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Masked Man of Mystery

David Lee Roth Radio Show

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I haven't heard too much about him getting axed but the show isn't very good. Dave does alright when he is talking about the music business as he has a good amount of insight. I just can't listen to him talk about anything topical like that girl that got murdered in NY by that bouncer guy. I mean who gives a shit what David Lee Roth thinks? He is as relevent as a messageboard poster in the scheme of things. No offence anybody.


Why would any of us be offended that you think our relevance is comparable to that of David Lee Roth?

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I heard that got rid of most of his sidekicks and had him change the format of his show. Great job by Krock 92.3 to replace Howard Stern with David Roth. I read somewhere that the audience has dropped like 80 percent from Stern to Roth.


Opie & Anthony had the best line regarding how many listeners Roth has lost for K-Rock: fewer people died in the 2004 Tsunami than have abandoned K-Rock in the four months Roth's been on the air.

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I haven't heard too much about him getting axed but the show isn't very good. Dave does alright when he is talking about the music business as he has a good amount of insight. I just can't listen to him talk about anything topical like that girl that got murdered in NY by that bouncer guy. I mean who gives a shit what David Lee Roth thinks? He is as relevent as a messageboard poster in the scheme of things. No offence anybody.


Why would any of us be offended that you think our relevance is comparable to that of David Lee Roth?

Wow, I have NO idea.

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I haven't heard too much about him getting axed but the show isn't very good. Dave does alright when he is talking about the music business as he has a good amount of insight. I just can't listen to him talk about anything topical like that girl that got murdered in NY by that bouncer guy. I mean who gives a shit what David Lee Roth thinks? He is as relevent as a messageboard poster in the scheme of things. No offence anybody.


See, I'm no talk radio enthusiast or anything, but I flipped on WBCN in Boston and caught a few minutes of Roth's show. I heard him saying that "they were building a case against him and he probably was out of here." But I stayed with it and ended up listening on my whole hour drive to school. I don't think there's a thing bad about it. He's funny and to me he has good opinions.


I never bought into Howard Stern, either. I have nothing against him, but I don't think he's anything special.

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See, Roth's show was entertaining when he had Animal and Sasha with him. Now he has this Hutch fella who is fucking boring, B. Young doesn't constantly play guitar in the background (in fact, it's entirely silent besides the segues between topics and into commercials), and...it's just fucking boring now. Roth could have caught on pretty decent if they kept his format intact, the way he wanted it to be, because he made a lot of solid points (especially regarding the music industry), but now...it's like I'm listening to a public access talk radio show: fucking boring.

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Rumor has it that O&A (Opie & Anthony) will be replacing Roth, within a few weeks.


It'll be an "FCC friendly" version of their satellite show, but even with some censoring it'll be better than Roth or Stern, IMHO.

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What are O&A like? I've never listened to them, all I can recall about them is them getting kicked off the air because of having a couple have sex in a church or something

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Inappropriate, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic assholes.


Probably the funniest fuckers I've heard in years now that they're completely uncensored. Lil Jimmy Norton (stand up comedian) is also on the show as a sidekick of sorts. He's the worst of them all.

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What are O&A like? I've never listened to them, all I can recall about them is them getting kicked off the air because of having a couple have sex in a church or something

They always seem to land on their feet, too ... got fired in Boston (for an April Fool's joke about the mayor dying) and end up getting hired in NYC for a bigger & better radio show. Get fired in NYC (for the sex 'competition' that you mentioned) and land on satellite for bigger money. And, to close the perfect circle, end up back in Boston because of the Stern/Roth debacle.


And I agree with max: Jim Norton is indeed the worst of them all. Fucking hilarious, but the most offensive of them all.

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I never liked O&A. Then again, I rarely liked Stern, so hey. Call me a fucking tool, but I find Hillman and the crew to be the most entertaining morning show in New England (mostly because of Spaz living up to his name and going berserk for various reasons; that and the awesomeness of Mike Hsu).

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I've tried to avoid this, but I'm turning off my Sigs.



I lov some of the sigs here, some of the best I've seen at any board.


However, I can't han Sup Deformed Dinosaur Baby, Female Anima Randy Orton....Or a couple others here.



Sorry guys and gals, all your hard work to bring my awesome sigs will now be for naught, all thanks to a few rebelious punks.













































*Leaves Sigs On*


*Was bored*

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I never liked O&A. Then again, I rarely liked Stern, so hey. Call me a fucking tool, but I find Hillman and the crew to be the most entertaining morning show in New England (mostly because of Spaz living up to his name and going berserk for various reasons; that and the awesomeness of Mike Hsu).

Wow. I liked Hillman's show, and was a long-time listener, but it got the point that I started to detest Spaz so much that I couldn't listen anymore. I listen to a few minutes here and there, but Spaz's idiocy just drives me away.

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Now if only they can bring the O&A feed out here and dump the shitbox "Jack"off format which they shipped the other rock station in Sacramento for when Howard left. Which would ironically bring O&A back to their Sacramento affiliate.

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Opie and Anthony are awesome, but the censored show will be shit, and it sucks that the way they are doing it is 6am-9am XM-CBS Simulcast 9-11am(or noon) XM only. The Simulcast portion will be FCC friendly, and although Anthony has already said that aside from the cursing and sex stuff, the whole of show should be ok "tasteless shit is not a violation"...


