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From WWE.com:


WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2006 induction ceremony to air on USA Network


On April 1, the night before WrestleMania 22, WWE will welcome its Class of 2006 into the WWE Hall of Fame. Tickets went on sale for the huge event Saturday morning at 10 a.m. CT, and in less than five minutes, it was sold out. But you’ll still be able to witness this historic occasion because the USA Network will be airing the ceremony, Saturday, April 1 at 11/10 p.m. CT.


The first two names announced for this year’s induction are Bret “Hit Man” Hart and the late, great Eddie Guerrero. Tune in to RAW tonight at 9/8 CT on the USA Network to find out who will be the next addition to the Class of 2006.






So it looks like we will get the first time a TNA program goes head-to-head with a WWE program on April 1, just a week and a half or so before TNA moves to Thursday nights

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Yeah, I love TNA and all but it has no shot in hell against the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame isn't even really about the E so much as honoring some wrestling legends. It just happens to be WWE named.

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I thought SNME was scheduled from 8-10pm. Impact is at 11. It would only effect the west coast viewers who get the east coast feed.I live in CA and I have DirecTV and I get Impact at 8.



BTW, these are not coincidences that WWE programming is ending up H2H.

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Guest Timmer

DVR - Great invention. As much as I'm not a fan of the WWE, TNA can't compete with the HOF...

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BTW, these are not coincidences that WWE programming is ending up H2H.
Nope it certainly isn't


Unless the WWE named the event "Saturday Night's Main Event" in the mid 80ties just because they knew that 20 years down the line another promotion would run for one hour late on Saturday.


and before you say anything else - an NBC prime time special cannot be anything but SNME, it's just tradition.


and the HoF being Saturday? Yes damn then for once again holding it on the day before WM - damn them when they decided to hold the first WM on a Sunday because they knew that twenty some years down the road TNA would do a show the day before.


Hall of Fame has been on the day before WM before, hell havent the recent ones always been on Saturday before WM? Well before TNA got their Saturday night slot.


Talk about being an example of what happens when you love TNA blindly and forget to stop and THINK before you post *tisk*tisk*

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BTW, these are not coincidences that WWE programming is ending up H2H.

Nope it certainly isn't


Unless the WWE named the event "Saturday Night's Main Event" in the mid 80ties just because they knew that 20 years down the line another promotion would run for one hour late on Saturday.


and before you say anything else - an NBC prime time special cannot be anything but SNME, it's just tradition.


and the HoF being Saturday? Yes damn then for once again holding it on the day before WM - damn them when they decided to hold the first WM on a Sunday because they knew that twenty some years down the road TNA would do a show the day before.


Hall of Fame has been on the day before WM before, hell havent the recent ones always been on Saturday before WM? Well before TNA got their Saturday night slot.


Talk about being an example of what happens when you love TNA blindly and forget to stop and THINK before you post *tisk*tisk*



Except SNME was always on during the SNL timeslot of 11:30-1am, which would've only gone H2H for half an hour on the east coast.


The HOF ceremony is more coincidence, I'll grant you that.


In the future, try reading some of my TNA posts. I'm more critical than positive, but you were too busy reading my one post before you had to try to get off a "blind TNA mark" blast. Why don't you try getting to know a person's posts and READ before you "blindly" label them.

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In the future, try reading some of my TNA posts. I'm more critical than positive, but you were too busy reading my one post before you had to try to get off a "blind TNA mark" blast. Why don't you try getting to know a person's posts and READ before you "blindly" label them.
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck I'll call it a duck even if it moo'ed in a different post. In other words - I ain't gonna bother reading your resume, THAT post was nothing but a blind TNA mark post so there you have it.


And hey they got a better time slot, you wouldn't take a BETTER Saturday Night time slot? besides if Vince REALLY wanted to crush TNA head to head he'd have booked some more compelling matches yaknow?

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In the future, try reading some of my TNA posts. I'm more critical than positive, but you were too busy reading my one post before you had to try to get off a "blind TNA mark" blast. Why don't you try getting to know a person's posts and READ before you "blindly" label them.

if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck I'll call it a duck even if it moo'ed in a different post. In other words - I ain't gonna bother reading your resume, THAT post was nothing but a blind TNA mark post so there you have it.


And hey they got a better time slot, you wouldn't take a BETTER Saturday Night time slot? besides if Vince REALLY wanted to crush TNA head to head he'd have booked some more compelling matches yaknow?



So one post is a blind TNA mark post, but the rest of me is ok? Or one post makes me a TNA mark in your eyes because you don't know my posts... ugh...forget it.



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I'll preface this by saying that I'm not going to watch either show ... but if I had a gun to my head and was forced to watch one, I think I'd take people actually wrestling over people talking about being wrestlers, regardless of who was getting inducted into the HOF.

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Guest Coffey

No way I'd watch iMPACT! will all of it's squash match glory over a show that could have once-in-a-lifetime moments, like Bret's farewell speech.

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Guest shark boy super fan
No way I'd watch iMPACT! will all of it's squash match glory over a show that could have once-in-a-lifetime moments, like Bret's farewell speech.

Yeah impact has to many squash matches

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well they do replay impact on tuesday mornings at 12:00 am, remember that?



I'll watch the HOF on sat and then the replay of impact on mon/tues. SIMPLE HUH?

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Bruce Blank is sounding like a clueless putz. It's amusing.
Sounding like one is better than being one


so hey I'm one up on ya :asshole2:


And second time around didn't I say that THAT POST was a blind TNA dorkosaurs post? - I ain't interested enough in anything you could say to read through all your 4000+ posts before I form an opinion on the post in question. I mean honestly do I expect you to read through my posts before you comment on something I've said in this thread?


So deal with it and wipe your eyes.

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How is Bret's speech 'once in a lifetime', exactly? Did you not watch his DVD? He'll come out, talk himself up as being the best ever, not say anything Smarks want him to say and that'll be that.

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