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OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

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Guest whizzo

Fucking Smark crowd fucking up what should be a proper WM moment


EDIT: and if they hadnt mentioned eddie in the build up this would be fucking GOLD

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This is the not quite the moment that I think Rey, or WWE, was wanting at the finish of this match.

Don't worry- the feel good moment of the night will come when HHH wins.

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It sucks that the match ended so soon, because it was building to be a really REALLY good match.


Still, it was a great match, and I'm happy to see him with the title.

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Angle and Rey will probably continue to feud, judging from last Friday night's Smackdown results. Orton, hopefully, will get buried in the midcard somewhere.

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Here comes Goldberg/Brock II.


John Cena will be playing the roles of both Goldberg and Brock, with HHH playing the role of Steve Austin.

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This is bullshit man, they should've gave them atleast 20 miniutes.


It could've been a great match, but now it's only a very good match.

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Will the WHC be able to go around his waist without covering his nipples?


HAHA !!!!!

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Up side of HHH/Cena being the actual main event: the blame for a poor buy-rate might go to the right place.

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Angle and Rey will probably continue to feud, judging from last Friday night's Smackdown results. Orton, hopefully, will get buried in the midcard somewhere.



I see Rey/Angle feuding for a while, and at the same time Orton/Batista could feud over the number one contendership.


The Cena Sucks chants have started.

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JR is now explaining why HHH is gonna get cheered, and Cena is gonna get booed.

He's lying his ass off, isn't he?

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JR is now explaining why HHH is gonna get cheered, and Cena is gonna get booed.


What did he say? Was it "HHH isn't a good heel"?


How "Traditional Wrestling" fans will cheer for HHH.

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JR is making a case for the Cena hate....hip hop versus tradition


He forgot how Cena sucks.


And how Cena also agrees with HHH on that point.

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I'm not watching, but let me get this straight.


There's 45 minutes left? For the pillow fight and HHH/Cena?


Is it at all *possible* that RVD gets involved during/after the Title match to cash in? After all MITB was on second... that was ages ago.


I wouldn't normally consider this a possibility, but I just can't see HHH/Cena going more than 15 or so minutes.


The way you guys are describing this a lot of the matches seem rushed, especially the last one... almost like they want to make sure they have plenty of time for the ending.


And unless they had something really cool planned for the end of Cena/HHH why wouldn't Rey's victory go on last? Makes me think something is up.


Or maybe HHH will just get a 20 minute entrance- whatever.

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From the sounds of things, the only way the WWE is coming out of tonight looking good is if Cena turns heel.

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