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CM Punk banging Maria?

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I can justify the ones who find smoking a turn-off. Don't exactly wanna be kissing an ashtray...


That's my thoughts exactly. I don't care if someone is SXE, I don't care if someone smokes and drinks all day long. I just personally would never date a chick who smoked, just my personal preference.

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It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing.
In 5th grade who? :huh:


I think I've heard of DARE, but I'm not sure, and when I was in 5th grade, there was no such thing. Can one of you young cats educate me?

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Big deal if she happens to smoke. Its not like I have a chance of actually scoring with her in real life. She still looks good to me and she will never be smoking on TV, so in the long run it is not a big deal to me.

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Guest Quik

Goddamn, the people who are harping on Maria smoking are almost as bad as the people who cried when Eddie Guerrerro died. This is rediculous.

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Guest wildpegasus
I don't get the big deal about smoking either. I met a girl at a party who smoked, but given the chance, I would still have porked her.


Smoking is a definite turnoff (hate the Maria picture with the ciggarette) but I would still have sex with someone if they were a smoker. As long as they're not too heavy a smoker. The more they smoke the worse it is. If they smoked too much I wouldn't want to kiss them at all and that as they say my friends is that.


Eh, I might still have sex with them but no kissing.

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Guest Brian

Let 'em smoke when you get 'em from the back side, and maybe got some kind of ventilation. And make 'em brush their teeth and rinse with mouth wash, and change their clothes. Or just bang 'em in water so they can't light it up.

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Goddamn, the people who are harping on Maria smoking are almost as bad as the people who cried when Eddie Guerrerro died. This is rediculous.


Help me out, 'cause I'm kind of dense - you are joking, right?

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Guest Quik

Goddamn, the people who are harping on Maria smoking are almost as bad as the people who cried when Eddie Guerrerro died. This is rediculous.


Help me out, 'cause I'm kind of dense - you are joking, right?


No, not at all. If I ever encountered someone in the real world who uttered "Ewww! That amazingly hot girl smokes, she's gross!" and/or "Oh my God, a wrestler I never met in my life and have no real bond with died **sobs**.", I would look down upon them with equal disdain. I guess I'm just being an asshole, but threads like this really make my head hurt sometimes.

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Not an asshole, just insensitive. People cry when they get sad. If you've been following someone's career and watching him on TV and being entertained by him, and he dies, you might be sad. In fact, it's very likely that you'll be sad. Therefore, you may cry. It's not at all ridiculous. People cry when they stub their toes.


But yeah, I don't really give a shit about the smoking.

Edited by Spine Upon the Pine

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Guest Brian

I think here's what everyone's saying: They don't want a relationship with someone who smokes, or to be with her when she smokes or reeks of it, but they wouldn't mind banging her. But non-smokers usually often disdain people when they smoke.

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It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing.


If someone dosn't want to smoke or drink good for them, they'll out live me. But once someone labels themeselves as straight edge they turn into an ultra annoying dickhole 99% of the time.


You label those straight-edgers "ultra annoying dickholes", being sXe doesn't make you a "dickhole".


Assholes exist everywhere, in all groups or whatnot.


Then the straight edgers have a much higher ratio of assholes compared to other groups.

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Why should CM Punk care if she's smokes? He'll be already broken up with her DECADES before she gets cancer and dies from it.

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It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing.


If someone dosn't want to smoke or drink good for them, they'll out live me. But once someone labels themeselves as straight edge they turn into an ultra annoying dickhole 99% of the time.


You label those straight-edgers "ultra annoying dickholes", being sXe doesn't make you a "dickhole".


Assholes exist everywhere, in all groups or whatnot.


Then the straight edgers have a much higher ratio of assholes compared to other groups.

No, it's just the die-hard sXe'ers tend to be louder and more obnoxious than the casual/normal ones, and thus it just seems like there are more of them. The ones that aren't being pricks about it are probably just presumed to be something other than straight edge.


And I've dated plenty of smokers ... the whole 'their mouths are like an ashtray' thing is so played out. They don't ash in their mouths, and thus their mouths taste nothing like an ashtray. Their mouths might taste like cigarette smoke, but not cigarettes ashes. Big difference.

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Guest Leelee

Cigarette smoke smell is still disgusting.


I guess the smoking bothers me because Maria is hot in that innocent, dumb bitch kind of way. Now that she's lost that image to me... she just looks like every other fake-tittied skank.

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The last girl I was seeing smoked and it didn't bother me hardly at all, apart from like if were watching tv and she had to go outside half way through something that would get annoying. She never really smelt too bad of smoke or I guess I don't notice it as I've grown up in a smokey house.


Back on topic of Punk and Maria, I've met Punk a couple of times and he seems like a cool guy so all the best to him if he's found a nice girl in Maria. I hope they're both really happy if they're seeing each other or whatever.

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