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Guest The Satanic Angel

I got the off-key vibe. Didn't like the rendition..

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Katharine, Paris and Elliott are all in deep trouble. Chris is already safe.

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At least everyone besides Chris decided to suck tonight so no one as at a major disadvantage going into the second song. Anybody could go home at this point.

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I'm gonna predict an "OMG SHOCKER" and say that Taylor goes home tomorrow night, when everyone else assumes that either Elliott or Paris (whichever one is in the bottom 2 with him) is gonna get bounced.

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I'm gonna predict an "OMG SHOCKER" and say that Taylor goes home tomorrow night, when everyone else assumes that either Elliott or Paris (whichever one is in the bottom 2 with him) is gonna get bounced.

You're a madman.

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Guest Princess Leena

My pick to leave is Elliott. He was kinda bland in both songs.


McPhee, on her knees, brings me orgasmic glee.

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My pick to leave is Elliott. He was kinda bland in both songs.


McPhee, on her knees, brings me orgasmic glee.


Odd as it might sound but the second I saw McPhee on her knees, I thought of you.

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Guest Princess Leena

I love Kat. As awful as whatever that 2nd song was, she made it enjoyable. That's a star.


I want some of her prettiness.

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Guest Princess Leena

Paris is last at dialidol. Kat is 2nd last. :(


At this point, I'm not having much fun with AI. Because all 5 of them are worthy of winning, in their own ways. Crap like Kellie is needed, so I can boo someone.

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Should I be worried that besides the Beattle's song, I didn't know any of the "modern" choices? Or proud of myself.


I thought Chris was awesome on the first song and bad on the second. I didn't really like anyone else that much tonight.


I think that Elliot, Paris and Kat are in trouble this week potentially, but it will probably be Paris who goes home.

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Guest Princess Leena

Chris was really bad on the 2nd one. His voice like died.


Dialidol says Paris or Kat is going home. It's probably Paris. Again, she was just there this week. And I think Kat did well enough with the 2nd song to stay around. I'm puzzled at Elliott still doing so well in the voting.

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Chris was really bad on the 2nd one. His voice like died.


Dialidol says Paris or Kat is going home. It's probably Paris. Again, she was just there this week. And I think Kat did well enough with the 2nd song to stay around. I'm puzzled at Elliott still doing so well in the voting.


Remember that last week they had Kat in the bottom three when she actually had the most votes.

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This will likely change, but I'll go with this being the order of the top 12.


1 - Chris wins (60% to 40%, to give AI another male winner, and the first "rock" winner)

2 - Katharine (will do the J.O.B. because women will vote for Chris)

3 - Elliott (runs out of steam after "upsetting" Taylor to escape last week)

4 - Taylor (2nd straight "stunner")

5 - Ace (the pretty boy gets "stunned" when Elliott knocks him off)

6 - Kellie (Aww Shucks Barbie goes farther than her talent dictates)

7 - Mandisa (she doesn't have a fanbase to carry her any further)

8 - Paris (ding dong the bitch is dead, I bet she cries A LOT)

9 - Lisa (gets snuffed out by Paris when their age finally starts to work against them)

10 - Kevin (after getting embarassed for 3 weeks in a row by the judges, he finally gets sent home via "producers decision" as they don't want to risk any more criticism

11 - Melissa (Tits McGhee takes home her hot body when she easily becomes the least popular person left)

12 - Bucky (Redneck + Stevie Wonder week = a quick trip home back to ma and pa)


It's 7 weeks later and I got 5 of the top 6 right. Ace would be where Paris is, and if Paris goes here I'd still have a chance at running the table if the order of the final four is indeed Chris 1st, Katharine 2nd, Elliott 3rd and Taylor 4th. I didn't do well with 7 through 12, but they were just fodder anyway. I did nail my reasoning behind Kellie, Lisa, Kevin and Melissa though so not too bad all things considered.

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I thought Chris would nail I Dare You, but it just wasn't there. I think Chris gets in the habit of trying to force his voice way too often, kinda like that one guy on Rock Star (I think it was...Brandon?) who they told would blow out his voice if he kept singing like he did. That song didn't need that much power at all, and he completely overdid it. Not sure why at all either, it's not that hard of a song.


He scored big time with Renegade though, easily the best song of the night. Maybe best I've seen in the season so far, it just had an epic "This is a show" type feeling, instead of someone just singing lyrics.


Elliot also impressed me. I thought his second was perhaps his best yet. I hadn't enjoyed much of his past stuff, but he naaaailed that one.


The rest, aside from Taylor insane dancing was middle of the road to low, I thought.

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Elliot continues to prove me wrong as I thought he wouldn't be able to capture any emotion during the Buble song, but he toned it down and went for the soft touch and I thought it worked really well. It's scary how good this kid is progressing, it would be a shame for him to leave right now.

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Should I be worried that besides the Beattle's song, I didn't know any of the "modern" choices? Or proud of myself.

Whatever floats your boat, I say.


The KT Tunstall song is pretty catchy - but I haven't heard it on super-high rotation on Sirius so maybe it gets more annoying with constant play. Mary J. Blige's song is pretty good. Or maybe it's just different from all the rap and girl pop on the radio nowadays.


I'm thinking Elliott's going home. Not that I WANT him to go, but I get that feeling that he will.

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yeah, I hate to say it, but I think Elliot is gone this week as well...pretty sad considering the way he went from OK to fantastic over the course of this season...his first song was weak, no one ever does a good "On Broadway" and his second song may have been too little, too late.


Katharine killed "Against All Odds" predictably, just like every other AI contestant that tries it. If George Huff, with his big booming voice can't do it, no one else can.


I guess we can pretty much pencil in Chris as the winner of this thing, I'm just not impressed with the guy.


Paris is starting to bore me.


Taylor could win, but I'm sure Chris will edge him out.

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