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Mexico about to get totally stoned

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I wish the US would enact a similar law (at least for marijuana). I'm personally not in favor of pot smoking, but I'd rather not see my tax dollars wasted on a "war" that hasn't worked for the last 25 years.

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I wish the US would enact a similar law (at least for marijuana). I'm personally not in favor of pot smoking, but I'd rather not see my tax dollars wasted on a "war" that hasn't worked for the last 25 years.


The law of averages says it has to work someday!

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Ah but the mexican cocaine...




Agreed with this war on drugs.


it arrests more people, doesn't address the problem in any way.

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I've heard from a reliable source that Mexican weed may look like shag, but can still be damned effective.


Of course, this was weed bought from a cab driver, so I'd assume it was on the lower end of weed in the country.

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

Mexican weed can be pretty damn great. I had quite a bit when I went to Tijuana years ago.

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Frankly, I'm surprised the current administration isn't in favor of at least some legalization of weed. I know, there's the conservative right wing that would never approve of any laxation of restrictions on marijuana...but, a population that's high is a population that's distracted...

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What I don't like about this is that they legalized some harder stuff too. How does legalizing heroin help anyone?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

How does it hurt? If they're getting high now, they'll be getting high later. Legality wouldn't suggest that people should start shooting up.

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Frankly, I'm surprised the current administration isn't in favor of at least some legalization of weed. I know, there's the conservative right wing that would never approve of any laxation of restrictions on marijuana...but, a population that's high is a population that's distracted...


Keeping it illegal allows for a bigger govt...Big Govt has become the goal of the current Republican Party.

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How does it hurt? If they're getting high now, they'll be getting high later. Legality wouldn't suggest that people should start shooting up.


It's because I think weed is relatively harmless, and shouldn't be illegal. Heroin on the other hand tends to turn its users into complete addicts after the FIRST time they use it, and if you stop using it (without methadone) the withdrawal can actually kill you. No product like that should ever be legal for human consumption. Plus, about half the poppy fields that help produce it are located in the Middle East... guess where all that money ends up.

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Our friends in Congress (such as Doctor Frist) have no problems with the manufacturing and prescribing of OxyContin...which is basically heroin in pill form.

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No need to preach to me on that one. I had a good friend die from abusing OCs.


BUT, street-bought heroin is still way, way more dangerous than any pain pill manufactured by a pharmaceutical company and approved by the FDA ever could be.

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Anybody advocating Mexican weed can't talk unless they've had some good Canadian weed to see the difference.


LotC, CWM and I are ALL Canadian.


So yeah, we can talk.


Well, they can. And my friend can, cuz I never tried the Mexican stuff, but he said it was good.

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How does it hurt? If they're getting high now, they'll be getting high later. Legality wouldn't suggest that people should start shooting up.


It's because I think weed is relatively harmless, and shouldn't be illegal. Heroin on the other hand tends to turn its users into complete addicts after the FIRST time they use it, and if you stop using it (without methadone) the withdrawal can actually kill you. No product like that should ever be legal for human consumption. Plus, about half the poppy fields that help produce it are located in the Middle East... guess where all that money ends up.


Not to be a jerk, but smoking tobacco is legal in the US, and yeah, you probably won't get addicted right away, but it does tend to be pretty addictive to many people in the long run, and does kill (eventually).

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Frankly, I'm surprised the current administration isn't in favor of at least some legalization of weed. I know, there's the conservative right wing that would never approve of any laxation of restrictions on marijuana...but, a population that's high is a population that's distracted...


Keeping it illegal allows for a bigger govt...Big Govt has become the goal of the current Republican Party.


Very true. Which again shows that Bush isn't any kind of conservative...he's a pro-corporate, socially moderate, internationalist.

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So we have the option of going north or south now


It's not legalized in Canada...


Its not PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in Canada either...

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So we have the option of going north or south now


It's not legalized in Canada...


Its not PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in Canada either...


No, American's would be public enemy #1 in Canada. Even though the Canadians that hate them are fully content with watching their movies, buying their clothes, reading about their celebrities and listening to their music. :bonk:

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