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2006 NFL Off-Season

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Guest fanofcoils

Maybe the Eagles should have given TO his money after his performance in 2004? Maybe that is why TO was pissed and maybe it is the EAGLES fault entirely. What I mean is the Eagles slapped TO in the face and then TO slapped the Eagles in the face with his behavior last season possibly? What do you think?

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Maybe the Eagles should have given TO his money after his performance in 2004? Maybe that is why TO was pissed and maybe it is the EAGLES fault entirely. What I mean is the Eagles slapped TO in the face and then TO slapped the Eagles in the face with his behavior last season possibly? What do you think?


Yes, the Eagles organization wasn't entirely innocent, but TO handled it the wrong and childish way, and reminded me alot like Latrell Sprewell last year with his whole "I need money to feed my family" atittude.


Going at Donovan McNabb who had nothing to do with him making more money, was just bullshit. They gave TO a chance to redeem himself and apologize, and yet he doesn't and waits until after the fact to make his apologys and had his agent look like a complete asshole on national TV.


Honestly, I do believe Drew was getting into TO's head the whole time, telling him all this bullshit like "You don't need the Eagles!", "You devere better then this", and brainwashing him with all this bullshit, which ended up to bite him in the ass.


Yes TO deversed more money, but he went the wrong road to get it. But even that said, he's not the main person who I think is responsible.


The person who started the whole mess IMO, is Drew Rosenhaus.

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Guest fanofcoils

Eagles acted badly so TO returned the favor, he didn't have to, he could have been a "class act" but instead he chose that route. What do you think of that?


I don't think the Eagles would have accepted a genuine apology from TO and I don't think TO did a good job at trying to make a genuine apology. His apology certainly wasn't genuine with all the "mays" or "mights" like "my actions might have been inappropriate", he even said "my actions were" and then after he said were he said might. TO did not want to admit he was wrong in some areas of what he did and I don't think I ever heard this mentioned anywhere about his apology speech. TO gave easy apologys to the easy things but to the things that were harder for him to apologize to, he did not give a genuine apology to.


TO went after McNabb because McNabb's lack of leadership at times and lack of play at times. Maybe McNabb shouldn't have been considered the leader of the team? TO going after McNabb publically is questionable.


Lets see, TO and his agent went into the Eagles office before he was suspended BOTH times last season and asked if he could get more money due to his performance the prior season. The Eagles declined and in reports there was never a valid reason of why they declined. So it can't be said all TO did was whine his way publically to get a new contract.

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I don't think the Eagles would have accepted a genuine apology from TO and I don't think TO did a good job at trying to make a genuine apology. His apology certainly wasn't genuine with all the "mays" or "mights" like "my actions might have been inappropriate", he even said "my actions were" and then after he said were he said might. TO did not want to admit he was wrong in some areas of what he did and I don't think I ever heard this mentioned anywhere about his apology speech. TO gave easy apologys to the easy things but to the things that were harder for him to apologize to, he did not give a genuine apology to.


TO went after McNabb because McNabb's lack of leadership at times and lack of play at times. Maybe McNabb shouldn't have been considered the leader of the team? TO going after McNabb publically is questionable.



Andy Reid publicly stated that if TO doesn't apologize in a certain time he would get bench. He didn't, so Andy Reid benched him. Then after the fact, TO then apologizes. A little too late TO.


And McNabb is the definition of a leader IMO, the guy plays hurt and trys to give it his all, all the time.


Yes the superbowl he looked mediorce, but it doesn't effect his leadership skills IMO. Like I said in a previous post, the man played on a broken fucking ankle and scored 4 TD's and lead his team to victory, if that's not heart, and leadership, I don't know what is.


TO has no idea what a leader is, so he shouldn't speak on the subject, and blast a man who said nothing but good things about him.

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Oh boy, I bet Randy Moss is going to just LOVE that. :9mm:


Brooks has a big strong arm, and at times looks like a great QB, but other times he looks like a horrible QB who can't make good desicions.


Hopefull the great Aaron Brooks shows up.

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Oh boy, I bet Randy Moss is going to just LOVE that. :9mm:


Brooks has a big strong arm, and at times looks like a great QB, but other times he looks like a horrible QB who can't make good desicions.


Hopefull the great Aaron Brooks shows up.


You could have said the exact same thing about Kerry Collins though.

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Guest fanofcoils
Andy Reid publicly stated that if TO doesn't apologize in a certain time he would get bench. He didn't, so Andy Reid benched him. Then after the fact, TO then apologizes. A little too late TO.


And McNabb is the definition of a leader IMO, the guy plays hurt and trys to give it his all, all the time.


Yes the superbowl he looked mediorce, but it doesn't effect his leadership skills IMO. Like I said in a previous post, the man played on a broken fucking ankle and scored 4 TD's and lead his team to victory, if that's not heart, and leadership, I don't know what is.


