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TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

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Guest Kobe24KGold
I can't wait for someone to plead that Kobe should be suspended for the elbow.


Kobe could whip out his dick, piss right on Steve Nash, Kwame his ass and pull out a pistol and shoot him point blank. He'd get a 10,000 fine.



Again, replays showed that those elbows were nowhere near Bell's face. He flopped like a bitch everytime.


Even Barkley commented on how if you slow down the replay, Kobe' elbow is inches away from his face.








Give me your predictions for GAME 6 on Thursday. I have a feeling it's going to be one of the highest rated games in awhile.


My prediction:


Suns 92, Lakers 104

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99-86 Lakers. I just want to see the Lakers win all 4 games with exactly 99 points.

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I can't wait for someone to plead that Kobe should be suspended for the elbow.


Kobe could whip out his dick, piss right on Steve Nash, Kwame his ass and pull out a pistol and shoot him point blank. He'd get a 10,000 fine.



Again, replays showed that those elbows were nowhere near Bell's face. He flopped like a bitch everytime.


Even Barkley commented on how if you slow down the replay, Kobe' elbow is inches away from his face.








Give me your predictions for GAME 6 on Thursday. I have a feeling it's going to be one of the highest rated games in awhile.


My prediction:


Suns 92, Lakers 104



Competitive games are highly rated. No one tunes in to watch an execution. Suns showed fight in them tonight and shut me up, but this isn't going past Staples. Bell is going to be suspended and he deserves it.


What I don't get is how Luke Walton didn't get suspended after his foul in game 3. He didnt' even make a play on the ball, yet he skates and everyone champions Ron Artest getting suspended in game 2. Whatever.

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Lakers 101 Suns 103 OT. If we can pretend the NBA rigs the games, they would be foolish not to take it to 7 games and have the final game on ABC.


My realistic prediction is

Suns 83 Lakers 96

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Guest Princess Leena

But, there's the threat of the Suns blowing the Lakers out again at home in Game 7.


I predict a 5-ish point win for the Lakers. Kobe only scores like 20 again, and we hear how he's a great teammate, and he's the bestest ever.

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Lakers 105

Suns 100


Phoenix will play hard and put out a valiant effort, but they're just not as talented as the Lakers and I can't see them winning at Staples Center.


Also, I see this as the game that Kobe finally starts scoring for the Lakers, now that the Suns expect him to be dishing to his teammates all game long. Something like 38 points sounds about right.

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Guest Vitamin X

He'll put out 82 points so the Lakers have the game wrapped up when Raja Bell does a run-in and knocks him out so the Clippers sweep next round.



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Since he NBA has suddenly stop suspending people, with walton grabbing Tim Thomas by the head in game 3, Kwames elbow, Rip Hamiltons elbow, Evan's nut grab, then this should be called a flagrant two and be done with it.


But seeing who it was, he will get suspended. For the record, I think all of the above, including bell should be suspended if they suspended Posey and Artest. But since they didn't they need to remain consistant.


Any way, great win by the Suns, extremely dumb move by Raja may have just cost them the series.

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Guest Felonies!

Why is naiwf a Lakers fan. Did he feel he wasn't reprehensible enough by being a New York sports fan that he had to tack the Lakers onto that as well?

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Kobe is fake. Did you guys see him trying to act all cool after he got the shit knocked out of him? Stupid move by Bell, but if Kwame or Luke didn't get suspended, why should he?

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Kobe is fake. Did you guys see him trying to act all cool after he got the shit knocked out of him? Stupid move by Bell, but if Kwame or Luke didn't get suspended, why should he?


Because if Bell doesn't get suspended that gives Phil Jackson license to put a useless player in the game with the intent of trying to take Nash out. At that point, that guy couldn't get suspended either because the argument would be "if Bell didn't get suspended for a clothesline and a throwdown to the floor, why should he"? This isn't the NHL.

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I think it's a moot point since the league isn't going to decide to punish Walton or Brown now (Walton deserved it more than Kwame IMO since Walton clearly wasn't going for the ball).


If Bell hadn't put that extra mush with his other hand on the play, I could see him getting accessed just a flagrant. It doesn't really matter though since the Lakers are going to win regardless if Bell is there or not.

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Luke didn't make a play on the ball. What's the difference? If a game tries to take Nash out, throw him out of the game like Bell. This isn't a street league. That shit doesn't happen anymore. If shit like that happens, which is far worse than what Bell did, it will be taken care of.

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If someone was raped, why is Robbery Homicide on the case?




From the AP...



The Los Angeles district attorney's office said the LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division is handling the investigation. That division is appointed whenever a high-profile personality is involved.

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I'm not going to be naïve and argue that Luke Walton was making a play on the ball, but he SPECIFICALLY avoided Thomas's head... if someone couldn't see that from the replays they're not being honest with themselves. Kwame Brown NEVER touched Boris Diaw on the play in question. It was just another in an unbelievable series of pussy flops. So, no they did not deserve to be suspended. Now, I didn't see Raja's clothesline, so I'll let the others comment on whether or not he should be suspended.


