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Bowl Discussion: January 2nd & 3rd

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Gangrel's Theme!

I'm glad I didn't have to be the first to post this. It was raw to hear that.


I picked Georgia, but to see West Virginia lose after having such a huge lead would be sad. I feel sorry for the Big East.

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Gangrel's Theme!

I'm glad I didn't have to be the first to post this. It was raw to hear that.


I picked Georgia, but to see West Virginia lose after having such a huge lead would be sad. I feel sorry for the Big East.


Fuck that. Georgia's tight. This is the best game of the entire bowl season thus far.

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I want to extend a Nelson Muntz laugh to John Swofford of the ACC. He tried to weaken the Big East, and while he got his championship game, he also has the worst conference champion in the BCS, while the Big East champion beat the SEC champion in a literal home game for the SEC champion.

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*Comes into the thread with a big shit Grin*


Yeah, the Big East is dead.

Yeah, they don't deserve the BCS Big.

Yeah, they're a Mid-Major Conference now.

Yeah, all of their good programs are in the ACC now.

Yeah, the Big East is inferior.


It is all of those things, and yet West Virginia still beats the mighty SEC Champion in their own party (The Sugar Bowl.)


The Big East is dead, Long Live the New Big East. (*Ignores the other 3 losses*)

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Wow. That's all I can say. Down 28-0 and the Bulldogs show no fear and roar back into the game. Most teams would be intimidated by another team getting back up like that after their best shot but the Mountaineers kept their heads on and produced one of the best bowl dogfights(no pun intended) that I've seen in a while. Hell man I was drained after that fake punt.

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WVU should probably finish the year in the top 5 or near it depending on how the PSU game goes tomorrow night.

They'll be 5th if Penn State wins, because we have to leave one of those spots for the loser of the Rose Bowl. PSU loses, they are probably 4th.

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Great game from West Virginia. It took this much, but they proved tonight that they are a legitimately great program this year.


The Big East is still unquestionably the weakest of the 6 BCS conferences, though. West Virginia had a fantastic year and Louisville a good one, but the overall level of competition in the league remains a step below every other major conference. If Louisville and WVU can hold this well for next year, and Pitt can build on their late-season run (Greg Lee leaving won't help) while a young program like USF or Connecticut continues to improve, then maybe we can talk. Still, this game should kill any chatter about the lot of them losing their automatic bid for a long time.

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Guest Ether
I want to extend a Nelson Muntz laugh to John Swofford of the ACC. He tried to weaken the Big East, and while he got his championship game, he also has the worst conference champion in the BCS, while the Big East champion beat the SEC champion in a literal home game for the SEC champion.


What's even funnier is when you realize that much of the financial gain the ACC thought it was going to enjoy was going to come from the Big East losing its automatic bid, thus giving the ACC a bigger piece of the BCS pie. With that not happening, and the fact that the ACC title game was a flop, you now have 12 schools splitting the same amount of revenue that 9 schools used to split. It's the exact opposite logic the Big 10 has, since the only school they would expand for is Notre Dame since that is the only school capable of generating enough revenue to make exapnsion profitable.


Once again, it couldn't happen to a better conference.

Edited by Ether

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Guest Ether
Great game from West Virginia. It took this much, but they proved tonight that they are a legitimately great program this year.


The Big East is still unquestionably the weakest of the 6 BCS conferences, though. West Virginia had a fantastic year and Louisville a good one, but the overall level of competition in the league remains a step below every other major conference. If Louisville and WVU can hold this well for next year, and Pitt can build on their late-season run (Greg Lee leaving won't help) while a young program like USF or Connecticut continues to improve, then maybe we can talk. Still, this game should kill any chatter about the lot of them losing their automatic bid for a long time.


As a Pitt fan I'm not exactly fond of WVU, especially their fans, but I can sympathize with them. At the Fiesta Bowl, it was made quite clear that we weren't wanted. WVU fans were treated to that same garbage not only from the Georgia fans, but apparently from LSU and Miami fans as well. At least the Utah fans last year knew they weren't wanted either. Watching those sad faces in complete shock because a Big East school was running all over their big, bad SEC team worth having to cheer one night for WVU.


As far as Pitt goes, I'm optimistic. Pitt currently has a top 5 recruiting class coming in. One of the recruits is a top-rated JUCO offensive tackle, so that should provide immediate help to one of Pitt's biggest weakness, the Oline. Not to mention two true freshman had to see a lot of action on Oline last year as well; an offseason of weight training and spring practice should help as well. Same thing holds true for the D-line with some of the young players. Greg Lee leaving early (I don't why he is. He is projected as a 5th round pick at best. All of us Pitt fans rememeber are big drops against Louisville and running into a defender against Nebraska when he could have run straight for a touchdown), but there is young talent present and coming in that can step up. Pitt toughest opponents - Virginia, Michigan State, Lousiville, and WVU - all come to Heinz Field, with South Florida probably being the toughest road game, so I think 9-3 is very obtainable.


And yes, between USF (in a recruiting hotbed), UConn (has tons of money), Rutgers (decent recruiting base, may have FINALLY lost the losing stigma), and Syracuse (tradition), one of those schools is bound to step up and be a consistent top 25 team.

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Guest Ether
Go figure that the one non-title BCS game without any kind of "interesting" story is the exciting one


I don't exactly see how the Orange Bowl with two 70+ year old coaches (septagenarians?) is exactly intersting. Maybe that's just me. Then again, the way Penn State fans were complaining (some said the team should boycott the bowl), they didn't find it too interesting either.

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Why exactly would the boycott the game? I mean tough shit. FSU beat VA Tech so deserved the game. What did they want FSU to step aside and give them Oregon or Va Tech?

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Guest Ether
Why exactly would the boycott the game? I mean tough shit. FSU beat VA Tech so deserved the game. What did they want FSU to step aside and give them Oregon or Va Tech?


Many of them felt that Penn State should have gone to the Fiesta Bowl over an Ohio State team that Penn State beat and thus get the more desirable matchup against Notre Dame. Instead, Penn State gets to play a 4-loss Florida State team.

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Why exactly would the boycott the game? I mean tough shit. FSU beat VA Tech so deserved the game. What did they want FSU to step aside and give them Oregon or Va Tech?


Many of them felt that Penn State should have gone to the Fiesta Bowl over an Ohio State team that Penn State beat and thus get the more desirable matchup against Notre Dame. Instead, Penn State gets to play a 4-loss Florida State team.


I doubted that PSU would play ND considering that they're playing ND in 2006 and 2007.

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Greenway was not offsides, damn it! It was obvious Iowa was not offsides on that first onside kick.


They need to start having the officiating crews be a combo from the two conferences being represented in the bowl...not this crap of Conference USA officiating teams they're not familiar with.

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FSU needs to replace Weatherford and put in Xavier Lee. He would at least bring some athleticism to the game for FSU and couldn't do much worse.

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And of course Weatherford makes a great play.


Posluszny(sp?) just got his knee taken out and looks pretty hurt. They just carted him off the field to the locker room.

Edited by nogoodnick

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