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Why must they always fucking interrupt when Simon talks? Sigh.

I so agree... they're always arguing and being so rude to him, and yet has he once done it right back to 'em? No. He remains ever polite... Just goes to show why he's the true star of the show, no matter the singers or season.

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They are just killing time until the Kellie/Mandisa/Katherin/Ace/Chris/Wildcard name (probably Kevin against our wills) power 6. It's really doesn't matter when which of the others are kicked off because unless something drastic happens, we are heading to an seemingly obvious final 6.

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Awesome, Simon.


Hilarious 'booer' behind him, the one blondie trying to be all cuz she's on tv. So, of course, Paula has to be all immature with her little 'boos'. She knows she's beat, the dumb bitch; hell, by all accounts, she should be start off each show by licking Simon's shoes. Without him, where would she be? Nowhere. AT ALL.

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Awesome, Simon.


Hilarious 'booer' behind him, the one blondie trying to be all cuz she's on tv. So, of course, Paula has to be all immature with her little 'boos'. She knows she's beat, the dumb bitch; hell, by all accounts, she should be start off each show by licking Simon's shoes. Without him, where would she be? Nowhere. AT ALL.


She'd get by with royalties but she'd be doing the same as she was before AI.


Dance chorography.

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Awesome, Simon.


Hilarious 'booer' behind him, the one blondie trying to be all cuz she's on tv. So, of course, Paula has to be all immature with her little 'boos'. She knows she's beat, the dumb bitch; hell, by all accounts, she should be start off each show by licking Simon's shoes. Without him, where would she be? Nowhere. AT ALL.


She'd get by with royalties but she'd be doing the same as she was before AI.


Dance chorography.

Exactly. A nobody, one of those stars you might randomly catch on ET and those 'Where are they now' kinda shows. That's it.


HOUSE AD!!!! -fangirl-

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Is it any wonder Paula can't find a man? Even Dr. Phil won't be able to help her psycho ass.

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No glasses? Fuckin' hell...they're trying for a Clay transformation.


Vulnerable...soft... disgusting all around.


Get ready for Ego-mania!


"Prepare... to shed... a tear, America" --- Someone shoot him for me. Kthxbai.

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Ok, that was, by far, the greatest Simon critique ever. Ridiculously backhanded.


That was exactly what I was thinking. He realizes outright blasting the kid will just get him pity votes. Simon is an evil fucking genius.

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I love how the audience cheers for Simon when he says "You suck the worst of everybody" with a smile and a nice way. When he has to say it SO BLATANTLY OBVIOUS then everyone gets all "zomg! he's insulting my singer! I should, like, boo! Or something!" Wait to see what the popular crowd is doing and then "Boooooooo!"

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I love how the audience cheers for Simon when he says "You suck the worst of everybody" with a smile and a nice way. When he has to say it SO BLATANTLY OBVIOUS then everyone gets all "zomg! he's insulting my singer! I should, like, boo! Or something!" Wait to see what the popular crowd is doing and then "Boooooooo!"

They boo because someone's prompting them to. Sheep, they are.


Noticed Jasmine Trias is in the audience. Sadly, she's got more talent than the Constantine/Ryan Cabrera duo they showed earlier...

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Is Elliot going for that "groomsman at a wedding three hours after heavy drinking and dancing" look?

Or the Adam Sandler look. Same difference.

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Gods... this is horrible. By attempting to the 'caress' the notes, he's just being ten times as annoying. And sounding twice as drunk.



'staaaaaaaaaaaaaaar goes byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'


Hope Simon bites his head off. Who would give Elliott the pity votes?

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I thought that was one of the best performances of the night, and probably my favourite. It started off a lil iffy, but he picked it up quickly. I enjoyed that a lot.


Simon and Paula are going to slug it out sometime this season. My money is on Paula. I'm sure she's doped up enough not to feel pain.

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I thought that was one of the best performances of the night, and probably my favourite. It started off a lil iffy, but he picked it up quickly. I enjoyed that a lot.

There were too many runs for my liking. It was like a Frankie J song.


Simon and Paula are going to slug it out sometime this season. My money is on Paula. I'm sure she's doped up enough not to feel pain.

The only reason there's friction is because Paula's drunk off her ass and looking for a fight...

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