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Lt. Al Giardello

Brock Lesnar Vs. Bob Sapp!

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If Lesnar doesn't have the skills to finish Sapp, he's in trouble. Why? Because Sapp can actually throw a straight right nowadays.


Of course, the most likely outcome = hilarity via total lack of cardio.

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If Lesnar doesn't have the skills to finish Sapp, he's in trouble. Why? Because Sapp can actually throw a straight right nowadays.


Of course, the most likely outcome = hilarity via total lack of cardio.


Sapp has had more MMA experence then Lesnar, and I think that will play a huge factor.

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For all his MMA experience, it's actually not indictive of Sapp's level of skill or training. His game is still based almost purely on his power, and when put up against a strong, accomplished wrestler in Fujita, he got his ass handed to him.


Of course, Fujita has much more going for him than Lesnar, including an iron chin and years of MMA experience and training. As of now, all we really know about Brock is that he'll likely be a strong guy with good wrestling, and in reality could be hampered with a bad chin, no cardio, a weak heart, etc. Sapp's a decent pick based solely on the fact that he's a known quantity.

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Lesnar by murder.


Lesnar is a tough son of a bitch, based on a number of factors. I don't think heart will be a factor. He's a very accomplished wrestler, moreso than Fujita.


Of course, I'm basing my prediction on the fact that Lesnar trains with a good team. I can easily see Sapp dropping him, after being dry humped for a few minutes due to said lack of cardio. We'll see though.

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I think as long as Lesnar stays away from the Hammer House, he'll be okay

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Lesnar is a tough son of a bitch, based on a number of factors. I don't think heart will be a factor. He's a very accomplished wrestler, moreso than Fujita.


What factors? I have yet to hear anything about Lesnar's heart, good or bad.


Of course, I'm basing my prediction on the fact that Lesnar trains with a good team. I can easily see Sapp dropping him, after being dry humped for a few minutes due to said lack of cardio. We'll see though.


What team is Lesnar training with?

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He's stated on numerous occasions that he wished there were no laws that would stop him from just picking a random person and beating the shit out of them on the street. Seems like tough guy talk to me if not having something wrong with you.


Also, he has shown through wrestling that he could fall ten feet on his head damn near breaking his neck and going on to finish what he started. It's a different kind of toughness, but it's still tough.


He won an NCAA championship in wrestling. You have to be tough to wrestle that amount of people in a day and be champ at the end. It's different than taking a punch, but he's got that Matt Hughes farm boy quality that makes me think he'll go far. I can't imagine him wilting from a punch or kick after taking the shit kickings he has in pro wrestling, worked or not.


I don't know what team he's training with, but I would guess Marc Laimon's, since he's in Vegas.

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If Lesnar doesn't have the skills to finish Sapp, he's in trouble. Why? Because Sapp can actually throw a straight right nowadays.


Did you see Sapp's fight against Choi?

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Also, he has shown through wrestling that he could fall ten feet on his head damn near breaking his neck and going on to finish what he started. It's a different kind of toughness, but it's still tough.

I'm sure we could make a joke about Sable here as well...


He won an NCAA championship in wrestling. You have to be tough to wrestle that amount of people in a day and be champ at the end. It's different than taking a punch, but he's got that Matt Hughes farm boy quality that makes me think he'll go far. I can't imagine him wilting from a punch or kick after taking the shit kickings he has in pro wrestling, worked or not.

I think that, at worst, he's another Dan Severn. Good for making money, a cure for insomnia for anyone watching. But that assumes that he doesn't blow up in the first 5 minutes...

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If Lesnar doesn't have the skills to finish Sapp, he's in trouble. Why? Because Sapp can actually throw a straight right nowadays.


Did you see Sapp's fight against Choi?


Kim Min Soo was hockey punching Bob to death, then all of a sudden BOOM!... somewhat straight right down the pipe. Yeah, he's still mostly a swinging clubber, but one straight punch out of 50 is still an improvement for the guy. For all we know, a 1-2 could be around the corner.

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He's stated on numerous occasions that he wished there were no laws that would stop him from just picking a random person and beating the shit out of them on the street. Seems like tough guy talk to me if not having something wrong with you.


Sounds like a guy who might need to catch a good beating, that's all.


He won an NCAA championship in wrestling. You have to be tough to wrestle that amount of people in a day and be champ at the end.



