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Bret Hart confirms he will not be at WrestleMania

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Of course not, just an example. I don't think what happened between them was so bad to the point where Bret wouldn't be able to stand in the same big room with the guy for a few hours, at a ceremony that is meant to honor a group of people in the same profession.


Not to mention that it was almost an entire decade ago.


And more than likely there are people in the crowd who have just as much a reason, or even more of a reason, to hate someone else that is in that room.


Again, they aren't saying they want Bret to go up to HBK and talk to him, shake hands, or even look at the guy.

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Bret sees this as his big goodbye to his fans. He doesn't want Shawn -the guy he hates- to be there, because it would ruin it for him. I don't think that is unreasonable. He is willing to tolerate Hogan, HHH, Flair, and Vince, so it's not like he's incapable of doing it. But not Shawn. He draws the line there.


I can understand that. I don't hate Shawn as much as Bret does, so I wouldn't really care if Shawn was there. But I am not Bret. But I can understand him not wanting his moment to be ruined by Shawns presense there, because he obviously feels that it would be ruined by Shawn being there.


The heat between them obviously IS bad enough to warrant what Bret is feeling. Who are you to judge which situations warrant what emotion? Who are you to say what period of time is reasonable for someone to stop disliking someone?

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Bret thinks Shawns whole Christian thing is bullshit.


Hey, so do I!


That's not Bret Bias, that's me thinking Shawn is full of shit.


Now, excuse me while I buy the "Many are called, but few are chosen" HBK shirt (with the words in thorns), you know - the one he wears before he gets on his knees and looks towards god while his pyro goes off - which is in no way exploitative.


Whether or not he thinks the whole christian thing is bullshit, he should have kept his mouth shut about it because he came off sounding like a dick. The man extended his hand out and Bret spit in his face. Same situation now with Shawn saying that Bret deserves to be in the HOF and he would be fine with not going if that's what it took for it to happen. Bret's response is to DEMAND, like a little bitch, for him not to show up and say if he so much as catches a glimpse of him, he'll leave. Because he for some reason can't get over an event that happened 9 years ago, and oh my god, he just hates him that much. :(

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The one being blind is you. You write off how Bret feels on the matter, saying it was almost 10 years ago, saying it's just wrestling, saying it's not like Shawn killed his kid. In other words, saying that it's not important. You feel qualified in saying what is and isn't important, what should and shouldn't matter to a person, ignoring how that person feels, because clearly it is important and clearly it does matter. That is being blind.


Yet your eyes are wide open for Poor Shawn. Get out the string section, because Poor Shawn won't be able to get to see all of his bestest friends be inducted. Why can't Sourpuss Bret have his night - his farewell - ruined so Poor Shawn could sit in the audience and clap alot?

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Guest Brian
Bret sees this as his big goodbye to his fans. He doesn't want Shawn -the guy he hates- to be there, because it would ruin it for him. I don't think that is unreasonable. He is willing to tolerate Hogan, HHH, Flair, and Vince, so it's not like he's incapable of doing it. But not Shawn. He draws the line there.


I can understand that. I don't hate Shawn as much as Bret does, so I wouldn't really care if Shawn was there. But I am not Bret. But I can understand him not wanting his moment to be ruined by Shawns presense there, because he obviously feels that it would be ruined by Shawn being there.


The heat between them obviously IS bad enough to warrant what Bret is feeling. Who are you to judge which situations warrant what emotion? Who are you to say what period of time is reasonable for someone to stop disliking someone?


I really think that this argument all comes down to history; who is writing it; and who Bret is going to be linked with in history. Bret doesn't want to be linked to Montreal and to Shawn, and he doesn't want his career to reflect that. HBK and Vince, judging by how things are booked, how promos are scripted, and the original idea of the DVD, want Bret's career to reflect that one moment and his involvement with Shawn. At the end of the day, Vince buys up promotions, he buries people and he has a very selective memory, all so he can own history. That's where the chips truly lie IMO.

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Bret needs to realize that yes, a big part of the Hall of Fame is about him but it is also about Eddie Guerrero, Sherri Martel, Verne Gagne, Tony Atlas, the Blackjacks, and Gene Okerlund. Shawn should be there if he so desires to be able to see those people, some of whom he had very personal connections with, be inducted. Bret is just being a selfish about the whole situation in my opinion. It isn't ALL about him. Now if Shawn Michaels ever made the same demand that Bret had made, the whole internet wrestling community would be ready to burn Shawn at the stake.

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The one being blind is you. You write off how Bret feels on the matter, saying it was almost 10 years ago, saying it's just wrestling, saying it's not like Shawn killed his kid. In other words, saying that it's not important. You feel qualified in saying what is and isn't important, what should and shouldn't matter to a person, ignoring how that person feels, because clearly it is important and clearly it does matter. That is being blind.


