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E3 2006: The Thread

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Tilt sensor means nothing. It ain't the same.


I'm sure Nintendo has patents out the whazzang on that thing.


What did they change the PS3 controller to? The boomerang was fine.

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Tilt sensor means nothing. It ain't the same.


I'm sure Nintendo has patents out the whazzang on that thing.


What did they change the PS3 controller to? The boomerang was fine.


I know sony had a thing on them for the dual shock design, and I believe that wasn't upheld, so my guess is the boomerang design was a backup plan in case they couldn't use the dual shock design..

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Ghey. The boomerang looked much more comfortable.


I guess it's safe to say that Sony, as market leader for 2 console gens in a row, is ridiculously complacent.

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Tilt sensor means nothing. It ain't the same.


I'm sure Nintendo has patents out the whazzang on that thing.


What did they change the PS3 controller to? The boomerang was fine.



I know it can never even come close to the same, the only things I can see that being useful for is vehicular control (racing, the warhawk game they showed which really wasn't following his motions that well.)


I'm just completely outraged they would even attempt it. It's the principle of the thing.

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For $500/600? No thanks. Nothing in that video was even that impressive.


Funny to hear all the uproar online about how they "ripped off Nintendo" with the controller. Right, like Nintendo invented the tilt sensor.

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There's not going to be just FFXIII, but it's going to be in 3 parts, with 3 different games.


.FinalFantasy 13 : The Search For More Money

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Tilt sensor means nothing. It ain't the same.


I'm sure Nintendo has patents out the whazzang on that thing.


What did they change the PS3 controller to? The boomerang was fine.



I know it can never even come close to the same, the only things I can see that being useful for is vehicular control (racing, the warhawk game they showed which really wasn't following his motions that well.)


I'm just completely outraged they would even attempt it. It's the principle of the thing.


Exactly, it is the principal.


Even though it is a "tilt-sensor", they totally half-assed it, and I don't see how they are going to be able to get that to work with their controller which already has a lot of buttons on it, whereas with the Wii, the gyroscoping is the only thing for it.


Also, that conference has nothing that interesting, so I can't justify dropping $600 for that.

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So the shape, Dpad and buttons are identical to Dual shock 2? Good..very good. Boomerang would have been horrible to play Tekken on.

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At first, I was just happy that they ditched the Boomerang design. This is really pissing me off to no end.


$500 and $600 dollars at launch. Fuck you, Sony.


Sony-Age just exploded. :P


The morons there acutally thought that it would come priced at $299.


And they're acutally going to "take inspiration" from Nintendo. LOL


Wow....The console Wars got alot more interesting in the West. :asshole2:

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Have you played Tekken with it?


Even so, like that's a big deal to you, Ms. Arcade Dweller.



You can tell you wouldn't be able to play Tekken with it because of the handels. I wouldn't be able to hold it right.



Ms. arcade dweller still uses a dual shock to play on arcade.

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So, how would one save gameplay progress on the $500 model?


I really couldn't care less about Wi-Fi, HDTV, or the hard drive in general.

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Fuck Sony! They said something about being against gimmicks at their start of presentation then show off their half assed attempt at the wii-mote Dual Shock.

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So, how would one save gameplay progress on the $500 model?


PS3 uses memory sticks like PSP, not memory cards like PS1/PS2.

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That's good to know. For a moment there, I thought I'd be waiting for the $600 version to drop to $300 or so.

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Fuck Sony! They said something about being against gimmicks at their start of presentation then show off their half assed attempt at the wii-mote Dual Shock.


Newsflash: Sony lies. They lied about E3 not being when they'd announce the price, too.

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Their online service is a ripoff of XBOX Live, their music service is a ripoff of Itunes and their tilting controller is a ripoff of an old PC controller. It's really funny how they pretend all of this is new and innovative.

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So, how would one save gameplay progress on the $500 model?


PS3 uses memory sticks like PSP, not memory cards like PS1/PS2.



Actually, that's what I meant. If you look on that spreadsheet, it says "Memorystick/SD/CompactFlash", and that will only be available on the $600 model. So the only way to save anything on the $500 model is the harddrive, I guess.


The Wii has slots for those formats. At an estimated $200-250 dollars.

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Sony will still dominate. :headbang:



Time will tell, but I sincerely doubt Sony will be "dominating" anything this time around. Didn't Sony fans say that the PSP was going to dominate the DS? I don't see that happening.

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So, how would one save gameplay progress on the $500 model?


PS3 uses memory sticks like PSP, not memory cards like PS1/PS2.


So does that mean that the sticks will cost as much as they do for the PSP?

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Are you sure? It was announced from like the very beginning that PS3 would use memory sticks, so that seems surprising.


I checked the spec sheet, and it seems the only place they are making a distinction between the 20 GB and 60 GB models are the right side in white. There, they definitely mention the HDMI, but on the left side they just list "I/O" for that.


I'm not sure you're reading the chart correctly, but I'll admit I find it a bit confusing myself.


EDIT: Okay, I see the "-" next to 20 GB. Okay, I don't know how to read a spec chart, so sue me.


So it appears that neither model supports PS1 memory cards or PS2 memory cards.

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Are you sure? It was announced from like the very beginning that PS3 would use memory sticks, so that seems surprising.


I checked the spec sheet, and it seems the only place they are making a distinction between the 20 GB and 60 GB models are the right side in white. There, they definitely mention the HDMI, but on the left side they just list "I/O" for that.


I'm not sure you're reading the chart correctly, but I'll admit I find it a bit confusing myself.



I am 100% certain I am reading it correctly. If you look on the line where it says MemoryStick/SD/CompactFlash you will see a little white circle on the 60gig side of the divider. Everything that is standard has a circle in the middle with no divider.

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