I think the finesse nature of the Suns style of play has led them to getting outplayed in terms of the physical aspect of the game. Their response for the first four games was simply to flop like bitches. In Game 5, they got more aggressive by adding the cheap ass chippy defense. If I know Kobe as a player, I definitely understand why he would not want Bell suspended. Simply put, Kobe wants to beat Bell as the Lakers wrap up the series. He has a read on Bell's pussy defense, and will victimize it in the next game.

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I forgot to add how hard I laughed last night when in the post-game wrapup Charles Barkley was talking about how the Lakers don't want Bell suspended so they can make the crowd angry and then he went on a tangent about stupid fans who have no time on their hands already making signs to bring to the game.

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I forgot to add how hard I laughed last night when in the post-game wrapup Charles Barkley was talking about how the Lakers don't want Bell suspended so they can make the crowd angry and then he went on a tangent about stupid fans who have no time on their hands already making signs to bring to the game.


There isn't anything Barkley can't go on tangent about. We need more Barkley's in our sports world.

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Enough letting the Lakers dominate this thread.


Tonight, I think the Cavs take game 5, but the Wiz take 6 and we get a barn burner game 7 for Sunday.


The Pistons are going to skin the Bucks alive tonight so they can get a few days rest while the Cavs and Wiz kill each other.


I'll call this now, the Kings are going to push the series to 7 games, I just don't have the confidence to say they'll win a game 7 in SA. They are good enough for one more win in Arco. Bonzi Wells is raising his FA stock up something fierce this series.

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Guest Vitamin X
I think the finesse nature of the Suns style of play has led them to getting outplayed in terms of the physical aspect of the game. Their response for the first four games was simply to flop like bitches. In Game 5, they got more aggressive by adding the cheap ass chippy defense. If I know Kobe as a player, I definitely understand why he would not want Bell suspended. Simply put, Kobe wants to beat Bell as the Lakers wrap up the series. He has a read on Bell's pussy defense, and will victimize it in the next game.

I wouldn't really say Bell's been playing pussy defense at all. Raja Bell is the best and really only defender the Suns have to put on Kobe, and him being suspended practically gives at least one of the next two games (thus the series) to the Lakers.


However, LA lost because of the ridiculous amount of turnovers and fouls they committed, similar to Game 1, but worse. It wasn't just the Suns. They committed 18 turnovers to the Suns' 8, and lost the game by 17 points despite having a better shooting night (51.4% to Phoenix's 48.8%)

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Guest Vitamin X
I'll call this now, the Kings are going to push the series to 7 games, I just don't have the confidence to say they'll win a game 7 in SA. They are good enough for one more win in Arco. Bonzi Wells is raising his FA stock up something fierce this series.

I think I agree with you, and the Kings better re-sign him to a big contract. He was a great acquisition for them, but might be an even better one for a team with lots of money looking for someone else to crash the boards, like Chicago (maybe even L.A.).


In a way though, this all feels kind of pointless. We're all just fighting for the right to get eliminated by the Pistons in the Finals, anyways. Does any team really feel like they stand a chance against Detroit in a 7 game series at this point?

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Unless Rip's ankle gets worse or there are other injuries to the big 5, the Pistons are going to be difficult to beat 4 out of 7.



As far as Bonzi is concerned, it ties me up in knots. The guy has talent, no doubt. He's a top 5 post up guard in this league. He also has a knack for being a knucklehead. I guess it all depends on how big of a deal he is looking for. I could see locking him up for 2, maybe 3 years guaranteed and then player or team options for the following years. He turns 30 this year and really will only have 2-3 real good years left. I also don't know the exact cap situation for the Kings except Artest and Kevin Martin become FA's after next season as well as Bibby's contract ending (?) and Miller's contract will do nothing but balloon. I think the priorities for the Kings need to be


1) Re-signing Artest or getting something for him this offseason if he doesn't want to stay in Sac.


2) Re-sign Kevin Martin.


3) Work out a careful deal with Bonzi Wells


4) Get something for Bibby before his contract expires next year or year after.

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On SportsCenter, Fred Hickman just mentioned that Bell is indeed suspended without pay for game 6. I'm sure no one is shocked.

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I didn't want him to be suspended, but he deserved to be suspended. I didn't want the Laker haters to have excuses.

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It's Raja Bell we're talking about here.. What excuses could a Laker hater really have? If someone is putting their playoff hopes off of the play of Raja Bell, then your team isn't going very far. The only people who could remotely be used as excuses as far as player loss are Nash, Marion, and Thomas.

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As opposed to suspended with pay? :asshole2:


Hey, in NYC city workers routinely get suspended with pay. I never understood the concept of a punishment taking the form of a paid vacation, but that's why I put that in there.


With that decision in, all Kobe has to do is post Barbosa up all night and pass off when the double team comes to either Odom, Brown or Turiaf.

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I know, I'm just joshing you. In the NBA, suspensions for physical play are automatically without pay and/or a huge fine that offsets pay. My comments are more about Fred Hickman/ESPN reporting.

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It's Raja Bell we're talking about here.. What excuses could a Laker hater really have? If someone is putting their playoff hopes off of the play of Raja Bell, then your team isn't going very far. The only people who could remotely be used as excuses as far as player loss are Nash, Marion, and Thomas.

People in this area that hate the Lakers come up with the most retarded shit, and are more annoying than fanboys of any team.

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