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The Czech Republic

Okay, let's right this ship.

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Stupendous job, Czech. Although you forgot wildpegasus. He was too obvious though.


Are we supposed to add to this list?


Czech loves Radiohead, who suck.

Lushus acts too white.

Vyce is an evil lawyer.


How's that, Czech? I know it's not up to your standards, but oh well.

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Guest wildpegasus
I got off fairly easy compared to most.


Yeah, I was impressed.

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Tack is pretending to be a Nazi and as a partial Jew it's offensive.


Too easy and broad of a term to describe my worldview. I would say "cosmic idealist who believes, without hatred, in the benefits of nationalism without bigotry, eugenics, and caste. Also an adherent to the idea that the world would be a healthier place if the world's population was reduced to about 2 billion people at the most.". Bigotry pretty much makes a person the lowest of the low and they should be shot on sight. Although this causes nerve damage to many liberalists anyway, from my experience.


Now that's some HD ego drama.

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"Lord of the Curry got mad at me for saying that the Broken Social Scene s/t would've been better if they bothered to actually mix the fucking thing and have some semblance of dynamic contrast, fuck him for disagreeing with me."


Now, wait a second. I recall us having it out over BSS in general but at no time did I ever go after you for talking about the mixing on YFIP. Though you're fucking retarded if you think that album needs anything done to it. I bet you thought there could've been more production on the new one, maybe a bit more depth, hmmm?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Since the respected music fans frequent here, I'm thinking of buying an album, any suggestions? I'm open to anything that isn't rap...or country... or pop for that matter.


Merzbow-Pulse Demon

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Since the respected music fans frequent here, I'm thinking of buying an album, any suggestions? I'm open to anything that isn't rap...or country... or pop for that matter.


Merzbow-Pulse Demon


Thanks. I'll look into that one. Any more suggestions are welcome.

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If anything, the s/t needs less production, not more. There's just no subtlety at all. Which is sort of charming, but it doesn't make it conducive for repeat listens.

I prefer the s/t production to You Forgot It In People's, IIRC.

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I don't pop my collar, but at least you didn't go with the passe Saved By The Bell insult. A for effort and all that jazz.

Dude, waste your work time here.

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Myspace....what a kooky little world that is.

Malibu's myspace page just killed mine.



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