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Guest Hadley

What was worse?

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The only decent things to come out of WCW in 2000 (that I can remember) was Three Count w/ Tank Abbott dancing and the Boogie Knights.



YES! The Disqo Duck! Bring that thing back! Didn't they have a ladder match on Nitro between The Boogie Knights and The Filthy Animals where the duck was on the top of the ladder instead of a belt? In fact I might have that match on tape!


Disco Fever, Disco Fever, Disco Fever

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

He's So Cocky, He's so cool, He's just a Disco Dancing Fool

When he steps out on the floor,

the Girls are Screaming, we want more more more.

Disco Fever, Disco Fever, Disco Fever

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah


Remember when Steiner beat up the Disqo duck? :D

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I loved it when Disco somehow won a battle royal filled with fellow jobbers before the first World War 3 pay per view and everybody got mad at him. I remember before the World War 3 battle royal, they interviewed everyone and asked them who they wanted to eliminate and everybody except Sting said Disco Inferno!



Before this thread turns into a Disco Inferno appreciation thread. I'll give my say and say I think WCW 2000 was more entertaining but WWE 2005 is probably better from a wrestling standpoint. I think WWE 2005 just seems tired.


Plus WCW 2000 had "Positively" Kanyon! "Positvely Kanyon" written by Chris Kanyon and Mark "Smoky" Madden

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2005 was better than 2004 although they followed pretty much the same pattern: almost nothing happened and nothing is going to happen.


WWE from Sept. 2004 to Jan. 2004 was some of the worst fucking shit I have ever seen on television. Thankfully the Rumble was a good (although unspectacular) show that drew me back in for WrestleMania, which was enjoyable. Also, Vengeance was a good show with bad buildup. The ECW PPV was a bit of a disappointment.


I didn't think the product got terribly stale until, once again, Unforgiven. The last few months have been fairly lousy with some shining moments (Rey vs. HBK was fantastic).


SmackDown in September of 2003 destroys any month of WWE programming since (although May 2004 was good).

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Before this thread turns into a Disco Inferno appreciation thread. I'll give my say and say I think WCW 2000 was more entertaining but WWE 2005 is probably better from a wrestling standpoint. I think WWE 2005 just seems tired.

I might be in the minority, but I'd rather be entertained than wowed with wrestling.


Sadly, WCW provided better entertainment even though the WWE is the organization that's actually trying to be entertaining.

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Guest Leelee

Hard to say because I rarely watched WCW in 2000... but, this isn't even the worst year for WWE. 2002 was much worse, IMO. So, was 1995.

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Comparing the financial information of the companies shouldn't be a part of what we think is worst. TNA is still a money loser but they've had more enjoyable matches and storylines this year than WWE has.


Comparing overall entertainment value, count me among those who enjoyed WCW in 2000 MUCH more than WWE this year. There was a time in my life where I taped every damn RAW, SD!, Nitro, Thunder, ECW, etc. without hesitation. Now I still tape RAW but don't kick myself if I forget, and tape SD! maybe once in a blue moon if they have a match or storyline that appeals to me.


WCW in 2000 had the New Blood angle which, while it failed, was still something a bit fresh and worth giving a chance to. The use of Lance Storm was the best in WCW 2000 than in ECW or WWF/E. Three Count, The Jung Dragons, and The Filthy Animals were putting on entertaining spotfests. The emergence of the Natural Born Thrillers, a favorite stable of mine. Hell, even Ernest Miller's use as the GM entertained me, because he was pretty quick and funny on the mic.


The failed Goldberg turn, the Arquette stunt, the Russo/World Title deal...sure, they were all things that sent the company spiraling downward, but I still found WCW to be more entertaining during those sagas than the current WWE product based around people like Chris Masters, The Boogeyman, or the new LOD. I never expect to see a **** match on RAW anymore (last one was Shelton/Michaels), and with the talent on that roster, it's amazing why more above-average matches don't take place. Smackdown has the better tag roster, but it's still always the same few teams battling over the belts, and a Cruiserweight division that could rival the X Division, yet has it's legs cut off. At least WCW, for all their faults, never told any of their cruisers to hold back in the ring.

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The ECW PPV was a bit of a disappointment.

