time. All the major continuity gliches have as of now been explained, usally by Geoff Johns. Hawkman, Power Girl, the JSA, Wonder Woman, they've all been cleared up. And anything else lingering since COIE (like the Doom Patrol) can now all be explained by, say it with me, Superboy Prime punching the time stream. And it looks like the minor changes to history due to this crisis are all just bringing things back to the 'classical' status quo.

But it leaves most of us in the dark as far as which stories are now considered canon and which aren't.


That is why they want us to buy 52.

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I think 52 just fills in a year's worth of storyline gaps, not give us a guide to the new and improved history of the DCU.


Now, if there were a "New and Improved History of the DCU" mini-series, I'd buy every issue, of course.

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Or maybe if there were a backup story in 52 (there is) and it were entitled "The history of the DCU" (it is).


Anyone in here reading the Superman OYL later series written by Busiek and Johns? I am enjoying it way more then I expected.
Yeah the new Superman issues have been great. I think I'm going to be picking up Busiek's Superman run. Now if only they'd tell us who will be doing Action Comics.

But this is the first time I've been enthusiastic about in-continuity Superman since he came back to life. (But then, I didn't read any comics between 96 and last year)

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Or maybe if there were a backup story in 52 (there is) and it were entitled "The history of the DCU" (it is).


News to me. Got details?

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Or maybe if there were a backup story in 52 (there is) and it were entitled "The history of the DCU" (it is).


News to me. Got details?

Yeah, this was on Newsarama a while back:

"Asked about the overall run of 52, Wacker outlined the artists on the title: Joe Bennet (who will illustrate issues #1-#4) Ken Lashley, Chris Batista, Don Kramer, and Shawn Moll. And clarifying the back-up features that will appear in the series, Wacker said that following a 10-part history of the DCU in the first ten issues of the series, the next 40 issues will feature two page origin stories of the top 40 characters in the DCU, written by Waid, with art by a variety of artists."

Jurgens is writing the "History of the DCU" piece.


I don't really want to get in on buying a weekly comic, but I might get the first 10 issues of 52.

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Guest treecelightning

I'm so damned psyched for 52. I can't think of anything in the comic world that's gotten me more excited in a long time.

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I'm so damned psyched for 52. I can't think of anything in the comic world that's gotten me more excited in a long time.


I am equally pumped about this series. The last series of comics that I was pumped up huge for was Identity Crisis. Currently I count the weeks until Infinite Crisis comes out. If only Jiminez could get his work done faster.

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Infinite Crisis #7 has been pushed back a week to May 10th


This means IC #7 and 52 #1 will be out the same week.


Sounds like DC needs to have Alex Luthor hatch a scheme to sort out their publishing schedule.

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Infinite Crisis #7 has been pushed back a week to May 10th.


Wow, SBP punching the timestream caused waves that retconned things in our universe!


Impressive, DC. Impressive.

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Infinite Crisis #7 has been pushed back a week to May 10th.


Wow, SBP punching the timestream caused waves that retconned things in our universe!


Impressive, DC. Impressive.



I think its is a smart move because it might entice people who weren't going to pick up 52 to try it since it will be in the shelves with IC #7


Also Civil War #1 comes out May 3rd which might have had alot to do with the decision

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Boy Superboy-Prime was even more powerful then I thought. To be able to change printing schedules means that he is not just a boy he is a SUPERBOY!

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Infinite Crisis #7 has been pushed back a week to May 10th.


Wow, SBP punching the timestream caused waves that retconned things in our universe!


Impressive, DC. Impressive.



I think its is a smart move because it might entice people who weren't going to pick up 52 to try it since it will be in the shelves with IC #7


Also Civil War #1 comes out May 3rd which might have had alot to do with the decision

Nah, all it means is that the artist(s) are behind schedule, nothing more.



...or Prime punching the timestream.

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Infinite Crisis #7 has been pushed back a week to May 10th.


Wow, SBP punching the timestream caused waves that retconned things in our universe!


Impressive, DC. Impressive.



