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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

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Angle vs. Rey as the WM main event is gonna be fucking sweet. Their Summerslam match 4 years ago was fucking great. Plus, if Rey wins it, he'll be the 5th member of the SD6 to win a world title.

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They damn well better not have him lose the shot before Mania


Not that Keller's opinion is worth shit, but "Not the best Rumble. Not even close. But they kept it interesting. The final minutes were pretty dramatic. How Rey fits into the slated WrestleMania line-up of Hunter vs. Cena, Edge vs. Foley, Orton vs. Angle, and McMahon vs. Michaels is going to be interesting." Most people don't see Rey competing for the title, and that's the best thing that can come from Rey winning the Rumble in my mind.

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Angle vs. Rey as the WM main event is gonna be fucking sweet. Their Summerslam match 4 years ago was fucking great. Plus, if Rey wins it, he'll be the 5th member of the SD6 to win a world title.



Rey isn't fighting Angle for the title at WM. It's going to be Angle v Orton

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Speculation now.


Since Triple H didn't win the Royal Rumble, this is a big question mark for the Raw side at WrestleMania.


If Cena wins tonight....then yeah, it's reasonable to assume he'll face Triple H at WrestleMania for the title. Hunter will find his way in that slot.


If Edge wins tonight....then it's a little more interesting. The rumor mill still says it will be HHH/Cena at Mania, and although it's Hunter, it's feasible they could wrestle with no title involved. Which means Edge needs to defend his title against someone. And on the face side of Raw, we have Michaels, who will obviously be involved with Vince. And either Flair or RVD.


They did give Van Dam a rather strong showing tonight. Maybe....

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Guest InuYasha

So, Rey won the Rumble?


How long before the Eddie death cash-in and Smark bitching starts?

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I'd book HHH/Cena at Wrestlemania, but make it a number one contenders match. Build it up, make it seem really important, and it could end up being really hot.


As for Edge, I'm not sure who I'd put him in there with at WM now.

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So did anyone find out when and by who Super Crazy was eliminated?



Elimination Order

#1 Simon Dean by HHH/Rey Mysterio

#2 Psicosis by Rey Mysterio

#3 Ric Flair by HHH

#4 Coach by Big Show

#5 Sylvan by Lashely

#6 Lashley by Kane/Big Show

#7 Big Show by HHH

#7 Kane by HHH

#9 Booker T by Chris Benoit

#10 Road Warrior Animal by RVD

#11 Chavo Guerrero by HHH

#12 Tatanka by MNM

#13 Trevor Murdoch by HBK

#14 Matt Hardy by Viscera

#15 Eugene by Chris Benoit

#16 Chris Benoit by Randy Orton

#17 Viscera by Chris Masters/Carlito

#18 Chris Masters by Carlito

#19 Super Crazy by Rey Mysterio (I think)

#20 Goldust by RVD

#21 Orlando Jordan by Randy Orton

#22 Joey Mercury by Johnny Nitro

#23 Johnny Nitro by HBK

#24 Shelton Benjamin by HBK

#25 HBK by Shane McMahon

#26 Carlito by RVD

#27 RVD by Rey Mysterio

#28 HHH by Rey Mysterio

#29 Randy Orton by Rey Mysterio


Winner: Rey Mysterio

Time 63:56


Super Crazy was tangled up with Rey as Goldust's entrance started and was on the floor as Goldust came to the ring..

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Of course, the big cop-out for RAW would be a repeat of 2000 with HHH/Edge/Cena/Rey competing in a elimination match with Angle/Taker as the SD main.

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Of course, the big cop-out for RAW would be a repeat of 2000 with HHH/Edge/Cena/Rey competing in a elimination match with Angle/Taker as the SD main.

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So did anyone find out when and by who Super Crazy was eliminated?



Elimination Order

#1 Simon Dean by HHH/Rey Mysterio

#2 Psicosis by Rey Mysterio

#3 Ric Flair by HHH

#4 Coach by Big Show

#5 Sylvan by Lashely

#6 Lashley by Kane/Big Show

#7 Big Show by HHH

#7 Kane by HHH

#9 Booker T by Chris Benoit

#10 Road Warrior Animal by RVD

#11 Chavo Guerrero by HHH

#12 Tatanka by MNM

#13 Trevor Murdoch by HBK

#14 Matt Hardy by Viscera

#15 Eugene by Chris Benoit

#16 Chris Benoit by Randy Orton

#17 Viscera by Chris Masters/Carlito

#18 Chris Masters by Carlito

#19 Super Crazy by Rey Mysterio (I think)

#20 Goldust by RVD

#21 Orlando Jordan by Randy Orton

#22 Joey Mercury by Johnny Nitro

#23 Johnny Nitro by HBK

#24 Shelton Benjamin by HBK

#25 HBK by Shane McMahon

#26 Carlito by RVD

#27 RVD by Rey Mysterio

#28 HHH by Rey Mysterio

#29 Randy Orton by Rey Mysterio


Winner: Rey Mysterio

Time 63:56


Super Crazy was tangled up with Rey as Goldust's entrance started and was on the floor as Goldust came to the ring..

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Guest KCC

Mark Henry losing to Angle but winning the Rumble and the PPV closing with him laughing manically with Styles and Tazz talking about how the apocalypse is nigh would be fitting.


I'd buy it just to see the marks at another board have their heads explode simultaneously beneath the weight of Henry's sheer awesomeness.


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Pro: Kurt Angle is main eventing the Royal Rumble, defending his world title, lookig like "Mr. WWE" in the process.


Con: Mark Henry is the other guy in the match. Not in a million years would I have ever guessed that Henry would be in this spot, right here and now. Maybe even more amazing, is that he actually looks like some sort of threat.

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Pro: Kurt Angle is main eventing the Royal Rumble, defending his world title, lookig like "Mr. WWE" in the process.


Con: Mark Henry is the other guy in the match. Not in a million years would I have ever guessed that Henry would be in this spot, right here and now. Maybe even more amazing, is that he actually looks like some sort of threat.

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Well, now we know why the Rumble match got shuffled to the middle.


Im guessing Taker's now magically a heel, and he'll win the title to give us Mysterio/Taker for the Title as well as the whole Undefeated streak at WM on the line for Taker as well.

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I still want to know just how in the hell Taker ever loses. Is he just an honest dead man with manners and he just chooses not to use his powers in a match? Or is he smart, knowing that it would more than likely result in a DQ?



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