See, this is the perfect example of a blind Bret Hart fan. Someone who, understandably, is pissed off over what happened, but yet they then are not able to see the stupidity and childishness that Bret Hart then displays. They think that the world owes him for all of the bad stuff that happened in his life up to this point, and that it's fine for him to make such petty demands, because he just can't stand the thought of even being in the same room with HBK for a few hours.


I've said it's important to Bret, and it's great to have those feelings still. I don't blame him or think he's stupid for that. The line is how he presents himself, his level of professionalism, and then his childish demands of saying he doesn't even want him in the room because he couldn't stand that. I'm not saying I'm qualified in saying that Bret shouldn't still feel pissed at HBK for what happened, but I am saying that he should be able to suck it up for a few hours for the good of the event, instead of acting like a grade A dick.


I think Brets a twat for being so childish, but you are such a fan of his that you refuse to be able to see that, and that's fine. We'll never agree with one another on it either way.

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You don't even know what you're saying any more.


It's ok and not stupid for Bret to feel a certain way, but it is stupid and childish for him to feel that way enough to actually say something about it.




"Suck it up for the good of the event"


So Shawn Michaels is the good of the event?


You are so fucking stupid.

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Guest JoeJoe

Actually, yeah. A multi-time world champion being there to see people he's had a past with get inducted..is good for the event.

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I'll just bring my point up again that Bret was shown footage that was going to be on "Screwed" and perhaps seeing that made Bret feel the way he feels and taken the stance he has in regards to HBK's presence at the HOF.


Maybe Bret would've been able to stomach HBK in the same room, but the comments and footage from "Screwed" soured HBK to Bret? Perhaps the animosity from 9 years ago died down but HBK's commentary from Screwed opened up old wounds.

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I love your insults, especially when they come from a place that you don't even understand.


You see, in life it is perfectly fine to have negative feelings towards people that have wronged you. There is no way to ever get around certain things taking place which leads to you pretty much hating another person, have it be dealing with family, work, or whatever.


However, that does not mean that you go around acting like a stuck up twat all of the time, refusing to be able to go to the same event with the people. There are a couple of people in my family that I pretty much despise, but we still have certain family gatherings where we are both to attend, and I do so. I try to see them or talk to them as little as possible, for the overall good of the even, out of respect for everyone else.


If this was some sort of event set up just to honor Bret Hart or the Hart family or something else along those lines, then it would be perfectly acceptable for Bret to demand that HBK not be there. That isn't the case here though. This event is not just about Bret Hart. It's more about the business overall, and the eight other inductees. In this certain social situation, Bret Hart is not, and should not, be in any position to demand who does not show up just for his own personal sake. There is no other way to put it other than unprofessional, childish, and very selfish.


Of course HBK isn't "the good of the event" at this HoF thing. I'm talking about the overall show. I'm talking about the respect of everyone else in attendance, and the other inductees.


How can you not understand the concept of people hating others, but then being able to suck it up, to somewhat take part in the same event. It happens every day in the workplace, at family gatherings, political meeting. I expect you to now fish for something else to fuck up with, but I really don't know how to make this any clearer than I already have.


I'll just bring my point up again that Bret was shown footage that was going to be on "Screwed" and perhaps seeing that made Bret feel the way he feels and taken the stance he has in regards to HBK's presence at the HOF.


Maybe Bret would've been able to stomach HBK in the same room, but the comments and footage from "Screwed" soured HBK to Bret? Perhaps the animosity from 9 years ago died down but HBK's commentary from Screwed opened up old wounds.


All of that is possible, and honestly more than likely, but it does not give Bret a special pass to be able to make such a demand, and goes back to what I've just said in this very post.

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It's so easy to say "suck it up" when you aren't in the position he is in. You can't seem to get that. You relate it to your family gathers, but this isn't a family gathering. Do you think Bret wants HHH there? That he wants Hogan there? Flair? Of course not. So he is obviously able to "suck it up", is he not?


And to Bret, this is his night to say goodbye. He had said on many occasions he wants that, he has said that to McMahon, so this is not new. This is a big event for him and he believes Shawn being there will ruin it. Why should Bret have to have his night ruined just so Shawn could be there? Answer that.

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Guest Brian

This is not a family event. This is an event for a select few people, Bret being one of them. If Mean Gene or anyone else had similar circumstances or demands, it's their night as well and they should get what they want so as not to have their night ruined.

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Guest JoeJoe
I'll just bring my point up again that Bret was shown footage that was going to be on "Screwed" and perhaps seeing that made Bret feel the way he feels and taken the stance he has in regards to HBK's presence at the HOF.


Maybe Bret would've been able to stomach HBK in the same room, but the comments and footage from "Screwed" soured HBK to Bret? Perhaps the animosity from 9 years ago died down but HBK's commentary from Screwed opened up old wounds.