About the only good thing is that O&A got the rights to the WNEW show archives to use for their "Worst Of" blocks on XM that they weren't able to use up until now..


If you have Directv, you can listen to their show in 879 (its back again!).


Oh, and another Rumor is that Ron and Fez will get Syndicated as well at some point. Ron and Fez are cool but I hardly ever get to listen to it because of the time its on (11-2).


Oh, and Howard Stern is pissed about this..

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The Pests really did their job well if O&A are back on DirecTV.


I'll wait to see how well the show works out with most of it being censored. I read somewhere that it was going to be three hours censored and three hours uncensored, but that might have been changed or something. Either way, I'll wait until it airs before I hate it or accept it.


Hopefully Ron and Fez get a good timeslot. I didn't really like them at first, but their show is actually very good. It goes from constant swearing and ripping on the interns and producers to good interviews with interesting guests.

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What exactly are O&A like? I've heard that they are just cheap Howard Stern ripoffs, but others really stand by them. Oh, and I wouldn't really say that Howard is pissed at all. He thinks its great that CBS has already thrown in the towel for his replacements, not to mention that XM is giving away one of its exclusive properties to free radio when they are supposedly trying to compete with Sirius for subscribers.


Carolla is absolute shit. I've been giving him a try in the mornings since January and just hasn't found any sort of rhythm. The show is so boring and none of the sidekicks or bits have really developed themselves. I like Carolla too, just not as a radio personality.

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Stern and Co. call O&A ripoffs, but I fail to see it.


Stern is pissed, because most of his fans didn't follow him to satellite radio and now O&A get an opportunity to have Stern's old fans listen to their show. As for XM making a mistake by giving up an exclusive property, that may be true, but they also get a three hour commercial on regular radio during the O&A show, since they'll likely be plugging XM the entire time. Also, it's not like XM is losing exclusive content, since the censored show will likely be simulcast on satellite and terrestrial radio.


CBS has thrown in the towel, but it's not like there's any kind of talent to put on the air in that timeslot. It's unprecedented that CBS would pay the amount of money to a rival that they will be paying for the rights to air the O&A show.


I just don't see how this is a bad move for XM.

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Why would Stern be pissed? He had a core audience of about 9 million (up to 12 at times) people. Approximately 4 million have joined in 3 months. That's a significant amount of people jumping to a new medium no matter how you spin it.


I don't think it's a bad move for XM. I don't really know anyone who would purchase a radio because of O&A. It's just that they are even less likely now that they get the show for free. If Howard plugging Sirius for a year only brought x number of people, why would there be any indication that O&A could do the same?

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How many of those four million are attributed directly to Stern though? Not as many as he'd have you think.


And I don't think XM is leaning on O&A to get subscribers as much as they are leaning on them to have a good show and stay on the air to have the three hour XM commercial on every morning in four major markets.

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I think that Stern can be attributed to the 4 million gain. When he made his announcement, there were 500,000 Sirius subscribers. Even if those 4 million aren't all Stern fans, he might have provided enough market recognition to convince people that Sirius was the better choice than XM.


I don't have the numbers here, but haven't the number of XM subscribers tailed off significantly since Howard's announcement?

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O&A will be doing the Simulcast show from Howards old studio.


And XM subscribers have gone up at least 2 million since about this time last year when they were around 4 million, probably due to the MLB contract..I think they are closing in on 7 million now.


I didnt get XM for O&A (but for baseball since we don't have a local radio affiliate here and about 1/2 the Os games aren't on TV here) but they are a nice bonus.


As an aside, Im pissed that Clear Channel got away with putting commercials on the channels that they run on XM, but XM was nice to add 10 new channels that effectively mirror (and then some) the channels that CC runs. And in 2008, XM will probably not continue dealing with CC when their deal is up.

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Why do you guys think Stern is pissed? I've been listening all week and can testify that he doesn't give a shit either way. Why would it bother him? Regular radio guys aren't his competition anymore, and by giving away O&A on regular radio less people will feel the need to get XM for them.

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Why do you guys think Stern is pissed? I've been listening all week and can testify that he doesn't give a shit either way. Why would it bother him? Regular radio guys aren't his competition anymore, and by giving away O&A on regular radio less people will feel the need to get XM for them.


Oh believe me, he's beyond pissed; he's just trying to act like it doesn't bother him.


He absolutely hates O&A (calls them nothing but imitators, even though their show is nothing like Stern's is now or was even 10 YEARS ago), and now they've basically replaced him, potentially bringing in many of the listeners he once had.


Hell, he should be pissed for the simple fact alone that O&A know TONS of dirt on him and they're eager to tell it, without him being able to gag order them or really even retort, on regular radio at least.

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I'll give O&A a shot, but I'll still get Sirius if they ever put out a true portable walkman type thing.

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O&A are giving their announcement on the new deal today at 9 a.m. Right now, actually.


BTW, off topic but Masked Man, where the hell did you find that sig?

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O&A are giving their announcement on the new deal today at 9 a.m. Right now, actually.


BTW, off topic but Masked Man, where the hell did you find that sig?

The individual pictures were posted in the now closed Randy Orton is suspended thread, around page 13 or so. I just put them together

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