TO has no idea what a leader is, so he shouldn't speak on the subject, and blast a man who said nothing but good things about him.



Why is McNabb definition of a leader? TO plays hurt and trys to give it his all all the time too, wait, I am not even sure McNabb gives his all all the time, didn't he "get tired" at the end of the Super Bowl?


McNabb's leadership skills have been criticized not only by TO, but by other Eagle players including the "Eagle ambassador", Hugh Douglas. I would say McNabb's leadership skills are questionable. Also I'm not sure if ignoring TO during their first argument in I believe week 7 (the argument on the sidelines that was shown on TV), is "leadership". I saw McNabb trying to run away from the issue instead of trying to talk with TO.


TO may not be a leader in what you think however he had half of the lockerroom on his side after all the bad things he said about the Eagles. That is what I believe McNabb said how half the lockeroom is on his side and half the lockerroom in on TO's side. Perhaps TO could be a leader, I don't know.

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Andy Reid publicly stated that if TO doesn't apologize in a certain time he would get bench. He didn't, so Andy Reid benched him. Then after the fact, TO then apologizes. A little too late TO.


And McNabb is the definition of a leader IMO, the guy plays hurt and trys to give it his all, all the time.


Yes the superbowl he looked mediorce, but it doesn't effect his leadership skills IMO. Like I said in a previous post, the man played on a broken fucking ankle and scored 4 TD's and lead his team to victory, if that's not heart, and leadership, I don't know what is.


TO has no idea what a leader is, so he shouldn't speak on the subject, and blast a man who said nothing but good things about him.



Why is McNabb definition of a leader? TO plays hurt and trys to give it his all all the time too, wait, I am not even sure McNabb gives his all all the time, didn't he "get tired" at the end of the Super Bowl?


McNabb's leadership skills have been criticized not only by TO, but by other Eagle players including the "Eagle ambassador", Hugh Douglas. I would say McNabb's leadership skills are questionable. Also I'm not sure if ignoring TO during their first argument in I believe week 7 (the argument on the sidelines that was shown on TV), is "leadership". I saw McNabb trying to run away from the issue instead of trying to talk with TO.


TO may not be a leader in what you think however he had half of the lockerroom on his side after all the bad things he said about the Eagles. That is what I believe McNabb said how half the lockeroom is on his side and half the lockerroom in on TO's side. Perhaps TO could be a leader, I don't know.


Terrell had his chance to be a leader for SF, and how did that work out? He couldn't handle it and got the fuck out of there when they were starting to do shitty. SF was HIS team.


McNabb has basically carried the team(offensive wise) on his back for many years until TO got there, so he proved to be a pretty damn good leader to me.


You need to stop looking at McNabb from 2004 to now, and look in the past and see his leadership. Because really he had no real offensive help, except for a decent runningback in Deuce Staley and an good TE in Chad Lewis.


Yes right now people are questioning McNabb, but it's only because what he is going through. After the Superbowl he's been having an non stop assult on him by his go to reciever for christ sake, who just happens to be a very selfish and can't stand sharing the spotlight with anyone else but himself. Of course people are gonna question you if your go-to reciever starts unnessecary starts bashing you, even though your out there busting your ass off every game trying to win.


Terrell, if he was a good temmate, he would've been behind McNabb instead of bashing him. Say what you want about Randy Moss, but he's never bashed his QB while playing for them. Hell he never bashed Scary Collins of all people, yet he was constantly overthrowing him. Yes Moss was problay fustrated, but he was able to keep his emotions in check and stood behind Collins, despite losing.


I want to hear what your going to be saying when TO starts bashing Drew Bledsoe for holding on to the ball too long and getting sacked for the 8th time in one game, or on game saving third down overthrowing him by a mile.

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All I have to say is that T.O. certainly did more wrong in this situation in my oppinon, just from the team aspect. I realise that high school sports aren't professional sports, I do realise this, but I know what it's like to play with people you don't like. The point is, you are a team. While you may not like the other teammate, you are both on the SAME team, and you share that in common.


Like I said, I realise it isn't the same in high school as in professional sports, but I played football last year for my school's team(i'm still in HS) and I played TE and DE. I personally don't like the person that starts at quarterback and strong safety for my team. Same guy, I play with him on both sides of the ball, and I realise ,I'm not getting paid or interviewed by the media, but the point is, I don't talk shit about him, I don't even question him. He does what he does, I do what I do, and yes, at times the two directly correlate.


Also, I understand completely that a lot of people want more and more and more money, that's natural. But still, in the end, even if you REALLY don't like someone, even if you despise of them, unless you're extremely selfish as an individual(and most likely a player) you'll atleast deal with them if not form a slight bond with them because they are your teammate and when you're on the field, you should be working together, period. As I see, T.O. doesn't care who is his "teammate" because he doesn't seem to buy into the "team" theory.