I understand that, but its not even the reason I'm against Bret on this. This HOF obviously means a lot to him, and the year when Bret Hart, seeing his history and all, gets inducted should be the year of Bret Hart.


But.....why make all of this public? Why go around and give these interviews and shit saying how much you hate Shawn, dont want him there, and threaten to walk out? He said he talked with Vince in private about this didn't he? And last I heard even Shawn agreed not to be there for Bret's sake.


Bret's now to me exactly what he's accused Shawn of all these years: A primadona stirring up stuff to keep himself in the spotlight.

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How in the world would the night be ruined just by having HBK sitting in the crowd?


The only way that I would put any stock in that at all would be if Bret is seriously worried that HBK would get up and try to say something, or there is this big plan for Vince to have HBK up on the stage with Bret when he does his speech.


And I highly doubt anything like that would happen.


It all goes back to this single point:


If this was some sort of event set up just to honor Bret Hart or the Hart family or something else along those lines, then it would be perfectly acceptable for Bret to demand that HBK not be there. That isn't the case here though. This event is not just about Bret Hart. It's more about the business overall, and the eight other inductees. In this certain social situation, Bret Hart is not, and should not, be in any position to demand who does not show up just for his own personal sake. There is no other way to put it other than unprofessional, childish, and very selfish.


No matter if Bret thinks that this is his big event, it's not. It's a big event that Bret Hart just happens to be taking part in for a few minutes. This isn't just about Bret. If this was a special show just for him, then he'd have a case for demanding that HBK not being there, and I wouldn't blame him at all for it.


Nothing would happen, even with HBK in the crowd. The show would go on, Bret would give his speech, the show would end, and then they could all go their seperate ways.


If Bret wants to demand that he doesn't show up, then they should have Bret's induction be the very last thing on the show. HBK could be there in the crowd for everyone else, then at the very end HBK could leave, and Bret Hart could show up at the building at that point to give his speech. It could be a trade off for both of them. I'd still think that's stupid, but I wouldn't have as big a problem with it. Sure, Bret would miss the other inductions, but it would be his fault for acting like he is if they did something like that.

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There have been plenty of opportunities for Bret to be in the spotlight. The WWE has been putting offers at his door for years now to get back in the ring, to participate in angles. This isn't a spotlight thing. You want to talk about Bret having an ego, of course he does. If you want to talk about Bret being selfish, of course he is. He wants his legacy to be remembered. He thinks he had a great career, that he was a great wrestler, and he doesn't want that to be forgotten. He obviously thinks of his career highly. That's pure ego.


I just don't think any of us can say that it's unreasonable for what he's asking.

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How in the world would the night be ruined just by having HBK sitting in the crowd?


Because he hates HBK. The very sight of HBK makes him feel agitated. And with Brets emotional condition after the stroke, apparently that would effect him greatly and take away from his return and goodbye. None of us can know how Bret would and does feel, and how that would effect him but Bret. And Bret clearly feels that it would ruin his night. But again, Downhome can't understand this because Downhome is having a really tough time with empathy in regards to Bret. And since Downhome can't understand how Bret could feel that way, Bret is childish and stupid to feel that way and make that one demand.

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And I don't think any of us can say that it's unreasonable to say that his demand is unreasonable, and that's where we'll never agree.


I'll just be glad when Saturday comes and goes. They'll never truly be able to let go of all of this, but hopefully this will be the final push for trying to get Bret involved in anything anymore.


Then again, I hear they want to do another Bret Hart DVD, so I doubt they'll ease up on trying to convince him to come in.


As a side note, and I doubt this really means anything at all, PWInsider recently said that while offering Bret a contract to do an angle at WM, they also included in it that he would not be able to show up at any other wrestling show for at least 90 days after.

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Why does Shawn have to be there anyway?


Well, Sherri Martel was his valet for a long time. But it's still an excellent question, especially if you reword it like this:


Why does Shawn have to be there during Bret's part of the ceremony anyway? Why couldn't he just quietly slip outside when it's time for Bret to come out, and then come back when he's gone?


I don't think Bret should've gone public with this, it reminds me of the bad ol' days when it seemed like every week he was bitching about something in interview after interview; but I don't think to demand that Shawn not be sitting there staring at him while he's talking is anything out of line.

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yeah, just have Shawn not be there during Bret's part. In fact, have Bret be the first induction, he leaves, then Shawn goes and sits in the crowd. Ever'body wins

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Guest JoeJoe
There have been plenty of opportunities for Bret to be in the spotlight. The WWE has been putting offers at his door for years now to get back in the ring, to participate in angles. This isn't a spotlight thing.

