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Hunter's Torn Quad

JBL injured

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Wait. So now everybody LIKES JBL. Did I miss the secret meeting or something?

I hated him at first, but I started to like him around Survivor Series 2004 and he's now one of my favorite guys in WWE.


I must have missed the meeting as well. There was nothing but pissing and moaning about how much of a joke his world title reign was on these boards. Then about a week before Wrestlemania 21, everyone decided JBL IS THE BEST EVER, and shouldn't lose! There was a similar situation with the verbal blowjobs that went around for Mark henry in the weeks leading to the Rumble, before everyone realized not even Angle could make the sack of shit look good in a match.

I don't really understand the huge amount of love JBL gets on the board these days.


I'll admit that JBL has grown on me over time. However, I don't think he should have ever been in the main event scene and never should have held the WWE Championship. He's not a bad character but I think he's strictly a mid-carder. Just keep in the upper mid-card level and feud with the guys in that bracket like Chris Benoit.


As for Mark Henry, I didn't understand that at all. He's shown no improvement in the near ten years he's been under contract to WWE. I can only hope to God they don't re-sign him when his contract expires this summer.

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Guest Rrrsh

I know that Kane and Jericho were former champs, but the way they were pushed at thetime, they had no chance of winning.


Yah, having cred makes some diffrence. But, if all 6 guys have good builds, you can get by with a Hardy and a Finley. Just make the fans care.

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There was a similar situation with the verbal blowjobs that went around for Mark henry in the weeks leading to the Rumble, before everyone realized not even Angle could make the sack of shit look good in a match.

But that was just a joke thread because Henry ripped off the cage door...


I also missed the JBL meeting. Sometimes he's carriable, but he's not a good worker.

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It depends. He's not good working a technical style, but as a brawler, I think he has developed into a good worker.

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I personally have pretty much always enjoyed JBL's ring style...yeah, he's not a high flyer, and he's not flashy, but he works his style well...he's a southern style brawler, and he pulls it off.


I was skeptical of his main event push, but quickly grew to enjoy his gimmick. I think he's one of the best interviews in WWE, currently.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
It depends. He's not good working a technical style, but as a brawler, I think he has developed into a good worker.

He's a very good brawler

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Guest Rrrsh

JBL copies HHH far too much in his promos.



JBL should be where Benoit has been stuck since he lost the belt. Upper midcard, but the fans always know he is a threat. However, never thw focal point, as he has far too many flaws.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

JBL copies HHH far too much in his promos.


JBL puts people over in his promo's. HHH doesn't.

Hey now. HHH always talks about how so and so had some level of success somewhere, but that means nothing agains him.


And then Hunter wins cleanly in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree.



And comes out the next night and says "I told you so"




Okay, you're right

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Guest wildpegasus

It was a spot that's never been done before to my knowledge. You're playing with fire when you do something like that.


You know what's ironic about this? I and a lot of other readers of this thread probably each know a couple of people who if they were watching this show with them would instantly say that spot is fake.

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In all honesty, I would've thought it was fake if I hadn't previously known JBL injured his hand at the SD taping. It wasn't all that noticeable, but since I was looking specifically for a hand injury, it wasn't too hard to pick out where it happened.

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JBL copies HHH far too much in his promos.

JBL puts people over in his promo's. HHH doesn't.

Hey now. HHH always talks about how so and so had some level of success somewhere, but that means nothing agains him.

And then Hunter wins cleanly in the middle of the ring with the Pedigree.

And comes out the next night and says "I told you so"


Okay, you're right


You forgot to add the part where HHH kicks out of his opponents finisher 2 or 3 times, then hits the Pedigree, only to lay there for about 30 seconds before slumping over onto his opponent for the pin.


*See his WM19 match against Booker T for the best example of this*


Pedigree = Death's Icy Hand

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