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Mr. S£im Citrus

Miners reported as rescued

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That's one job you could never get me to do. Unless offered at least $20 an hour I would just have no motivation to go 100s of feet into the earth to chip away at shit while it eats at my lungs. Coal miners have my respect.

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I don't know why but part of me was thinking, "Owned", when I heard of the fuck ups and saw the peoples face when they got the real news.



Sad though.

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I'd been hearing reports on the tele and interweb this morning, but didn't give much thought until I went over to my parents house and saw the daily paper with the original "miners alive and safe" report there in permanent print.

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Sounds similar to what happened with the reporting on the Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972.


That's what it reminded me of as well. The 24/7 media era we are living in has made me lose confidence in ANYTHING that's reported until I've seen sufficient proof that backs up what they say. Last night when I heard all 12 were alive I wasn't convinced until I saw them brought up out of the ground and for once it seems my pessimism was confirmed.


Terrible tragedy, though, for the victims families and they are already talking lawsuit, which considering the mine's past history of violations seems to have a good chance of winning.

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Everything in news is such a feeding frenzy to get that big scoop on a story. Things like facts get in the way of that feel good moment or tragic realisation. You can expect more of this. Whenever the war gets slow, or it's just another car bomb killing 3-4 we'll get a Terry Schiavo, or Robert Blake for us all to get outraged over. It's sad. But that's who we are as Americans. We eat that shit up.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

The best part of this was last night on Coast to Coast AM (Art Bell's live call in show) The host interviewed famous psychic Sylvia Browne. She said she predicted that all the miners would be safe, then they went to a top of the hour news break revealing the miners were now confirmed dead, and when they went back yo Sylvia she was angry and making excuses.

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The best part of this was last night on Coast to Coast AM (Art Bell's live call in show) The host interviewed famous psychic Sylvia Browne. She said she predicted that all the miners would be safe, then they went to a top of the hour news break revealing the miners were now confirmed dead, and when they went back yo Sylvia she was angry and making excuses.

Did she say that she wasn't getting the right vibes from the earth? That the coal was interfering?

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Sounds similar to what happened with the reporting on the Israeli athletes in Munich in 1972.


That's what it reminded me of as well. The 24/7 media era we are living in has made me lose confidence in ANYTHING that's reported until I've seen sufficient proof that backs up what they say. Last night when I heard all 12 were alive I wasn't convinced until I saw them brought up out of the ground and for once it seems my pessimism was confirmed.


Terrible tragedy, though, for the victims families and they are already talking lawsuit, which considering the mine's past history of violations seems to have a good chance of winning.


Well, what happened is an example of the media getting ahead of itself so it can beat everyone else to the punch to get the story out. All the news channels, TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, etc...falling all over each other to get the story out without...HEAVEN FUCKING FORBID!...the facts getting in the way.

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The best part of this was last night on Coast to Coast AM (Art Bell's live call in show) The host interviewed famous psychic Sylvia Browne. She said she predicted that all the miners would be safe, then they went to a top of the hour news break revealing the miners were now confirmed dead, and when they went back yo Sylvia she was angry and making excuses.


That is pretty funny. Sylvia Brown has been TOTALLY discredited in recent years, especially when she told a KY woman who lived in my area where to find the body of her dead daughter on an episode of Montel Williams and it turned out to be a fraud. Nice to see her get caught over her own words.

Edited by Danville_Wrestling

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I don't know why but part of me was thinking, "Owned", when I heard of the fuck ups and saw the peoples face when they got the real news.

It was the Losing Horns for me.


Every paper on the east coast got this one wrong. You don't see that very often.

Yeah it's usually just the Times

Edited by The Czech Republic

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Isn't the basic rule of journalism is to have two credible sources. One that backs up your first source? Seems to me that the media really dropped the ball on this story, and their reliabilty has severally diminished in the eye of the public.

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It's funny cause he replaced a word with Times that made it sound derogatory and negative while rhyming at the same time.


I was making fun of Mark Levin, so you should tell him that. But you must not be familiar with him, as it appears the subtlety was lost on you.

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Isn't the basic rule of journalism is to have two credible sources. One that backs up your first source? Seems to me that the media really dropped the ball on this story, and their reliabilty has severally diminished in the eye of the public.


That's just in case you are writing a story that may harm someone's name. Least that's what my editor told me one time when I briefly worked news. Love that media!


And it's not the media's fault, they and everyone else was told they were alive so they went with the story. How were they to know the damn center feeding them the information in direct contact with the rescue team were wrong?

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"Miners defeat Mine"


Well, now it can read, "Mine defeats miners".

I think the only question is now what will happen to the man who OWNS the mine? I mean, it sounds like the place had safety violations out the ass that he never bothered with. Think he can be charged with any crime or will it just be wrongful death lawsuits?

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"Miners defeat Mine"


Dammit, beat to the punch with the obvious Dewey-Truman jab. *Shakes fist*

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He'll probably use the same defense that popped into my head when I heard that the place was rife with infractions, that being "they're in a mine with millions of tons of rock above them that could unexpectedly collapse any moment, plus the noxious gases in the shafts themselves. They knew what they were getting into." I can kinda sympathize with that, as I feel that way about any sort of extremely dangerous job.


BUT: If he wasn't keeping the place up according to legal requirements, then he's totally at fault. That's when I don't buy the company line.

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He'll probably use the same defense that popped into my head when I heard that the place was rife with infractions, that being "they're in a mine with millions of tons of rock above them that could unexpectedly collapse any moment, plus the noxious gases in the shafts themselves. They knew what they were getting into." I can kinda sympathize with that, as I feel that way about any sort of extremely dangerous job.


BUT: If he wasn't keeping the place up according to legal requirements, then he's totally at fault. That's when I don't buy the company line.


Last I heard he wasn't keeping the place up to legal requirements. But he's rich so I doubt he gets anything more than a, "no! Bad billionaire! You knew better!"


I still think we really NEED to find a safer way to do this job. Let robots do it controlled by the workers or something. Sending people underground where one slip is death is just not worth it.

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"Psh, you silly working class people wanted unions first, and now you want robots?! Think of us, the employers! We can't make cushy profits if we spend all of our time worrying about YOU."

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