How exactly was ECW One Night Stand a disappointment? It was probably the best PPV of the year because it was a WRESTLING SHOW and not a retarded wrestling/entertainment hybrid and reminded me why I was a wrestling fan, a feeling that RAW the next night promptly killed again.

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Yeah I loved the ECW PPV this year. The thing about WCW in 2000 is that there is nothing there anyone could legitimately think was good. Guilty pleasures? Of course. Stuff so bad it was good? Sure. But there wasn't really much of anything that was a GOOD angle, or a GOOD match.


I'm assuming the 2 weeks Rudo refers to is after Bischoff and Russo came back and did the restart. WCW was still crap even then, but at times was at least manic paced, entertaining crap.


Hell, as far as WCW goes I think 2000 was certainly better than 1999. WCW in 1999 is the worst shit I've EVER seen in wrestling. I mean ever.

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Because it wasn't an all-out ECW bonkers event, and didn't feature a lot of the talent that made ECW what it was.


But that's because, you know, a lot of that former ECW talent either has issues with McMahon or were under contract to TNA at the time. Hence why the Hardcore Homecoming show occurred.


Overall...WCW 2k. So much crap, but you could at least sense that a lot of the guys were trying their damnedest to make the company do a turnaround and be #1 again. Say what you will about Russo, but he accomplished something all of us only dreamed of in WCW: getting rid of Hogan. Hogan was booted; Booker had a great couple of matches with Lance Storm, a better-than-expected cage match with Nash, and a pretty damn good feud with Scott Steiner that lasted until the very last Nitro; the cruiserweight division was starting to get built back up as something to watch WCW for; 3 F'N COUNT; Natural Born Thrillers; Nash PUTTING PEOPLE OVER (a continuation of his better-than-expected cage match with Booker and the NBT); and people giving a damn about Hugh Morrus/Bill DeMott/General Rection/whatever you want to call him for once.

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Because the pay-per-view was censored, featured bad/underwhelming matches (Benoit vs. Eddie, Rey vs. Juvie, Guido vs. Crazy vs. Tajiri) that didn't remind me of ECW but of WWE, and had a cheezy finish and spent too much time on people that had nothing to do with ECW. It was alright, but a let down. If you do the math, that means I prefer ECW from 1995-2000 more than I like WWE from 2002-now.

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Eh...For me, as a WCW mark, I'd say 2000 was better.


While the first six months or so of the year was GODAWFUL, and easily one of the worst periods in wrestling history, WCW ended their run with some of the best stuff in the promotion. You have Steiner finally get a god push, the Cruiserweight division was rebuilt with Chavo, Kidman, Rey & Helms all maineventing, and decent mid-cards.


I loved the final six months of WCW, with Steiner forming the "Gang of Seven" or whatever, and having him just run through all the faces in the promotion, until Booker returned to a megapop to fight him.


It's really sad that they put on such good stuff right before they keeled over.

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Oh, I will say that WCW was starting to get a bit better after they booted Russo in late 2000. I think it was Bill Banks and someone else that booked at that point, and at least things were feasible and the action was solid.


I'm not putting it down necessarily since this summer I actually dug out a bunch of those 2000 PPVs (yes, I got almost all of them) and rewatched. They were actually quite a bit of fun, at least they MOVED. Hell, Mayhem 2000 is gold if for nothing else than Stevie Ray and Mark Madden on commentary just not giving a shit and doing wild shoot comments. It had one of my fave Stevie moments, where Schiavone mentioned something about Paisley giving an interview about Kwee Wee's match:


"I don't want to hear Paisley talk about much of ANYTHING."


I thought come on Stevie, is that any way to talk about your sister-in-law?


As far as ECW ONS I think the one in 2006 could end up better if they do it right. There's no Bischoff this time and JBL and Angle probably learned their lesson and won't give a shit about it. I might focus on one particular guy who was disgusted with ECW, and who would be better at that than HHH? Who wouldn't enjoy seeing RVD beat the piss out of HHH in an ECW environment? The rest of the show would be the nostalgia/reunion stuff.

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We shouldn't even have to think about this. WWE 2005 is way better then WCW 2000. Sure WWE did some stupid things this year, especially in the end, but it was still much better then WCW 2000. Eddie Guerrero died, that sucks, but they dealt with it in a great tribute show. We had Hogan/HBK, which was a great feud to be honest. Bret Hart DVD coming out, Batista/HHH was a fine feud etc..

