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Wrestlemania 23 at Ford Field Detroit

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He can turn on HHH, reveal that the transition from Christian to Degenerate has turned him evil, and vow to beat Cena at WrestleMania, which HHH couldn't do. Then Cena can win and the FU will be so tremendous it will revert Shawn back to the light so that Shawn can be right with God again.

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He can turn on HHH, reveal that the transition from Christian to Degenerate has turned him evil, and vow to beat Cena at WrestleMania, which HHH couldn't do. Then Cena can win and the FU will be so tremendous it will revert Shawn back to the light so that Shawn can be right with God again.


Nice. I'm for it, as long as Evil Shawn wears the black "HBK" tights and chain mail type things over his shoulders again.

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Anything about Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat? I mean since it is the 20th anniversary and all, I'm surprised nothing has evven popped up. Then again, it's Savage.

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Like they would celebrate something regarding wrestling especially with a black-balled wrestler and a virtual unknown to the current fanbase.


As for Cena/Michaels, it'd be interesting for a brand show ppv simply for how overbooked and how over the top Shawn would go in that position but it wouldn't be a good way to go for a WM main event unless Shawn magically re-captured the magic from the Hogan deal.

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Cena/Michaels would be interesting if only to see if Michaels will oversell for Cena the same way he did for Hogan.


I wonder if that match would make them suddenly remember Cena pinning Shawn last year at Taboo Tuesday.

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He can turn on HHH, reveal that the transition from Christian to Degenerate has turned him evil, and vow to beat Cena at WrestleMania, which HHH couldn't do. Then Cena can win and the FU will be so tremendous it will revert Shawn back to the light so that Shawn can be right with God again.

that would be kind of goofy...they should just have shawn turn on hhh..denounce being a degenerate,cut his hair and go through an actual character progression.....and he could still challenge cena at mania

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HBK vs. John Cena was already done on the Raw before Taboo Tuesday in 2005. It was interrupted by a Kurt Angle run-in.

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Honestly, I can't think of one truly memorable WM worthy main event.



yeah, Hogan vs. Andre had no heat whatsoever.


I believe he means for this upcoming WM...and he's right

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Not really. Right now, as it is? Probably but consider how often a match appeared to be a dead match for WM main event but with a good build and crowd, became memorable or at least worthy.


Batista/HHH appeared like a horrible way to go for Mania but it had a great build that put each men over equally and it came out as a worthy main event attraction, even if the match was sub-par.


On the contrary, we have seen WM main events that were seemingly no-brainers collapse because of horrible build and pointless booking.


Atmosphere is crucial for any WM main event. It doesn't have to be the best match on paper (it usually isn't) but you just need two true main eventers in the scene and given a reason to care in some way.


Right now, Edge/HHH would work as Edge is the top heel in the company and the DX version of HHH remains over but it would most likely be an assimilation of DX/Heel Triple H for a singles program for these two.


Cena is the top babyface and top star of the company by a great margin but unless they want to give Randy Orton another shot at the main event (which we all know he shouldn't) or move someone from Smackdown over (the options are even more diluted over there) they can't really put Cena in the main event for Raw since Edge is really the only worthy heel right now. Which means they need to build another credible main event heel for Cena in time for Mania.


Shawn is more then likely not going to do that much needed heel turn despite how fresh it'd make Shawn for another year or so.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

I think that Edge defending against Shawn Michaels would be the best Raw match, but if anyone from DX is going to get the shot, I imagine it would be Trips. If they can hold off on it long enough, Smackdown will likely be Batista winning the title from a heel. It's entirely possible it could still be King Booker at that point.

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I think that Edge defending against Shawn Michaels would be the best Raw match, but if anyone from DX is going to get the shot, I imagine it would be Trips. If they can hold off on it long enough, Smackdown will likely be Batista winning the title from a heel. It's entirely possible it could still be King Booker at that point.


Shawn and Edge has been done too much, even if it was 18 months ago but it was during that deal we saw they didn't really work in the context of a feud. Trips/Edge is much more fresh and they have more to work with regarding each other. Shawn might be a better bumper for a guy like Edge but Shawn currently can't be taken seriously as a main event solo act with his awkward and horribly acted gimmick of being a 42 year old man pretending to be 16.


I'm not quite sold that Booker will still be champion by WM. Batista is being held off from winning the title until Mania but the program with Booker hasn't been hot enough to really justify stretching it out for another 5 months. Is there a heel out there in Smackdown land that could be credible enough right now? Maybe Kennedy if UT keeps giving him this rub, could be brought as a main event or at least title holder to drop to Batista.


Considering WWE has alot of talent about to come in, it's still possible someone catches lighting in a bottle like Batista and vaults himself into a lofty spot.

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