I think its is a smart move because it might entice people who weren't going to pick up 52 to try it since it will be in the shelves with IC #7


Also Civil War #1 comes out May 3rd which might have had alot to do with the decision

Nah, all it means is that the artist(s) are behind schedule, nothing more.





Possible since in the Geoff John's comments i posted he made it sound like only Phil and George are doing the book


However that has to be the last delay since anything else would cause 52 to be pushed back, which would be a disaster

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This is the third or fourth issue of IC to suffer some sort of delay due to the art.

DC's been getting into Marvel territory with their delays lately. Superman/Batman, Supergirl, IC, All-Star Superman, All-Star Batman, Ex Machina.

God help them when they have Pacheco and the Kuberts drawing 3 of the 4 main Superman and Batman books.

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A theory on the Superboy shards:


In OYL, apparently there's something about Superboy starting back up again, and it made me remember a conversation during the fight at the tower between Alex and Superboy Prime:


"Why can't I be transported to my Earth like them, Alex? Why can't I go home?"


"I'd theorize somehow you've changed at your very core, Superboy."


Since he didn't get teleported off to some other Earth, perhaps he's become part of Earth-1 inadvertently. This means when Alex splits the Earths, there would be another Superboy Prime out there on Earth Prime. Now when the machine was destroyed, the Earths collapsed again into one, and Alex was going for Earth Prime right then.


So... would that mean that this new Superboy could be a new Superboy Prime?

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A theory on the Superboy shards:


In OYL, apparently there's something about Superboy starting back up again, and it made me remember a conversation during the fight at the tower between Alex and Superboy Prime:


"Why can't I be transported to my Earth like them, Alex? Why can't I go home?"


"I'd theorize somehow you've changed at your very core, Superboy."


Since he didn't get teleported off to some other Earth, perhaps he's become part of Earth-1 inadvertently. This means when Alex splits the Earths, there would be another Superboy Prime out there on Earth Prime. Now when the machine was destroyed, the Earths collapsed again into one, and Alex was going for Earth Prime right then.


So... would that mean that this new Superboy could be a new Superboy Prime?



Sounds like we get to spend another 10-20 years sorting out even more continuity glitches.

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In next week's DC Nation( Dan Didio's comments found in the last page of each book)


He Previews and comment on pages from Infinite Crisis #7


Spoiler tags for those that don't want to know


p.2 and 3 - Double page spread. I like heroes vs villains, but just because you have a DC Encyclopedia, that doesn't mean you have to use every character in those two pages.

p. 4- OUCH! Bane's back and he's breaking backs again. Will make sure Batman Editor Pete Tomasi is aware of this.

p. 5 -It's only page 5 and we already have an extremly high body count; don't forget you need to leave someone to kill for the end of the story, too.

p. 10 - Ooooh, so that's who The Flash is. Will check to see if Editor Joan Hilty has the same one in the new FLASH series.

p. 11 - Great, now you have a splash page with every single flying hero in the DCU. Phil is gonna think you hate him.

p. 14 - The Thin Green Line. I LOVE IT! You're right; this is perfect for George to draw.

p. 16 and 17 - More casualities? Works for me.

p. 18 - Dude, we did not go through all that trouble bringing Hal back just to kill him again. Please change it.

p. 28 - Wow. Big moment. Not sure I can approve this happening. Have to take it up with Paul Levitz and hope he's in a good mood.

p. 30 - I was wondering when you were going to bring him back, but hell, that scene is a little too brutal, even for me.

p. 32 and 33 - Nice wrap to the story and a great setup for the first issue of 52.

p. 34 and 35 - Another double-page spread of the entire DCU? Phil again? I don't want to make that call (I'll have Berganza do it).

p. 36 - You dog. Should have known you would end on him. Approved.


By the way, I agree completely; we can't cut the page count. I'll make sure we keep this issue at 36 pages without raising the price. The fans have been great to us, and it's a nice way to thank them for joining this wild ride.

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Guest ChikoDemono


That's a whole lot of pissed off Green Lanterns. I'm hoping Mogo is the planet below the heroes and that it will rip Superboy-Prime apart somehow with its ring or whatever it uses to punish evil.

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