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This is the second time in a row Hickler's strangled a cat during her performance, and the bitch is gonna skate again. Ugh.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Paris is going to look really good following that performance.

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Fantasia Lite is really annoying me yet again. Granted she has talent, but I always want to stab her in the throat with a rusty blunt instrument.

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In a perfect world the bottom 3 will be the 3 girls with Katharine going back to the couch first, and then Paris being saved.


Tomorrow night I fully expect to see Elliott, Katharine and Paris center stage with Katharine getting the boot despite being infinitely better than Aww Shucks Barbie.

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So far the list goes like this. . .





































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Guest Princess Leena

What's this I hear that Kat had a clothing mishap and we saw panties... on top of her lovely breasts busting out?


Pics, plz.

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Guest Princess Leena

Holy shit... seriously, she is so damn beautiful.


And I'm not voting yet. I don't think I can here yet, anyway.

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Guest Princess Leena

OMG did Kathi look amazing tonight!


But, I agree with the judges' critiques. She was pitchy again... She sang a song that she just couldn't do. It was still beautiful, and almost brought me to tears when they showed her dad... but, those occasional notes that she can't hit are obvious, and are gonna kill her.

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Guest Princess Leena

Oy, Pickler is horrible.


I think it's about time that AI pulls their fixed power, and boots her out of here. Like they did with Kevin.

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Guest Princess Leena

AI needs to fire Paula and Seacrest, now.


Simon seemed legit pissed that Ryan cut him off... and Paula interrupting him for the 1000th time after Taylor's performance.


It nearly ruins the show for me... since you know Simon has the only opinion worth a damn.

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Katherine looked (well, sounded) bad tonight. Chris is a bore to me- nothing special at all. If this were a real singing competition Elliot would win but since it's a popularity contest disguised as a singing competition and he looks like a werewolf he won't. Hopefull Kelly gets her ass sent packing this week.

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