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Best WWE era?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

He's annoyed me with about 15 of his 25 posts. STOP MAKING THREADS!!!!

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How about we help teh new guy instead of coming off as elite and snobbish? (Unless that's how you guys roll).


It would probably work better if we had some choices. There a way to start a poll and people can vote there instead of leaving a response.

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This guy is taking a bashing, huh. I don't remember being bashed when I first posted. I'm surprised I don't get yelled at for not posting enough.


My favourite era was when I saw this guy called the Ringmaster with Ted DiBiase and thought... 'Isn't that the "Stunning" Steve Austin guy? He's the mutt's nuts. I hope they do something with him.' The rest is history.

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personally, 87-88, 91-92, latter half of 96, 97-98, 2000, parts of 2004, first half of 2005. 97 was probably my all-time favorite single year.


I missed a ton of shit between 2001 and early 2004 with the exception of WMs and Rumbles. I finally saw Summerslam 2002 about 4 months ago on 24/7, that was a pretty damn good show.


good WWE eras seems to go in spurts, it's never sustained.

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For me, I'd say the period of early '96 thru early '98 was my favorite part of WWF history (roughly corresponding to WM12 thru WM14).


It just seemed like they were trying a lot of new things, moving out of the cartoonish era, got rid of a lot of crappy guys (though after Razor and Diesel left, they brought in more for a short period). You had the Hart Foundation vs Steve Austin, etc. They tried some new teams like Furnas and Lafon. Undertaker was probably at a career high as far as workrate. Ken Shamrock was a hot commodity. You had the new Light Heavyweight division. Overall, it just seemed like it was a pretty exciting time to be a WWF fan (and wrestling fan in general with WCW creating competition).

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For me, I'd say the period of early '96 thru early '98 was my favorite part of WWF history (roughly corresponding to WM12 thru WM14).


It just seemed like they were trying a lot of new things, moving out of the cartoonish era, got rid of a lot of crappy guys (though after Razor and Diesel left, they brought in more for a short period). You had the Hart Foundation vs Steve Austin, etc. They tried some new teams like Furnas and Lafon. Undertaker was probably at a career high as far as workrate. Ken Shamrock was a hot commodity. You had the new Light Heavyweight division. Overall, it just seemed like it was a pretty exciting time to be a WWF fan (and wrestling fan in general with WCW creating competition).


You got the ball rolling for me, but I need a bout six month shift ahead, say November 96 to January 99.

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Guest Chemical Mongoose
... Austin/Angle competing for Vince's affection.


That was great!


The years of early 2000 / late 1999 to 2002 were my favourite.

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Guest bigm350

My favorite WWE era was from the spring of 97 to the spring of 98. Roughly, right after WM 13 with Austin going against the Hart Foundation, the whole USA vs Canada angle, the introduction and entertainment of the original DX, mostly because of Michaels, and the controversy of Montreal, which really made the WWF unpredictable. This era is light years ahead of the WWE product for the last 4-5 years.

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1996-1998. The start of the Monday Night Wars, and the start of the boom, I'd been watching for four years in 1996, and it was at this time I started getting "smart"... at one of the most rewarding times to do so.


Austin's rise to megastardom, Montreal, nWo...

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97 was the best. The rise of Austin, Bret Hart's heel turn, DX vs. Hart Foundatin. It was just awesome.

Agreed. It was a fucking a great time to be a WWF fan.

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This guy is taking a bashing, huh. I don't remember being bashed when I first posted. I'm surprised I don't get yelled at for not posting enough.


It's not really a bashing. It's just... how many times does the point of the "Comments that don't warrant a thread" thread need to be explained to new people?


/me longs for the days of closed registration :boxing:

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I could probably list the whole period from about Survivor Series 95 to Wrestlemania XV as my favorite era, but if I had to narrow it down it'd be a toss up between the Spring/Summer of 97 (with Austin and USA/Canada going on) and the Summer/Fall of 98 (Highway to Hell, DX/Nation, SABLE AND JACKIE (seriously), and the whole build towards Rock's first title win). As people have said, this was just a fun time to be a fan.

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1996 through Wrestlemania XIV. I didn't became a smark until late 1997, so it didn't take me much to enjoy the product. Here are some of my favorite memories.



1996 : I absolutely loved the Hart-Michaels build-up at Wrestlemania. I thought Vader was a bastard for attacking Gorilla Monsoon ( I didn't even knew he was, at one time, a wrestler). I marked for Ahmed Johnson, just waiting for him to beat Faarooq's ass. Austin was showing absoluetly no respect to anyone, he was such an awesome heel. Camp Cornette with Vader, Bulldog & Owen and the Taker-Mankind wars were great. Hell, I even marked for Sid.



1997 : Obviously, the Hart-Austin / Canada-US feud. Michaels going after the Undertaker ( which was never seen before ). Austin stunnering Ross, Lawler, Slaughter & Vince. The early Vince vs Austin stuff where Vince was not over-the-top and tried to reason pacifically with Austin. Grab a tape of 'Cause Stone Cold Said So, that was Austin at his finest. The Taker & Kane and early DX stuff. Not WWE, but I loved the Sting-Hogan build-up in WCW.



Man, those were good times :D

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Wrestlefreak, to set up a poll, you just create a new topic, and the poll options are between the areas where the topic and subtopic go, and the body of the post goes. PM me if you still can't figure it out.


As for a lot of the responses you are getting, people on here generally do not like for new people to create a bunch of new topics right off the bat. I suggest reading the rules of the forum, which is a pinned thread on the first page (there are about 5-6 pinned threads, and they would be the first threads on the page). Also, participate in some of the other threads and establish yourself before making several topics of your own. We have covered a lot of stuff here over the years, and I know you are new to this board. Just check out the first 3 pages or so to make sure something isn't already being discussed elsewhere, and notice that we have a thread for minor shit that doesn't deserve a thread of its own. For example, if Brock Lesnar came back to WWE, that would deserve its own thread (if noone else has already posted it). You saw Roddy Piper at the mall....that would go in "Comments Which Do Not Deserve a Thread."


It may sound picky, but some of us have been posting on three or four different versions of this board for the past 5-6 years. We just like the way it is, and don't like to see threads that shouldn't be posted.


Just trying to help.

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