Even the staunchest Hart marks know that Bret would SUCK in present WWE angles, as an announcer etc. And he's smart enough to realize that himself. He will not take a chance and ruin the image he has worked to build up till now. And he's done that by playing off Montreal and his grudge with Shawn to present himself as this persecuted saint in media texts since the last 9 years. Its created a cult following and built him up as a HERO figure. It wouldn't have turned out this way had he gone to WWE and made amends. Imagine Bret on RAW as GM for a period of like 2 months. It would completely butcher the memories we've had of him as a great wrestler and just completely kill the nostalgia. He just wouldn't look good like that. Furthermore, it would turn off the fanbase that has followed him since '97 for not "selling out" and being a WWE outlaw.


So there goes youre "returning to WWE means more spotlight" theory.


Anyway, after HOF I still see him giving interviews and spark up talks about his hate with Shawn. Why? Because it creates interest and keeps the name Bret Hart fresh amongst us.

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yeah, just have Shawn not be there during Bret's part. In fact, have Bret be the first induction, he leaves, then Shawn goes and sits in the crowd. Ever'body wins


Bret Hart, shouldn't be giving his speech before Tony Atlas, Sherri and William Perry. The emotional climax of the whole thing, builds off Bret's first public appearence in WWE in 10 years. His final goodbye.


That's the draw of the ceremony, and it's that, bringing back the montreal sentiments that is purposely done to draw more attention. The past 5 months, WWE has pushed Montreal yet again. Bret makes a couple statements in the last two weeks, and it's Bret that is holding a grudge and not letting it go?

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yeah, just have Shawn not be there during Bret's part. In fact, have Bret be the first induction, he leaves, then Shawn goes and sits in the crowd. Ever'body wins


Almost. I agree with most of that, but someone did hit th enail on the head by saying Harts induction was bigger than Sherris or Atlas'. So I don't see why regardless of where Bret gets inducted(which should be before Guererro) that HBK can't step outside for a smoke or whatever.


Is it that selfish of Bret to not want Shawn there? Not really. How many of you have gone out to a bar with some buddies, but aasked one of them not to bring their other buddy that you didn't get along with, or something to that effect.


As for the Montreal thing, Bret himself has said that no one really knows the whole story (including Bret, HBK and Vince)so no side can be exclusively right, no side can be exclusively wrong.

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It doesn't matter when Bret's inducted, the order of the lineup doesn't matter, just have Shawn leave the room and then come back, simple, ever'body's happy.

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Is it that selfish of Bret to not want Shawn there? Not really. How many of you have gone out to a bar with some buddies, but aasked one of them not to bring their other buddy that you didn't get along with, or something to that effect.


That doesn't really apply here. In that situation you are asking for someone not to be there to interact with you. That isn't the case with Bret. He's going as far to say that he doesn't even want HBK in the same building, even though no interaction between the two would take place at all.


Like I said before, to make everyone happy, Bret should go on last (not even showing up at the building until it's just about time for him to go on), at which point HBK could leave if Bret really wants him to. That way HBK is there for all of the inductions, and Bret gets to be "comfortable". Bret would miss the other inductions, but that would be his price to pay for demanding that he isn't in the room with HBK.


It doesn't matter when Bret's inducted, the order of the lineup doesn't matter, just have Shawn leave the room and then come back, simple, ever'body's happy.


I don't think Bret even wants to be in the same room with HBK, it's not just about him giving his speech.

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I think everyone is happy. Shawn said he wouldn't go if Bret didn't want him to, so now he won't. How do you know he even really wants to go? He'd probably just as much enjoy the night off. I'm sure he can find time to see his old friends and congratulate them if he really wanted to.


It's like a graduation. I'd rather not attend a friend's (I would have been happy not attending my own, for that matter), as they're long and boring, but I'd go out of respect. Maybe Shawn is actually happy that he now has an excuse not to be there.


Edit: Basically, Shawn agreed and had no real problems with it, so it isn't selfish of Bret. If Shawn really wanted to go but Bret refused to allow him, that might be a little selfish.

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I think everyone is happy. Shawn said he wouldn't go if Bret didn't want him to, so now he won't. How do you know he even really wants to go? He'd probably just as much enjoy the night off. I'm sure he can find time to see his old friends and congratulate them if he really wanted to.


It's like a graduation. I'd rather not attend a friend's (I would have been happy not attending my own, for that matter), as they're long and boring, but I'd go out of respect. Maybe Shawn is actually happy that he now has an excuse not to be there.


Edit: Basically, Shawn agreed and had no real problems with it, so it isn't selfish of Bret. If Shawn really wanted to go but Bret refused to allow him, that might be a little selfish.


That reminds me, I wonder if any of the roh guys skip the HOF to attend the ROH show that night? London, I believe skipped WM20's show for the show in NJ. I could see Spanky and London doing that again.


It's not like they can get de-pushed. I remember reading that last year, it wasn't mandatory for wrestlers to attend the HOF show.

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