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Guest wildpegasus

Fit Finlay -- Is everyone a believer now?

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Guest fanofcoils

This guy may be getting too popular, I wonder if WWE will bury him any time soon?

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As long as he stays on SD, I think he's safe. SD has quietly morphed into the workrate show over the last few months. The only bad wrestler in the limelight on that show is Mark Henry, and he'll be gone soon enough, probably around the time Batista and Kennedy get back. Other than Henry, SD seems to be making an effort to showcase good workers and put on reasonable matches every week. Finlay is a great addition to the midcard, and I bet he gets a US title program with Benoit over the summer.

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Guest treecelightning

I'm not a fan. I don't dislike Finlay, but he just doesn't inspire anything but apathy in me. I don't find his matches very interesting, and his character just strikes me as very bland. I've never really been "drawn" to stiffness, so that's probably the long and short of why I don't care about him.


So, I'm not on the bandwagon, but I don't begrudge the "bandwagoneers" their match a week.

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Guest Super Leather

I wasn't a huge fan of Fit Finlay in WCW (not sure why in retrospect), but you can consider me a believer now. After missing something like a month of Smackdown after Eddy's death, Finlay's one of the wrestlers where I tune in and hope like hell that he'll be on there. His singles match with Benoit not too long ago was the best match I'd seen on Smackdown in what felt like a really long time, and I laughed like a maniac when he went over Rey the other night.


It also helps that I'm half-Irish and wanted to see a violent, Irish asshole wrestling character...lo and behold, here comes Fit Finlay. Hell yes.

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Guest Princess Leena

He did fine work in the match against Rey. Wouldn't say I'm on the bandwagon of BEST WORKERS IN WWE like some... but, he's been a surprisingly good addition considering his age.

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I wasn't a huge fan of Fit Finlay in WCW (not sure why in retrospect), but you can consider me a believer now. After missing something like a month of Smackdown after Eddy's death, Finlay's one of the wrestlers where I tune in and hope like hell that he'll be on there. His singles match with Benoit not too long ago was the best match I'd seen on Smackdown in what felt like a really long time, and I laughed like a maniac when he went over Rey the other night.


It also helps that I'm half-Irish and wanted to see a violent, Irish asshole wrestling character...lo and behold, here comes Fit Finlay. Hell yes.


You probably where like me and got turned off by his weird leather jacket/LOD shoulder pad thing they had him wear. Plus he was wrestling under the name Fit Finlay which was sort of jobberish.


Finlay just stiffing people left and right owns the world though. Too bad they won't let him bust out his wicked cool tombstone. :(

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Guest Super Leather

I don't remember the leather jacket/shoulder pad thingy, honestly. I really can't recall why I didn't like Finlay in WCW...I might want to chalk it up to having a slightly different taste for what I liked out of wrestling at the time.


But as I've said to friends lately, any time Fit Finlay is on my TV is a good time. I'd like to see some of his older matches...I guess he used to wrestle the Dynamite Kid in the early '90s...that might be fun to see.

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He did fine work in the match against Rey. Wouldn't say I'm on the bandwagon of BEST WORKERS IN WWE like some... but, he's been a surprisingly good addition considering his age.


I'm not saying this in the sarcastic or dickish way but I'm curious to see who you'd rank above Finlay and where.

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My name is Finlay and I come to fight

If you're my opponent, you're out of luck tonight.

Bring on the Juniors, I'll fight em' all

It doesn't matter how big you are, or how small.

Try and push a car on me, that's a bitch move Lashley

Who ended yo' undefeated streak? Me and mah shallaly.

I'm a tough Irish bastard, I'm built like a tank

See you at Wrestlemania, next Mr. Money in the bank.


This is what I do in class instead of learning...

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