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CM Punk banging Maria?

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Guest Amy Ace

I dunno maybe its just me, but I'm a girl and I just don't see why all these drop-dead gorgeous chicks go for Punk. That man has to be hung like a horse, cuz there is no other logical explanation.

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Who in the wrestling business as Punk not have sex with?


Just Max Mini


Yes yes yes, the smoking thing just ruins her for me.


I think Punk is a legit straight edger. Doesn't mean he honestly looks down on people who aren't. I think that's where the gimmick kicks in

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Who is CM Punk?


So far from this thread I can gather is a ROH wrestler who has had sex with Traci Brooks and Maria. What is his full list?



Traci Brooks



I read on the TNA wrestling forum that CM Punk was screwing Mickie James/Alexis Laree while he was still dating Traci, which could have led to their break-up earlier this year. I'm not really sure if Mickie James counts yet until proven.


BTW, does anyone else think Edge and CM Punk are in competition against each other to see how many women they'll fuck in their lifetime?

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Who is CM Punk?


So far from this thread I can gather is a ROH wrestler who has had sex with Traci Brooks and Maria. What is his full list?



Traci Brooks



I read on the TNA wrestling forum that CM Punk was screwing Mickie James/Alexis Laree while he was still dating Traci, which could have led to their break-up earlier this year. I'm not really sure if Mickie James counts yet until proven.


BTW, does anyone else think Edge and CM Punk are in competition against each other to see how many women they'll fuck in their lifetime?


They're both "Straight Edges" LOL M I RITE?!

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Guest Chrisly_2005

Maria has now lost a lot of point in attractiveness. DONT SMOKE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What is this "straight edge" crap? Is it a trend, a cult or a bunch of religious freaks?


It's a trend.


People who don't smoke, drink, or do drugs are fine with me. But when they come up with a term for it and throw it in people's faces as a reason that they're "better" than everyone else, they've crossed the line from "respectable" into "they can go fuck themselves" territory.

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Matt, saying opinions as fact make you sound teh dumb. This 'trend' has been around longer than you've been alive. You might as well say that Rap Music is a trend. Or the internet.


Not all sXe'ers are dickheads ... a lot are, but a lot aren't.


And Smoker Maria is even hotter than Non-smoking Maria was.

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Love chicks that fire down heaters. Think phallic symbols here, gang.


Right, the girl is photographed with one cigarette, presumably from a night of a drinking at a bar and the moral police are all over her. Bad girls smoke. Bad girls do lots of things they aren't supposed to do. She has an oral fixation. Sorry, that's hot.

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All straight edgers aren't CM Punk's gimmick, his is obviously an extreme version of an sxe kid. I'm kinda straight edge being that I don't do drugs or drink and live a pretty clean life. But I don't x up my hands or anything

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Matt, saying opinions as fact make you sound teh dumb. This 'trend' has been around longer than you've been alive. You might as well say that Rap Music is a trend. Or the internet.


Not all sXe'ers are dickheads ... a lot are, but a lot aren't.


And Smoker Maria is even hotter than Non-smoking Maria was.



I know that... but it seems that it has just recently become a trend to beall elitist and throw straight edge-ness in people's faces. And I know not all sXe's are dickheads, but I've encountered a lot who are.

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I'm saying that if people choose to not drink or smoke and label themselves as straight edge, great. But they don't need to tell me I'm a bad person and that they're better than me because I smoke and drink. I respect their life choices, even though I don't live the same way, so they should respect mine, even if they don't agree with the acts themselves.

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Guest Coffey

See, I don't think that has to deal with straight edge at all. Regardless, no one should be telling you that you're a bad person for anything that you do because it's none of their business. If the subject comes down to them not smoking and you smoking they're still just being an asshole.


It's like if one straight edge person tells another straight edge person that he's not "real" because he eats meat and the other doesn't. He's just being an asshole because it's not what he believes.

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Does anyone else think that Maria is no more or less hot because she smokes? I didn't realize that it was the end-all, be-all of sexual attractiveness.

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Does anyone else think that Maria is no more or less hot because she smokes? I didn't realize that it was the end-all, be-all of sexual attractiveness.


In a physical personal relationship, smokers are a turn off for me but Maria's appeal and attractiveness remains the same because the appeal with her is the look and the fantasy character she plays. Not her actual reality, a reality, that i don't personally know.

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All right, so I should probably move this to GC, but let me rephrase: am I the only one who doesn't find smoking a turn on or a turn off?

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Does anyone else think that Maria is no more or less hot because she smokes? I didn't realize that it was the end-all, be-all of sexual attractiveness.



I'm a smoker and drinker as well so Maria looks the same to me. I'm just waiting for the next time WWE makes her wrestle so people on here can blame her smoking for the reason the workrate in the match sucked.


As far being sXe goes in wrestling, I'm gathering it's the same as the born again Christians. You only follow some of the rules.

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It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing.


If someone dosn't want to smoke or drink good for them, they'll out live me. But once someone labels themeselves as straight edge they turn into an ultra annoying dickhole 99% of the time.

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It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing.


If someone dosn't want to smoke or drink good for them, they'll out live me. But once someone labels themeselves as straight edge they turn into an ultra annoying dickhole 99% of the time.


You label those straight-edgers "ultra annoying dickholes", being sXe doesn't make you a "dickhole".


Assholes exist everywhere, in all groups or whatnot.

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