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Easily WWE 2005 over WCW 2000. Sure, WCW started to get better towards the end but the David Arquette thing TOTALLY killed my interest in the promotion for a good six to seven months. Plus, WCW was still lacking a lot of credibility in my opinion by putting the title on DDP in 1999 which resulted in a big "wtf" moment for me.


With that said I'm still disappointed with a lot of the direction the WWE took this year. I'm glad that their show in Lexington, Kentucky was a house show so I got to see a 20 minute Shelton-Carlito match, 14 minute Flair-HBK duel, and the first ever Cena-HHH match that went 20+ if I remember correctly instead of all of those crappy vignettes they've been doing on their televised programs.

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I think I'm the one person in the world who had absolutely no problem with David Arquette winning the title from a personal standpoint. I actually like Russo's philosophy that belts are merely props to be used to further storylines.


Unfortunately, what I and Russo like is not what the public wants, and as a result WCW failed miserably.

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I didn't watch ANY WCW in 2000, so I can't really say which was worse.


Than again, I barely watched anything in 2005 from WWE. So...yeah.

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I managed to stay loyal to WCW in 2000... fuck, I was loyal to its dying day


WWE 2005 killed what waning interest I had in that promotion.

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WWE 2005 was just kind of there. It's the same thing as the past 3 years and it looks like nothing will change. WCW 2000 was so bad it was good at times, but they were doing some things right toward the end that gave hope to their future.


I'd call it a draw.

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What makes WWE 2005 is that they have WCW 2000 to learn from, and are still making the same mistakes WCW 2000 did and don't care enough to change direction. At least WCW 2000 tried to dig itself out of the hole they were in, while WWE 2005 is merrily continuing to dig downwards and is doing so with a smile on its face because they don’t care. They know it’ll be years before they reach the bottom, so they can think its fun to book purely for kicks and not for business because, in their minds, they’ll always have time to turn the ship around. WCW had that same mentality, and look where it got them.

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With WWE I think it's tough to see some of the constant positives when there's no WCW (circa 2000) to compare it to. No one in WCW in 2000 was performing as consistently as Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and even the limited champs Batista and JBL have done this year, even with some appalling storylines. A bad year yes, but not in the same league as the last days of WCW.

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The ECW PPV was a bit of a disappointment.

How exactly was ECW One Night Stand a disappointment? It was probably the best PPV of the year because it was a WRESTLING SHOW and not a retarded wrestling/entertainment hybrid and reminded me why I was a wrestling fan, a feeling that RAW the next night promptly killed again.


It wasn't any more of a "wrestling" show than any other WWE PPV this year. In fact, ONS probably had the least amount of wrestling of any three-hour wrestling PPV ever (less than an hour of bell-to-bell time). But I can understand why that was, since they had three hours to get so many guys on the show and they couldn't have them all wrestle. However, I was disappointed with the show because while it reminded me of ECW, it didn't remind me of the best of ECW, since overall there was a real "WWE" feel to the show.

Edited by Sensei John Kreese

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I can't compare the two. They sucked in such completely different ways that I can't really say which was worse.


Yes, WWE is still in business, but I don't know that having WWE still around to bore everyone to death in 2006 and beyong is such a good thing.

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Speaking of comparing WCW to WWE, this would be another opportunity for me to point out all the unintentional comedy in the "Monday Night Wars" DVD.

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There's one major thing, to me, that makes WWE 2005 better than WCW 2000 (besides Arquette and I believe also Russo winning the WCW belt).


Joey Styles on Play By Play.


The closest other thing you have in WCW would be Mark Madden, and he caused me nightmares with his match against Okerlund.

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From a personal standpoint, I never liked Stevie Ray on color.


Thought he would have made a better manager, to be honest.

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You got me baby. You know, it's gonna take me, mmm, 2-3 minutes to get out of this stuff, get in to my garb, and I'm gonna get in the ring, and gonna get in yo BUTT. It ain't gonna take long, Hennig.




From a personal standpoint, you can suck a nut, fruitbooty. Stevie Ray kicked it.

Edited by RavishingRickRudo

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