In the end, T.O. is certainly an amazing talent, and although aging, still has the potential to be one of the top three receivers(if not top period) in the league. With this said, he's not at all a team player, he's a selfish, centered player, and that works great for him sometimes, but at other times, you need to be a team player because just like everyone else, T.O. can't win games by himself.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Word on the unofficial Packer Internet network of websites is that our Favre, Lord of Lambeau, Hallow be thy name has told the packers he will return for another year.

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Oakland has signed Aaron Brooks to be their QB.


Better then Scary Collins IMO, and it's a fresh start for Brooks.




Getting mighty hard to call myself a Raiders fan these days.

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Oakland has signed Aaron Brooks to be their QB.


Better then Scary Collins IMO, and it's a fresh start for Brooks.



Hope yout offensive line is prepared to have balls thrown to them and also ready to dive on fumbles with no QB pressure at all.



Oh man I don't know what's going to be the better train wreck this year, Dallas or Oakland.

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Word on the unofficial Packer Internet network of websites is that our Favre, Lord of Lambeau, Hallow be thy name has told the packers he will return for another year.


Hmm... I can't say I think it's smart, but it would've been a shame for him to go out with the miserable season that was 2005.

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Hopefull the great Aaron Brooks shows up.

The mediocre Aaron Brooks would be an improvement over the Brooks that's played in NO these last few years.

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Guest El Satanico

Word on the unofficial Packer Internet network of websites is that our Favre, Lord of Lambeau, Hallow be thy name has told the packers he will return for another year.

Hmm... I can't say I think it's smart, but it would've been a shame for him to go out with the miserable season that was 2005.

2006 may not be any better

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It looks like they are just keeping tabs on him, but they don't have him scheduled for a visit. At this point they don't really need him and his baggage. They have a fine three receiver set in Brown/Gaffney/Pinkston and I don't see Keyshawn as a big upgrade over any of those three.

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Guest Vitamin X
Word on the unofficial Packer Internet network of websites is that our Favre, Lord of Lambeau, Hallow be thy name has told the packers he will return for another year.


Well that's pretty good news.. I'm not ready for the Aaron Rodgers experiment quite yet.


With a healthy offense and a new head coach, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Packers back in the playoffs this upcoming year. The big question is if Favre's going to have anyone to throw to, having Javon Walker out last year was rough on the Pack.

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It looks like they are just keeping tabs on him, but they don't have him scheduled for a visit. At this point they don't really need him and his baggage. They have a fine three receiver set in Brown/Gaffney/Pinkston and I don't see Keyshawn as a big upgrade over any of those three.


I agree...a few pages ago, the debate was whether TO has lost a step or two...while that remains to be seen, I think we can safely say Keshawn DEFINENTLY has!

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Guest Vitamin X

It looks like they are just keeping tabs on him, but they don't have him scheduled for a visit. At this point they don't really need him and his baggage. They have a fine three receiver set in Brown/Gaffney/Pinkston and I don't see Keyshawn as a big upgrade over any of those three.


I agree...a few pages ago, the debate was whether TO has lost a step or two...while that remains to be seen, I think we can safely say Keshawn DEFINENTLY has!


Well it's not so much that Keyshawn's lost a step, he was never ever really that good to begin with. I don't like the whole "well he got the whole New York media hype" statement that people apply to pretty much any NY athlete, but it definitely does apply to Keyshawn.


Look at his career stats


He's played with a shitload of different quarterbacks on some mediocre teams, and some decent teams, and one Super Bowl team (The `02 Bucs). He's only reached over 100 receptions once in his whole career, same thing with having at least 10 touchdowns, and has reached the 1,000 yard receiving mark four times in a nine-year career (one of which was marred by injury, though). He's been a relatively healthy receiver, but he's not much of a game-breaker, or even that great of a possession receiver.


Keyshawn's probably not even a top 10 receiver anymore, though maybe a few years ago he may have been #9 or #10.. had he continued to get better, he would probably still stay around there.

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Guest fanofcoils

Keyshawn hasn't been very good since he left the Jets and he has been talked about much less since he left them.

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Oakland has signed Aaron Brooks to be their QB.


Better then Scary Collins IMO, and it's a fresh start for Brooks.



Hope yout offensive line is prepared to have balls thrown to them and also ready to dive on fumbles with no QB pressure at all.



Oh man I don't know what's going to be the better train wreck this year, Dallas or Oakland.


I'm not a Raiders fan...

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As for the Favre thing, when I hear it from a legit source, I'll believe it. For a guy dealing with QB's who are debating retirement (Starr, Dickey, Favre) I'll what for a real source and them being 100%.


Let's see, Keshawn is visiting the Panthers, and would be a good fit for a big possession receiver to take the pressure off Steve Smith. Maybe look at adding some players to up the defense, and they could be back in business.

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