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If Lesnar doesn't have the skills to finish Sapp, he's in trouble. Why? Because Sapp can actually throw a straight right nowadays.


Did you see Sapp's fight against Choi?


Kim Min Soo was hockey punching Bob to death, then all of a sudden BOOM!... somewhat straight right down the pipe. Yeah, he's still mostly a swinging clubber, but one straight punch out of 50 is still an improvement for the guy. For all we know, a 1-2 could be around the corner.


LOL, true.

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He's stated on numerous occasions that he wished there were no laws that would stop him from just picking a random person and beating the shit out of them on the street. Seems like tough guy talk to me if not having something wrong with you.


Sounds like a guy who might need to catch a good beating, that's all.


In fairness to him, he just seemed like a guy who wanted to fight. That quote might be off a little bit.


So some guys aren't tough due to wrestling, but a guy like him who went through all the shitkicking and injuries required to do what he had to do should be considered tough. Besides, Kerr was tough, he just fell apart due to drugs, and is actually fighting again this week.


A knock against Lesnar might be that people thought he lacked toughness when he quit the WWE.


He won't be as bad as Severn. His athleticism won't allow it. He probably won't gas, if his career in wrestling amateur and pro is any indication. Also, he seems willing to learn.

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- Kerr had an MMA career BECAUSE of the drugs, IMO. The guy just didn't have the natural mental toughness to be a great MMA fighter and tried to bypass that by shooting up some false confidence.


- Even if Lesnar has good cardio (hardly a given considering all of his excess bulk), if he hasn't learned how to control his breathing while striking, he could still tire out.

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I agree on both counts, as Kerr's drugs helped him avoid getting hurt, which seemed to be his biggest problem. Although we haven't really seen him without the drugs. Wes Sims isn't the greatest test, but it's the best we have so far.

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He won't be as bad as Severn. His athleticism won't allow it. He probably won't gas, if his career in wrestling amateur and pro is any indication. Also, he seems willing to learn.

I don't think athleticism has anything to do with it. As a "name" guy, Lesnar could probably get a decent payday every time out so he could go the Severn route and grind out victory after victory with minimal damage (and minimal excitement).


His pride however (no pun intended) would probably not allow him to grind out wins. Grinding out wins is for poker and blackjack, not MMA.


And if he puts as much effort into learning MMA as he allegedly did with football (and given Mike Tice's current employment status, maybe he wasn't that great a judge of talent), he could be scary good. Of course, that's all just speculation.

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Well, Kerr was supposedly off the pain killers by the time of the first GP, and all the mediocre showings that followed. Of course, it would seem he's off the sauce now, too, so it's up in the air just how he'll do against Simms.

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At the very least, it'll be entertaining. Has Brock been training in submissions/takedowns at all?


My money's on Sapp, I don't think he's used to trying a takedown when someone's trying to take his head off. Plus I heart Sapp.


What are the rules for the fight?


This may be the biggest matchup of pure physical freaks ever, though.

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Brock could probably spend the next few years in a coma and still shoot a double the second he comes out of it.


As for submissions... eh, who knows? Many big time wrestlers coming into MMA hardly train submissions at all, or do so with a bunch of other wrestlers, hence defeating the purpose.

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Dude, the bearhug, the brock lock. Lesnar knows submissions.


I won't get giddy until its on. Then I will get very giddy. Lesnar picks up things pretty easily, is a freak of an athlete, knows both the grind of professional wrestling and amateur wrestling. The problem comes mentally when he thinks MMA is going to be easy and doesn't train properly for it. If he surrounded himself with good guys that can push him, he may be able to prepare for it and perform well.

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Wrestlers should study how Russians like Fedor and Sergei do ground and pound. They make it exciting. Kerr looked like them at times even if it was against Paul Varelans. If Kerr or Lesnar learned how to get dominating positions in less than twenty minutes they could (have been) nasty.

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Wrestlers should study how Russians like Fedor and Sergei do ground and pound. They make it exciting. Kerr looked like them at times even if it was against Paul Varelans. If Kerr or Lesnar learned how to get dominating positions in less than twenty minutes they could (have been) nasty.



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I think it's a bit different for lighter guys, just like kickboxing and BJJ. But you're right Kid is an awesome ground and pounder. I wonder how he's gonna do against Miyata.

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