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Gary Floyd

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I dunno. While I don't question that there are some lamewads who WOULD jerk-off to WOW... I do question the validity of that video. Funny stuff either way. :P

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Story: A girl who played World of Warcraft died in real life From a stroke. Her online friends in W.O.W. decide to hold a "memorial service" in her favorite spot in the game. A spot which happens to be contested free-for-all in a PVP server. They also announce the whole ordeal to everyone and ask them not to attack them, even though they won't fight back or wear any armor or weapons....


can you say "free kills galore"?




larger version





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Dickish move, but people should've seen that coming. "Hi we're all going to be completely defenseless on a PVP server." is just asking for trouble.


And the video would've been more awesome if they played the last 20 or so seconds of Denis Leary's "Asshole" during the credit roll.

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